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Appeal to Micha Kaufman (From Russian Seller)


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Обращение к Micha Kaufman.

Дорогой Micha Kaufman, если вы позволите, я обращаюсь к вам в столь тяжелый час на своем родном языке.

Меня зовут Глеб Сергеев, я на Fiverr c 2016 года, за это время сделал более 3.600 заказов, выполнял работу для клиентов со всего мира. Благодарен вам за это прекрасное время в моей жизни, спасибо вам и вашей команде.
Я постараюсь быть честным с вами в этом обращении и понимаю ситуацию, которая в данный момент нависла не только над пользователями Fiverr - гражданами Украины и как оказалось, России*.

Хочу сказать следующее, моя страна в которой я проживаю называется не Россия*, а Российская Федерация. Что это значит? Это значит, что на территории Российской Федерации проживает большое количество разных народов и этносов, Русские, Татары, те же Украинцы, Башкиры, Чуваши, Азербайджанцы, Грузины, Казахи, Белорусы, Турки, Якуты, Мордва, Удмурты, Таджики, Узбеки, Китайцы, Вьетнамцы, Киргизы и многие другие народы. Мы живем все вместе, заключаем браки между собой. В моем родном городе Казань есть храм всех религий, напротив церкви стоит мечеть, мы рождаем общих детей, мы достаточно цивилизованы и демократичны.

Я считаю, что 95% людей моей страны находятся в тотальном шоке, от того, что происходит сейчас вокруг этих событий. Мои предки — это этнические русские, украинцы, татары и мордва – я человек мира, как и большинство Российских граждан мы против этой войны!

Многие компании уходят с Российского рынка, тем самым оставляя людей безработными.
В начале вашего обращения вы говорите:
We also mourn with our global community of freelancers and business owners, who work daily across borders, languages, and cultures to create opportunity. They know that any conflict that divides like-minded and good people into “us vs. them” represents a loss for all of humanity and is contrary to everything the Fiverr community stands for.
Почему вы ставите Российских граждан и правительство в один ряд? Невзирая на языки, местонахождение и национальность? Разве, это демократия!? Принципы вашей компании изменились?
Мой прадед по маминой линии воевал с нацистами с 1941го и вернулся домой только в конце 1947года. Он освобождал людей из лагеря Хелмно в Польше, в котором уничтожали Цыган и Иудеев. С 1945 по 1947 год он был в Польше и боролся с остатками нацистов Германии и их союзников, восстанавливал мир. Но это была другая война, многие сейчас сравнивают его…. С Гитлером. Но ведь это абсурд!!!! Нет места сравнению, нет места истории, мы живем в 21 вом веке. Если есть демократические принципы равенства, то я прошу вас Micha Kaufman, будьте выше всего этого! Отделите Российских граждан от Российского правительства, более 30ти тысяч полит заключенных в моей стране. Против нас обычных людей все, абсолютно все!

Для многих Fiverr это единственный источник дохода, а для многих это может стать им в связи с тем, что людей ждет безработица. Компании, которые уходят с рынка Российской федерации, оставляют всех нас на произвол судьбы. В нашей стране работает сильнейшая пропаганда, которая будет говорить, что он* прав, что западные страны хотят развала моей страны. Многие люди поверят в это, когда в их холодильниках станет пусто и у этих людей встанет выбор – идти на Fiverr, либо поддаваться этой пропаганде.

Micha Kaufman, лишая Российских граждан - специалистов работать на Fiverr, вы обрекаете всех нас на нищету, ненависть, унижение и страдания.


Edited by edmupdaily
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I fully support it.
I gave five years to Fiverr.
Completed almost 3,000 orders.
I have made many friends from all over the world.
Now I've lost all that.

I am not satisfied with dictatorship in my country and I did everything in my power to have democracy in my country.
I took part in demonstrations and rallies. I received fines and restrictions.
I participated in elections and was an opposition deputy.
Now I and my family (3 children) are left alone with our problems and against the system.

What is the fault of me and hundreds of other honest workers from Russia?
That we were born in Russia and not in Europe or the USA?


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I hope that we will be heard

we are not monsters

we don’t want this war

we even didn’t chose this government 

we are just people who wants to live their lives

Blocking us will not stop our government and it will not help our brothers and sisters who lives in Ukraine. It will only destroy our lives 

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I will only add that I was building my profile since 2014, bringing new customers and relying on my Fiverr in many aspects of my life. 5,500+ orders and a lot of new experience. During all these years, I've never taken a single customer out of the platform. 

