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Stop The Mistakes!


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There should be a confirmation box when someone clicks “Order Now”. There’s one for repeat buyers, but there should be one for all new orders as well. I hate when people accidentally order a gig. I’ve done that once, but that’s only because I was on fiverr from my mobile phone, and hit “enter”.

Speaking of mobile, please make fiverr mobile optimized, I spend at least 75% of my time on fiverr via my phone.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest mukeshranahhh

ya their should be confirmation prompt i just clicked order now button while i was trying to click contact_seller and 5$ deducted away directly from my revenues…

So i feel a their is a strong need of confirmation before any order gets placed.

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I think a confirmation button makes sense. It would decrease the amount of customer service tickets they get due to mistaken orders.



A responsive mobile design would be awesome! Or a very functional app. I am often on my iphone when I'm out and checking Fiverr to see if I've gotten any gig orders.



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I’ve been a victim of accidental ordering too. I tried to cancel it, but by the time I submitted the request the seller already had delivered. I withdrew the cancellation then knowing that it would not be professional to go ahead with the cancellation. So yes, a confirmation would be a good idea.

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