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Can fiverr ever up its game, and remain fiverr?


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I’ll admit that it can be depressing scanning through the universe that’s fiverr. Just a few minutes ago I answered a forum question from someone who is clearly offering a gig that infringes on a worldwide brand.

How does fiverr approve such a gig that is a clearly copyright infringement? The gig was equivalent to “I will draw any Disney character you want, $5?” Substitute Disney for L**o

I think fiverr is at a crossroad. How can it sustain truly PRO gigs (like the guy who creates graphics for Apple) while at the same time allow folks who are essentially bootleggers to post an such an obvious gig?

I have had several producers say, send me a generic demo with no fiverr identification (Yes still in platform with no off fiverr communication) because they don’t want the client to know that they contract VO’s from fiverr.

Are we Pros?

Are we a sweatshop knocking out copies?

Fiverr needs to decide what it shall be going forward.


The producers you mentioned probably wouldn’t want their clients to know where they sourced their VOs regardless of whether it was fiverr or not.

There are all types of sellers of various levels here. That gig you mentioned probably is not going to be one most people notice. You can use the report button for it.


The producers you mentioned probably wouldn’t want their clients to know where they sourced their VOs regardless of whether it was fiverr or not.

There are all types of sellers of various levels here. That gig you mentioned probably is not going to be one most people notice. You can use the report button for it.

You can use the report button for it.

Actually you can’t in this instance. I tried and after you report it for copyright purposes, there is a popup where you have to certify that you are the copyright owner. So they make it easy for scammers to slide by.


You can use the report button for it.

Actually you can’t in this instance. I tried and after you report it for copyright purposes, there is a popup where you have to certify that you are the copyright owner. So they make it easy for scammers to slide by.

I tried and after you report it for copyright purposes, there is a popup where you have to certify that you are the copyright owner.

Report it for Non Original Content, with the link for the original.


It might help Fiverr if it re-branded and changed the name “Fiverr”. Or they could create a second site that was a bit more in the Pro direction but still allowed lower prices than Pro sellers are allowed to use and still allowed good normal (non-Pro) sellers to join and kept Fiverr as well.


Fiverr could up its game but it at present it lacks the commitment to quality and customer service which top-tier clients and freelancers rely upon.

On Fiverr, I can deliver a work and potentially not get paid, as well as have to deal with a myriad of communication problems. On my main writing platform, (which caters for Pro buyers) the entire organisational structure benefits both me and my client.

  • I get asked if I want to take in a project
  • I am provided with a full brief and advised to report a brief which is unclear or misleading
  • If I accept a project, my delivery goes to an on-site editorial team
  • This onsite team decides whether or not my work is good enough to forward to the end client
  • If my work is passed on to the end client (which it is 100% of the time so far) I am guaranteed to be paid, even if the end client is dissatisfied
  • I am obligated to offer revisions, but only for a 3-day window after delivery

No order cancellations, no crossed communication wires, no abusive or crazy buyers. - For me as a writer, I couldn’t ask for better.

For buyers on the same platform, they order knowing that all work is independently checked for high-quality before being forwarded to to them. This removes a lot of the risk associated with outsourcing.

Compare the above to Fiverr and all Fiverr really offers is the idea of a Pro tier of sellers justified by price and possibly celebrity status. If I were a business, I know which platform would grab my interest first.

If Fiverr really wants to up its game, it needs to start showing a real commitment to buyer and seller experiences. Specifically, a commitment which demonstrates respect for both parties.

As it stands, Pro has been built on an existing Fiverr with serious trust and usability issues. The minute I see a (non-Pro) copyright infringing logo or video gig, this undermines the credibility of Pro to me. At the same time, high fees and shopping cart removals leave existing buyers feeling cheated.

I do think there is a place for Pro. However, whoever decided to stick a wedding cake on top of a rich tea biscuit and hope people don’t notice needs their head examined.


I’ll admit that it can be depressing scanning through the universe that’s fiverr. Just a few minutes ago I answered a forum question from someone who is clearly offering a gig that infringes on a worldwide brand.

How does fiverr approve such a gig that is a clearly copyright infringement? The gig was equivalent to “I will draw any Disney character you want, $5?” Substitute Disney for L**o

I think fiverr is at a crossroad. How can it sustain truly PRO gigs (like the guy who creates graphics for Apple) while at the same time allow folks who are essentially bootleggers to post an such an obvious gig?

I have had several producers say, send me a generic demo with no fiverr identification (Yes still in platform with no off fiverr communication) because they don’t want the client to know that they contract VO’s from fiverr.

Are we Pros?

Are we a sweatshop knocking out copies?

Fiverr needs to decide what it shall be going forward.

Are we Pros?

I can’t say on behalf of all sellers here, but yes- we are pros. You got the experience, you got the talent, you got the know-how’s, you take care of your costumers satisfaction, you deliver high quality work- you are a pro.

Are we a sweatshop knocking out copies?

Sweatshop maybe, knocking out copies as for me- no way. The marketplace here on Fiverr don’t allow you, at least in the beginning to get paid as you deserve. You can’t ask for the “real world” fees because nobody will buy from you. As you get promoted, you can start raising prices but still, not as you can outside of this site. Until the all “Pro” fiesta, the all thing here was do quality work for a small amount of budget. That was the Fiverr spirit. So yea, it could be a sweatshop.

Now things are changing, but the buyers not there yet and only a few “lucky” sellers get to offer their Pro services, even though there are plenty more pros out there with the pro skills.

On my main writing platform, (which caters for Pro buyers) the entire organisational structure benefits both me and my client.

I thinks it’s safe to say that Fiverr has a long long way to get to where your other platform is. And I think, they not really want to get there at all. I think what you have they will definitely benefit both sides and in that way, increase the sells. That way we as sellers will benefit and Fiverr as well. The buyers will get their quality work, with more guarantees.

Is it safe to say that we can all just dream about it?


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