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πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈπŸƒπŸ»β€β™€οΈ Run away from tiring clients



Is it fine that these days I'm blocking so many inboxes just because I feel like it's gonna be an order full of misunderstandings or pain?

I sense that from the conversations, the way they answer my questions, the way they're looking for the price not the quality. Am I guilty? Is it risky to block so many people?

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6 answers to this question

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3 hours ago, palebluedot_ said:

Is it fine that these days I'm blocking so many inboxes just because I feel like it's gonna be an order full of misunderstandings or pain?

I sense that from the conversations, the way they answer my questions, the way they're looking for the price not the quality. Am I guilty? Is it risky to block so many people?

Is it risky? That depends. You risk losing out on potential great clients in the future. That's about the only risk you run by doing this.Β 

You have to measure that risk against the risk of ending up with a nightmare buyer.Β 

Since I haven't read your conversations nor spoken with your buyers, I can't tell you if your decisions were correct or not. Only you can decide that.Β 

Generally, I say no thank you to buyers who focus more on price than quality.Β 

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4 hours ago, palebluedot_ said:

Is it fine that these days I'm blocking so many inboxes just because I feel like it's gonna be an order full of misunderstandings or pain?

47 minutes ago, smashradio said:

You risk losing out on potential great clients in the future. ...You have to measure that risk against the risk of ending up with a nightmare buyer.Β 

Β @smashradio, I'm including the link to yourΒ "Nightmare Buyer" topic since you mentioned them:


My nightmare buyers are also the ones that I "sense" through conversations that they are "nightmare buyers." They demand, they complain, they "seem" more concerned about price than quality, and they don't seem to appreciate the value of my work. I also "sense" through conversations that they are the ones likely to leave bad reviews or to feel unhappy about my deliveries.

HOWEVER, I'm having a hard time blocking them because these buyers are quickly becoming "great clients":

1. All of them are showing up as "valued buyers" on my Seller Plus coupon list.

2. AllΒ of them are quickly rising up the list on my "Contacts" tab as having the highest number of orders and the highest dollar amount spent.Β 

3. With each new order, these buyers are "softening up" - they are kinder, they trust me more, they show more appreciation for my work, some have even turned into regular tippers (which is surprising when they couldn't even spare an extra $5 initially), and some are now "raving" customers. It's funny how things are turning out.

So instead of blocking these buyers, (which would be an easy out for me), I would rather try to work with them. And if I feel strongly that we can't work together, I can just tell them that. I don't have to do an order with them. Most buyers will just leave when I tell them I can't work with them. If they don't leave and start harassing me,Β then I'll block them.

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9 minutes ago, vickieito said:

Β @smashradio, I'm including the link to yourΒ "Nightmare Buyer" topic since you mentioned them:



Ah yes, I forgot to attach it. I was planning to do it. Then I got hungry and I don't operate well in that state. 🀣

10 minutes ago, vickieito said:

Β @smashradio, I'm including the link to yourΒ "Nightmare Buyer" topic since you mentioned them:


My nightmare buyers are also the ones that I "sense" through conversations that they are "nightmare buyers." They demand, they complain, they "seem" more concerned about price than quality, and they don't seem to appreciate the value of my work. I also "sense" through conversations that they are the ones likely to leave bad reviews or to feel unhappy about my deliveries.

HOWEVER, I'm having a hard time blocking them because these buyers are quickly becoming "great clients":

1. All of them are showing up as "valued buyers" on my Seller Plus coupon list.

2. AllΒ of them are quickly rising up the list on my "Contacts" tab as having the highest number of orders and the highest dollar amount spent.Β 

3. With each new order, these buyers are "softening up" - they are kinder, they trust me more, they show more appreciation for my work, some have even turned into regular tippers (which is surprising when they couldn't even spare an extra $5 initially), and some are now "raving" customers. It's funny how things are turning out.

So instead of blocking these buyers, (which would be an easy out for me), I would rather try to work with them. And if I feel strongly that we can't work together, I can just tell them that. I don't have to do an order with them. Most buyers will just leave when I tell them I can't work with them. If they don't leave and start harassing me,Β then I'll block them.

This can go both ways. I have one very rude client (never "hello," never "how are you," never "thanks," and when they need something, it's usually "Do this task: Short list of requirements."

But the thing is, that repugnant individual has spent close to 6 grand in the past year alone.Β 

It can feel nauseating to chat with this person. Really, I don't have a single nice thing to say about them. But they did spend six grand and keep coming back for more – regularly. It's like working with a Vulcan (excuse my Star Trek reference – I am and will always be a nerd).Β 

I guess my point is that even the biggest douchebag can be an important buyer. Had I blocked this individual at the first sign of bad behavior, I would have lost the opportunity to work on some rather exciting projects. And then there's the six grand, of course.Β 

With that said, if a buyer insults me with their lowballing nonsense (i.e., offering five bucks for a job worth hundreds), I'll quickly get rid of them. I don't have time for penny-pinchers.Β 

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7 hours ago, palebluedot_ said:

Am I guilty? Is it risky to block so many people?

Guilty, no, no, no, don't go searching any guilt in there. Risky? Maybe, who knows what that sneaky algorithm is up to. I guess I'd even lean to yes, because...

1 hour ago, vickieito said:

Most buyers will just leave when I tell them I can't work with them. If they don't leave and start harassing me,Β then I'll block them.

I don't think the block button's purpose is to avoid saying no, sorry, no match, but to block people who harass you and such. And spammers. It's pretty much all I do with the block button, block spammers all day long, two dozen a day or so, recently, or at least it feels like it, I should start a list...

If you have to block so many potential customers, maybe take a quiet hour and ponder if you may be able to keep them from coming to you in the first place through changes in your Gigs, and/or set up a quick response for the most common scenarios, with the perfect balance of politeness and firmness, that you can (adapt to the occasion and) send instead of blocking them, ideally early on, as soon as you realize that it's not going to be, so you can save time there and spend it on the customers you want to work with.

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20 hours ago, miiila said:

If you have to block so many potential customers, maybe take a quiet hour and ponder if you may be able to keep them from coming to you in the first place

Such as using those negative keywords that you mentioned! Thanks for bringing this feature up! I wouldn't have noticed the change if you didn't mention it.Β 

22 hours ago, smashradio said:

I guess my point is that even the biggest douchebag can be an important buyer. Had I blocked this individual at the first sign of bad behavior, I would have lost the opportunity to work on some rather exciting projects. And then there's the six grand, of course.Β 

That is a great point! I have very little orders compared to you, so I'm just learning this important truth! I'm willing to deal with my slightly difficult buyers if it means more orders, more repeat buyers, and happier customers! (and more money)😊

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3 hours ago, vickieito said:

I'm willing to deal with my slightly difficult buyers if it means more orders, more repeat buyers, and happier customers! (and more money)😊

Up to a point, this can be very smart. But I also have some strict boundaries that will lead to immediate blocking. An example is if a buyer continues to be a Negotodog after I've explained my pricing and why it is what it is. Another is obvious spam. Obscene language is another, surefire way of getting blocked with me. One buyer attempted to call me an idiot once on a 2000 dollar project. I guess the guy didn't expect me to immediately contact customer support, cancel the order and block the buyer. The fun part was, he was so sure that I wanted the project and I had to laugh at the fact that this was a previous client, and that they could only use my voice to continue the project. So I'll easily throw thousands out the window, if the buyer misbehaves too much.Β 

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