As I mentioned in a different topic, these sanctions affect educated and modern people, who strive to develop, travel, learn languages and communicate with other countries. These are the most West-oriented people, and they live in big cities. Key electorate won't be affected at all. They are shouting that they don't need Coca-Cola, and McDonald's. Every new sanction makes them happier. 

At the same time, I can't even call the situation in Ukraine with a word that starts with W, ends with R, and has three letters in total. If I do so, it shall be considered "fake", and I may easily spend 15 years in jail. One of my close relatives is already arrested for "violence against a representative of the authority". I'm 99% sure he's going to spend a couple of years in jail for doing nothing (up to 10 years). 

I don't know what else to say. And I'm surprised with this decision because Payoneer was able to find a solution. 

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What is happening now has a devastating effect on ordinary citizens of the country, and not on those who started the military operation. In addition, ordinary people in Russia cannot do anything or even freely express their opinion in connection with the new laws. And against the background of all this, freelance exchanges such as fiverr and upwork primarily harm and deprive ordinary people of the only opportunity for at least some income, who can't change anything in this country. I am very ashamed in front of my customers, who expected to work together for a year, but first of all I don't understand when large companies see "evil" only in the fact that you are from Russia

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I hope we will be heard. We are also victims of this situation, we have families to support who've already lost their jobs. Don't abandon us and don't discriminate us, we are begging!

Please, stay true to what your support says:

Fiverr is a global community made up of skilled and talented freelancers. We have created a safe and equal community for anyone, that’s available from everywhere, where people are free to find work and be recognized for their quality of work.


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I am also a seller on Fiverr from Russia. And I am categorically against this "military operation". (that is how we are only allowed to call it, we can go to jail for another name). 

I wanted to say, let's all together find a way to help all the victims of this tragedy, instead of creating more personal tragedies by completely blocking peaceful freelancers from Russia. It creates more suffering only, but it doesn't help the situation at all. Many of us have friends and relatives in Ukraine. And we could all do something useful together. Even just allowing donations from every order would do far more good things than blocking.

Edited by dennech
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I wanted to develop as a professional and work with the foreign market. Fiverr has been my guide to new work and interesting orders for several years. I am Gorobets Alexey - a man with a Ukrainian surname living in Russia also support all our freelancers. 

I understand that you want to stop the flow of money into the russian economy. But then it really does not distinguish your tolerant democatic society from ours. Killing by starvation and lack of job opportunities is still murder. Of course people will survive, but I'm very surprised that western society thinks that we people in russia will want democracy and a change of government. No one will want this kind of democracy - because it's just a wrapper. 

We all look with horror at what's going on right now. And we see how your ideals and your positioning are also bursting at the seams and losing their value. This is of course my personal opinion. 

I wish everyone health and peace. Only through our joint efforts can we get through this and become better and stronger. 

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I am a freelance musician with a dream to work with people all over the word. I started only 4 months ago and things were going really great – lots of wonderful people reached out to me so that I create a custom song for them, some of them have even returned for more artworks to be created for them. In the light of this situation one person even asked for an anti-war song to support the Ukrainian nation. 

I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities Fiverr has given me, and I very much want them to ask not to deprive me and other freelancers of that. I personally do not support this war, nor do I agree with the politics our government has been leading for years. However, to protest in our country you must be ready to sacrifice everything you have – your family, wealth and opportunity to work, according to new laws simply saying that you are against this horrible war may result in 15 years in jail. I cannot indulge it as I have a family to support, and we are already experiencing a crisis never seen before.

I know that Ukrainians feel much worse than we do, I have friends there who I am talking to regularly trying to support, however they wouldn't wish for me to lose everything I have because they know how dangerous it is to say anything in my country. 

You see, now with new sanctions the music business in Russia is virtually killed – all the major labels and streaming platforms are leaving, concert venues are closing and lots of my fellow musicians are moving from the country. I do not have the opportunity to do so simply because of the money and the family I have here, however I feel like working with my clients for many more years to provide them the best I can do in this life – the music.

Please, don't leave me without my dream. It is the best I know and Fiverr has been my last chance to do something in this sphere. I am ready to give the percentage of my revenue to the charity organisations that help wonderful people of Ukraine if that may change your mind. When it all started and online wallets began to close in our country I was even ready (and still am) to work with no way to withdraw the payments for the orders – because, as I said, making music is the best I know and it's been the biggest dream of mine to do it regardless of my nationality or country where I live. No matter how soppy or pompous it sounds.

