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QUESTION: Buyer might be abusing the revision request system to get free work. What can I do?

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 I seem to be in an unfortunate situation where a buyer has "requested revisions" without actually needing anything revised. He simply wants Fiverr to think the project isn't delivered while he goes about his business with the work I produced. Despite me completing the work early and accommodating his abnormal project, he seems intent on abusing the revision system within Fiverr to get free work from me. In the meantime, Fiverr is telling me that the project is late and in revision, when it was actually completed and delivered early. I hope this is not what it looks like, but given that I've been on this site for over a year, completed over 50 projects, and never seen this happen, I certainly suspect something it up.

1. Is this okay with Fiverr? Even though he hasn't cited any revisions, he has used that system to put the ball back in my court. There is nothing I can do about that and it seems like I just wasted a bunch of time on this project and will not be paid for it. Is this acceptable behavior for buyers in Fiverr's eyes?

2. Do I have any sort of recourse in this situation? Obviously I'd like to get paid for the work seeing as how it is entirely completed on my end, but now that he has it, seems like I'm just at his mercy. 

Thank you.

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15 minutes ago, wordpressweb7 said:

Try to complete the job and deliver what he asks If he still asks for revisions, contact customer support with your supported screenshots and asks them to help you out in this matter.

the problem is I already completed and delivered it. He hasn't asked for any revisions, he's simply using the revision request system to put the ball back in my court and make fiverr think it's in revision while he goes about his business with the finished work.

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Redeliver the same work with the comment "you didn't ask me to change anything in this revision so I'm delivering the same work. If you need something changed please let me know and I'll be happy to discuss". That will set the work back to "delivered".

Also, once you do your first delivery you can ignore the timer, it no longer impacts anything.

If the customer continued to abuse the revision functionality report it to Fiverr customer support.

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5 hours ago, johnwilliam88 said:

1. Is this okay with Fiverr? Even though he hasn't cited any revisions, he has used that system to put the ball back in my court. There is nothing I can do about that and it seems like I just wasted a bunch of time on this project and will not be paid for it. Is this acceptable behavior for buyers in Fiverr's eyes?

In theory this is not ok with Fiverr however they will not force the buyer to accept the order ... that means that even though revisions are not included, the buyer can press on that revision request button as long as he wants . Eventually even if the order gets mark as complete he can still get a refund if that's what he wants .. Either way it usually doesn't end up good for the seller.  If he requested a revision even without an actual revision request , don't redeliver the same files , you might get a warning for that ( it happened to me in the past ) . 


5 hours ago, johnwilliam88 said:

2. Do I have any sort of recourse in this situation? Obviously I'd like to get paid for the work seeing as how it is entirely completed on my end, but now that he has it, seems like I'm just at his mercy. 

Not really , depends on many factors though ... If the buyer is breaking the TOS support might compensate you for that order however it's not something 100% sure . Best thing to do is to sort it our with the buyer ( I know that sometimes it's not possible , some people are here to 'play' the system and we can't do much about it ) ...   

What I wrote above is strictly based on what you wrote ... Unfortunately I don't know both parts of the story. 

You might also ask support to cancel the order without affecting your account but as you said that might not be an option since you want to get paid for your work ( which is correct ) 



1 hour ago, corsogr said:

What happens if the buyer won't stop requesting revisions and the seller won't stop redelivering  and doesn't contact CS or resolution center? This can go forever?

I assume that yes.. it can go forever but as I Was mentioning above a seller is not allowed to redeliver the same thing 


1 hour ago, andywarburton said:

Redeliver the same work with the comment "you didn't ask me to change anything in this revision so I'm delivering the same work. If you need something changed please let me know and I'll be happy to discuss". That will set the work back to "delivered".

Sorry , this is completely wrong advice and might result in a warning 

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Try to complete the job and deliver what he asks If he still asks for revisions, contact customer support with your supported screenshots and asks them to help you out in this matter. So that he/she would know that you know what you are doing thank you 

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Don't cancel the order from your side, may be he want the work and the money back.

These people aiming new sellers, he will go for another seller after this, so deliver your completed work and don't cancel the order.

It won't hurt your 'delivery time' I believe

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13 hours ago, johnwilliam88 said:

seems like I'm just at his mercy. 

No, send him the following:

When you joined fiverr you agreed to their terms of service (TOS) and it is very clear as to why you cannot abuse the revision request system.  


Continuing to press the modification/revision button but not actually requesting revisions is a violation of TOS and if you persist, I will be forced to report you to fiverr trust & safety who may take actions up to, and including disabling your account.


If he keeps up do exactly that.  Done and done. 

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2 minutes ago, andywarburton said:

What are you supposed to deliver if the customer requests a revision but doesn't tell you what they want to have revised then?

definitely not the same thing all over again it seems 🙂 You can receive a warning for that . 

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4 hours ago, andywarburton said:

What are you supposed to deliver if the customer requests a revision but doesn't tell you what they want to have revised then?

Mike answered that. The buyer is breaking TOS by abusing the revision button. Report them if necessary.

20 hours ago, newsmike said:

send him the following:

When you joined fiverr you agreed to their terms of service (TOS) and it is very clear as to why you cannot abuse the revision request system.  


Continuing to press the modification/revision button but not actually requesting revisions is a violation of TOS and if you persist, I will be forced to report you to fiverr trust & safety who may take actions up to, and including disabling your account.


If he keeps up do exactly that.  Done and done. 


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I contacted CS about this a few months back. They told me that if the revision request is completely blank, you should inform the buyer about your intentions, give them time to respond, then redeliver. I.e., let them know that you can’t help them if they send blank requests, that you’ll be happy to assist if/when they have revisions for you and that for the time being, the order will be redelivered in 12-48 hours (your choice) as is. 


Then you might want to be prepared to redeliver for a while and see who wins. 

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