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Here’s to Writing a New Chapter; A Letter CEO, Micha Kaufman


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We just loved it. We are the proud members of Fiverr community. Thank you so much…

It was my turning point when I have joined fiverr. I was very poor guy to maintain my family cost but now I am leading a happy life for fiverr Market place. It’s a Great Blessings from my Almighty Allah.❤️

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I just want to start this post by saying that I’m a huge fan and supporter of Fiverr, I use the service frequently with my personal account, both for buying and selling, recommend it to everyone and I even invested in their stocks. I think it’s the best freelance platform that exists and I am super exited by the release of Fiverr Business, but I can also see big issues with it. That’s why I’m creating this post in hopes that it reaches “somehow” the board of directors or product design team.

The Problem
As the perfect target audience for Fiverr Business (I run a freelance agency so I work both with clients and freelancers), I can say that if Fiverr wants to attract teams and have people chose to use Fiverr they need to enable what interest small businesses the most -> maximizing profits. And I strongly believe that this is not possible with a 20% service fee, especially if that service fee is doubled (once when you sell your service, a second time when you pay your freelancers).

What is the result ? Most people use Fiverr only when they “need to”, not because they “want to”. It’s in their best interest to keep their team management (payment, invoice, tasks list) out of the platform whenever possible to maximize profits (and use Asana, Jira, Paypal etc). This is not only a problem with Fiverr, this is an issue with all freelance services. But this issue will be accentuated with Fiverr Business, since the point of project management is to have people “STAY” on the platform for the long term, not for short term one time logo creations. Of course there are the terms of services, but they are also the reason why people may just decide not to use the platform. This is a big obstacle for the user when the decision you have to make is “should I manage all my projects and all my teams on Fiverr, including existing ones” compared to when you “just need a quick logo”. We can already see how fiverr business goals are in contradiction with regular fiverr.

There is a concept in game theory called “Nash Equilibrium”, and in short it tells that it’s much better to design rules in a way that it’s in the interest of everyone to respect them. Instead of trying to punish and enforce rules that people don’t agree with. I believe that a bit of restructuring in Fiverr Business model could help push the company way beyond what it already capable of.

The Solution
Please read the entire thing before reacting, but here it is: A subscription model, which is already the model of Fiverr Business, but I think it could be extended this way: A higher monthly subscription tier that removes the service fees. What businesses need is not 20%, not 10%, not 5%, but a 3 or 4% fee only (to cover for card processing fees only). The 20% fee would remain for individuals (regular fiverr) that are not part of a ‘subscribed team’ or business teams that don’t pay for the subscription.

I know this sounds radical but since its behind a monthly subscription, only well established businesses would be paying for it. Otherwise, if the fees are 20%, those business would probably use Fiverr only when absolutely necessary anyway or try to find ways to get customers and team members out of the platform. (Let’s be honest, there’s no way Fiverr can enforce that even with stricter rules that would just make people want to switch platform). Also it’s very possible that maybe only half of your team comes from Fiverr. Would you really want as a business to have half of your team paid on Fiverr and the other half paid with regular payment methods? I think not…

This is why I talked about the “Nash Equilibrium”, offering a subscription model in exchange for 3-4% fee only would design the rules in a way that its in their interest for them to “stay” on the platform, no matter the terms of services. With this option, suddenly businesses will want to use Fiverr payment services for ALL of their team members, even the ones that don’t come from the platform.

By doing that, Fiverr is not only competing against Upwork, but also against all the project management services (Slack, Asana, Jira), and payment/invoicing platforms, except that Fiverr is better positioned than them because it’s integrated with a network of millions of freelancers! It also has an exceptionally good UX (I don’t know who’s in Fiverr UX/UI team but they are doing a good job). Removing the fees would remove any reason to use tools outside of Fiverr, everything could be done directly on Fiverr, from payments, invoices, project management, team communication, finding talents, even if some of your team members come from outside the Fiverr platform.

I really think this could help Fiverr become the leader in services for international teams working remotely (which is exactly how I imagine the future, much more teams of people all in different countries working together remotely, with clients also in their own countries). In other words, a global digital economy no longer limited by country borders. And I believe Fiverr is already ahead. It just needs to do the extra steps to make its business model in the best interest of everyone. I’m not saying Fiverr should necessarily adopt this model, but i know that if Fiverr doesn’t do it, someone else will…

I’m aware this is a long text that will probably receive a lot of criticism, and I’m not even sure if someone at the top will ever read it. But I’m still writing it because it is super important to me. And a deciding factor that would make me use or not Fiverr business, or invest more in the company.

Respect to you if you managed to read this whole post 🙂

EDIT: This was supposed to be a forum post but it was moved here as a comment.

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