With that being said, thank you, Fiverr, as you do something incredible providing so many of us with a chance to work with people from all over the world. 

Lots of gratitude, 

Edited by electrohalls
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For me as well as for many Russian freelancers Fiverr has been the only source of income for a long time! with this decision you will not help our brothers Ukrainians, but only condemn hundreds of people and their families to poverty and hunger. We have never supported and will never support the war, our government has done a terrible thing, we are all shocked by what is happening now, and like the rest of the world we only want to help Ukraine and have it all end immediately! 

Please don't break the lives of innocent peaceful people, don't do this!

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I have been working on fiverr for two years now, I have fully dedicated myself to this platform and have not sought out any other sources of income, I have no idea what I will do now, thousands of people will lose their jobs, I hope peace will come into our lives very soon.

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I am a freelancer from Russia.

Fiverr is my only source of income.

I am against the military operation in Ukraine. I have nothing to do with the decisions made by the Russian government. I have no control over this situation.

Fiverr for me and many freelancers in Russia is financial freedom, freedom of action, freedom of thought.

If we lose this, what will it lead to?

It was a pleasure to work with you Fiverr team!

Best regards, Dasha

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hello, I'm so sorry to realize that you still decided to follow in the footsteps of the world community and stop working with all Russian authors!  Because for me, fiverr has always been a place where I felt needed by people, I knew that I could help them!!!  It makes me very sad to know this!!!  I have built a great relationship with fiverr for a very long time.  reached top seller status!  a lot of people turn to me for help and they don't care if I'm Russian or not, because they know my skills and abilities!!!  Thank you🙏🙏🙏

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I am from Argentina but I read your comments and it makes me enormously sad. Both Russian and Ukrainian civilians are victims of all this. I hope that all this chaos can be solved as quickly as possible. Politicians will be business as usual, civilians are the only ones hurting and I think Fiverr should find some way to let them keep their profits.

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Appeal to Micha Kaufman.

Dear Micha Kaufman. I am an ordinary Illustrator from the Russian Federation, who does not understand anything about politics and wars. All I can do is - draw cute characters.

I have been working on Fiverr for 2 years now, and I chose this site because you provided an opportunity for all the peoples of the world to freely, without any racial prejudice and political considerations, to earn money and develop here. I am grateful for this opportunity.
On Fiverr, I felt confident in the future and the freedom that I can manage myself. In all my time on Fiverr, I have never asked a client to collaborate outside of your site. On the contrary, I informed all my clients about the Fiverr rules that it is forbidden to work off the site and share personal data, although many clients offered work off the site. Despite the percentage of 20%, I brought everyone to you.

Unfortunately, my line of work is not very relevant in the Russian Federation, especially now. I'm Twitch Emotes artist. Therefore, I simply cannot make money with this in Russian Federation.
I didn't earn much from it, but I had enough to live on.

There are many nationalities and cultures in the Russian Federation. And almost all of us have relatives in the countries of the former USSR. Do not think that we do not worry about them, and they do not worry about us. Our relatives know what the Russian Federation is and what laws there are.
I am Russian and I am proud of it, because this is my homeland. No one has the right to blame a person because he loves his homeland. But many of us may not support power, just like in other countries.

All of us - Russians, Ukrainians, Moldovans and others - have chosen Fiverr to work not from the good life in our countries. Ordinary citizens are not taught here to rally or fight, for this there are special structures, the military, who want to protect us. But Our freedom is not limited here. The laws of the Russian Federation allow us young, advanced citizens to work with foreign citizens on foreign sites.

Moreover, some Fiverr freelancers from the Russian Federation are people with disabilities, people with nervous diseases. For whom this site is a convenient way to earn money to buy food, pay for housing, buy medicines. Because they are not ready to live on pension payments, and they want to feel like full-fledged people. Do you really offer all these people, in addition to solving their problems, to go to war with their government? Is it tolerant? I myself suffer from a nervous illness and now the issue of closing Fiverr for the Russian Federation is quite acute for me.

Micha Kaufman, on behalf of all freelancers in the Russian Federation, we urge you not to limit our accounts.
By depriving Russian citizens - specialists of work on Fiverr, you doom us all to poverty, hatred, humiliation and suffering.

