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Is it True?



5 answers to this question

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9 minutes ago, prasadrenfred said:

Will fiverr show our gigs in 1st page? 

No, your first page will be different from someone else's first page based on a lot of factors. So there's no such thing as gig rank.

10 minutes ago, prasadrenfred said:

Will it happen like this?

Where did you hear this tip?

10 minutes ago, prasadrenfred said:

Updating gigs boosts our gigs to front page???

If you keep updating your gig daily, it will just remove it from search and no one can buy from you instead. Everytime you update your gig, it is temporarily removed from search and returned back to search, sometimes it may even go under review if needed.

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31 minutes ago, prasadrenfred said:

Updating gigs boosts our gigs to front page???

Fiverr is NOT Google!

Ranking really means nothing here and Fiverr even says so in the ToS with the statement, "Gig position is not permanent."

The location of your Gigs changes all the time, every second of the day.

Plus, they appear differently for each person.

You can search for yours, and I can search for yours and both of us will find your Gigs in different positions on different pages.

What you should be focusing on is having the right content in your Gig so when a Buyer conducts a search for the product you offer that your Gig shows up somewhere in that search.

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1 hour ago, prasadrenfred said:

If we keep our gigs updating daily... Like prices changing, gig image replacing, description updating...

Will fiverr show our gigs in 1st page? 

If you do that, it's quite possible your gigs won't be showing at all.

Create the best gig you can, and don't try to game the system.

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