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improve my gig.


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Hey! So impressions are people only seeing your thumbnail on the search pages. For example, when someone searches for ‘graphic design’ it takes you to all the Sellers. That counts as impressions. Clicks are people who actually clicked on your profile and took a closer look at the services you provide. Here’s a link you might find interesting too to learn more about clicks and impressions:
If your impressions are dropping, please read this.

Hope this helped! 😃

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Guest habib_rahman1

Ad Clicks , or simply Clicks , is a marketing metric that counts the number of times users have clicked on a digital advertisement to reach an online property. Ad Impressions (IMPR) is a count of the total number of times digital advertisements display on someone’s screen within the publisher’s network.

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Impressions = The number of time that particular offer is made visible to a potential buyer. For example, the number of times your main image or video thumbnail are shown in a search or a category view.

Clicks = The number of times someone clicks on your main image or thumbnail from a search or a category view.

Views = The number of times your Fiverr offer is reloaded. For instance a potential buyer may have clicked on it once and have returned multiple times.

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Ad Clicks , or simply Clicks , is a marketing metric that counts the number of times users have clicked on a digital advertisement to reach an online property. Ad Impressions (IMPR) is a count of the total number of times digital advertisements display on someone’s screen within the publisher’s network.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi ejjugraphics, 

Few tips To Increase Your Sales: 

1 create smart gigs

2 Make proper use of Gig Extras

3 Overcome the first sale barrier 

4 Stay updated and never miss a thing 

5 Check for buyer requests 

6 Deliver the quality you promised and even better 

7 Build a base of loyal buyers 

Be patient

· https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010451297-How-to-Start-Selling-on-Fiverr?segment=seller

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Hello Ejju,

It's obvious to become sad, and a bit frustrated after not getting any orders as it's already been 5 months. Rather of showing dissatisfaction, please try to find the improvement areas. Think yourself as a buyer and what would have your requirements from a seller (specially a new seller). Are your GiGs fulfilling those requirements? If no, then upgrade your profile images, descriptions, pricing (wherever the improvements are required). Improvement is a continuous process. Waiting for your first good news here. Happy Freelancing. KH.

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