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How Do You Keep Your Cancellation Rate Low?

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I have partnered with another Fiverr seller who’s been selling on Fiverr for over 2 years. She taught me A LOT. I sold 100 gigs in my first month on Fiverr!

One of the things she taught me is the importance of keeping my cancellation rate low. The key is writing a very detailed gig description that details what you will and won’t do. She also told me that I should tweak my gig description once I see there’s a recurring problem. For example, if you find that buyers are often taking too long to send you the stuff you need to get your job done, you should state in your gig description that you will not allow late buyers to keep you from delivering your gigs on time. Tell them you will deliver their gig by the due date, even if they haven’t provided you with everything you need. Just the threat of having to pay for something they really didn’t receive will light a fire under their butts. Usually, what happens after you deliver an incomplete gig is the buyer suddenly finds the time to get you everything you need.

What happens with my gigs often is a buyer will buy without completely understanding what they are buying. I have started asking buyers to contact me before they buy my gigs. Working out any kinks in communication BEFORE a purchase is made will help you keep your cancellation rate low.

Another thing I do is I address possible trouble immediately after a sale is made. For example, immediately after I am notified that I have a sale, I go to the sales page and run through a list of possible snags and how we can deal with them right away. I won’t even start the gig until the buyer confirms that he/she understands what I have told them. Later, if the buyer claims they had no clue the gig was going to go the way it did, I can point them to the first message I sent them.

What are some of the things you do to keep your cancellation rate low?

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Hi. I have some similar problems lately. In 3 hours 2 buyers bought the same gig and they canceled. The ordered “by mistake”. Even if I have a detailed instructions on my gig, there are people that just don`t read. Or competitors that want to ruin your business… I am still figuring what to do.

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