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Fiverr's Support of Ukraine


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Just want peace in this world.

❣️We should love each other as a human being. How can we kill our brothers, sisters who can save me from my troubles!

No language to publish my speech. Pray to God and request to the rich and powerful nations to keep peace with each other. 

I just remind you my primary lesson " Once a mouse save the life of a Lion". Hope you will keep my poor voices. 

May God bless all human beings. Amin.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My family is in the east of Ukraine. My wife is helping care for elderly parents and a grandmother. My son is in the Ukrainian territorial defense (military) and I do everything possible to support them until I can get them out. They live in the shadow of the Russian border and only minutes from the nuclear power plant that is now threatened by the Russians who use it as a base to fire on Ukrainian towns.

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  • 4 weeks later...

War destroys the country, a nation, and his coming nation. War destroys the infrastructure and buildings. War stops development and pushes back the country to 100 years old. 

Countries do war to capture other county and we seen in history this thing killed millions of people yet. 

War killing someone father, mother, son, grandson, daughter, granddaughter.

War injured people and their entire life people feel uncomfortable with his/her that disability.

So let's forget about greed and join hands and say bye-bye to war. We don't need a war. We need a peaceful world where a person from Canada starts to travel in his car and see all around the world and finally reaches his home safely and hugs his family with a smile. 

Let's stop fighting. Fight destroyed many countries like Afghanistan. Stop the world and give it a chance to develop. #Fiverr #Ukrain #war

Edited by lancewrite
spelling mistakes
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  • 4 weeks later...

My name is Pavlo. I am from Ukraine, I live in the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv and I convert any design to responsive HTML, CSS, JS template.
You wrote:



Enabled early payout for Ukrainian sellers, offering them the opportunity to withdraw their earnings immediately by waiving the safety clearance period.

  • Created a dedicated support team to help Ukrainian sellers with issues related to their accounts and work, and to provide anything else they need to navigate the uncertainty of the situation.


But I still wait two weeks before I get paid for the work. Do I need to write to technical support in order to be able to withdraw money faster?

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