Thank you 😞

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I have been hard working on Fiverr since 2017. It was not easy because I had to work for a very low rate to gain the rating and reputation. But I knew that one day it will pay off and I will be able to earn money to provide for my family. Now all my career is ruined and I have no opportunity to earn decent money for living in my country. My income as a freelancer will not let me to relocate and to support my family and my child in a new country. 

I am heartbroken for the things happening in Ukraine. All of my relatives and friends were terrified by the actions of our government. But we have no impact on our government.

 By penalizing peacefull people and freelancers you don't make an impact on our authorities. It will just ruin the way to earn money for living for freelancers.

This situatuation is a warning to all freelancers that one day they can be banned for no reason, or for the actions of the other people, that freelancers have no impact on.


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I've been working on firewall not very long. However, this platform has given me the opportunity to work less and earn more, for which I am very grateful!

Russian laws prohibit me from writing what I would like to write.

Yes, Russian citizens are not in as much danger as Ukrainian citizens, but the current situation is detrimental to the well-being of ordinary citizens who just want to live normally, in peace and harmony with their neighbors.

I join in the above. For many freelancers and their families, the fiver is an opportunity to make good money and live decently. I like how the first person in this thread wrote, so I'll quote him. 

"Micha Kaufman, by depriving Russian citizens - professionals to work for Fiverr, you condemn all of us to poverty, hatred, humiliation and suffering."

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Dear Mr. Kaufman,

I am a watercolor artist, and I just want to bring some beauty and peace in this world with my art. In Russia, where I live, it is extremely hard to do art for living, and the Fiverr community is the real chance for me to do what I love and earn some money for staying on this planet. I am joining the Russian freelancers in the prayers to let us work here, in these difficult times when the world is falling apart for us. 

We desperately hope to be heard.

Lidia Rodkina (Flowersforbear)

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We are just ordinary people that don’t want war!!! Russian people ≠ Russian government.

What is our personal fault? We can do anything with this terrible situation. A lot of us have relatives and friends in Ukraine and we also feel pain, fear and helplessness!

For many of us, Fiverr is the only one way to earn money to exist! We all have families, we need to buy food, pay for medicine, pay our bills… Please don’t leave us in poverty and hunger.

Please be humanity! Don’t deprive us of the last possibility to earn money to exist.

We are just art people, not politics.

We just want to MAKE ART NOT WAR!



Edited by alenafine
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I, too, have been using the Fiverr for a long time and now it is my main source of income, it’s even hard to imagine what will happen next.

 Of course, I’m not a politician, but I understand what is happening in the world and I feel sorry for all people, not only Russians and Ukrainians, but also for all those who have lost something important for themselves at this time.

Fiverr please return 

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Hello, I agree with all the people in this thread. I am an ordinary guy from Russia, I just recently started working on fiverr, but I have already received a dozen orders and I want to continue developing on this site. Most freelancers are ordinary people, they do not have to answer with their well-being for the actions of their country and government.

Of course, people in Ukraine are now more scared than people sitting in quiet cities hundreds and thousands of kilometers from hot spots, but we are just as scared. We are afraid to be left without a livelihood. I hope that you, Mr. Kaufman will hear our pleas!

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My name is Yatsenko Ksenia, my grandparents moved from Ukraine to Siberia many years ago. My father was born in Russia and I was born in Russia. Perhaps from Ukraine I have only a Surname and Grandmother, this is not for me to decide.

I lived in the Asian part of Russia, with such peoples as Khakasses, Buryats, Tuvans, Mongols. My other grandfather is a Jew from Yakutia. We have always lived in peace and tranquility.

We can't influence the man with the nuclear briefcase. He does whatever he wants rallies don't help even though people still go to them. You can read about thousands of rallies in Khabarovsk that lasted for many months and did not lead to anything.

I was happy that the Fiverr makes it possible to live and work anywhere and not go to megacities for decent wages. Now this option will not be available.

This is just a humiliation of the whole nation because they were born in the wrong country or because they registered on the site while in it. Hear ordinary people and do not multiply moral violence!

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I would never have thought that I would lose all my sources of income, especially after the companies left the Russian Federation, Fiverr was the last chance to do what I love and can do well, but apparently this is the final and I have no idea what to do next. Ordinary citizens, and even more so freelancers who work for customers from other countries do not support the actions of the Russian government in Ukraine, they did not ask our opinion and started this horror by their own decision.
Russian citizens are not the Russian government.

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