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How Fiverr algorithm works?


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So I’ve contacted CS with question what happened with algorythm,and employee,after generic reply, automatically closed my ticket,yes,closed it!

**NOTE:**I did not ask for better placement or something like that,I share my gigs myself everyday and do marketing.

After I asked why she closed it and who approved that,the other employee reopened ticket and answered me with generic reply saying:

Hi again,

Thank you for the follow up. I am sorry that you feel this way.

As we explained, we cannot provide you with any information on our search engine. Also, gigs rotate constantly, so you need to keep that in mind.

We also cannot guarantee any orders, we simply provide the marketplace for your services.

We are here if you need anything else.



Well when will my gigs come to rotation?My earnings cut into half and more.

Im having this kind of trouble for 2 months.

Also there are a lot of us sellers complaining about this on forum,we have over 1000 reviews and cant get single order,whereas new guys who are not even rated are in 1st page in search and have lots of orders in queue.

How is that possible?

This is not right at all,fix your algorythm.

How is it possible that your colleague close this ticket without my approval?Thats just rude.

This marketplace just gets worse and worse for treating your sellers like this!

I believe I’m not the only one with this concern. Since Fiverr is the only source of income to many people, I’m sure they won’t put up with this behaviour from your side and site in general! There are for sure many other freelancing websites where many of us will definitely go because Fiverr isn’t what it used to be. It seems like that you could face a great loss and you’re not taking it seriously at all which is shown by your actions. Such a shame for a website that used to be one of the best.

Thanks letting CS know how we felt about the current changes of fiverr.

Undoubtedly, they won’t even care. What a shame.

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Same happened here. My best selling gig which was on the first page (best selling filter) was dragged down to 5th page within a couple of days 😕 Contacted support but didn’t get a satisfactory answer. Still scratching my head trying to figure out, how a gig with a couple of reviews and has a rating lower than 5 stars performs better than a gig with 13000+ reviews with 5 stars.

Still scratching my head trying to figure out, how a gig with a couple of reviews and has a rating lower than 5 stars performs better than a gig with 13000+ reviews with 5 stars.

Of course, this is the same problem I had for these days.

Actually that filter should work with # of reviews of the gig has and stack according to that.

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I’ve been here for 4 years already and in the past 8-12 months fiverr has played and is still playing the algorithm.

The ‘Best Selling’ seems random. If today I see a gig on the 1st page, in the next 3-4 days I will find that gig somewhere on the 3rd or 4th page.

I contacted them countless times because of this unbalanced changes constantly on the best selling page.

I think they are trying to give everyone a chance, which is a good thing, but that’s why there’s the ‘recommended’ page.

Really sucks when you’ve been a seller for 4-5 years getting a few thousands of reviews so you can later see yourself outranked by a seller with 13 reviews with a fresh account. I guess everyone that’s been here for a long time is facing some sort of ups and downs in sales.

Weirdly I see that there are some seller that somehow maintain there position while the rest of the page is changed around them.

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I’ve been here for 4 years already and in the past 8-12 months fiverr has played and is still playing the algorithm.

The ‘Best Selling’ seems random. If today I see a gig on the 1st page, in the next 3-4 days I will find that gig somewhere on the 3rd or 4th page.

I contacted them countless times because of this unbalanced changes constantly on the best selling page.

I think they are trying to give everyone a chance, which is a good thing, but that’s why there’s the ‘recommended’ page.

Really sucks when you’ve been a seller for 4-5 years getting a few thousands of reviews so you can later see yourself outranked by a seller with 13 reviews with a fresh account. I guess everyone that’s been here for a long time is facing some sort of ups and downs in sales.

Weirdly I see that there are some seller that somehow maintain there position while the rest of the page is changed around them.

I think they are trying to give everyone a chance, which is a good thing, but that’s why there’s the ‘recommended’ page.

just a parenthesis:

That’s why there are:

  1. Recommended page
  2. newest arrival page
  3. relevance page
  4. available now feature.
  5. gigs rotation.
  6. buyers requests page.
  7. Reducing number of reviews to 1k (instead the original number).
  8. etc (I’m pretty sure I’m forgetting something).

All these above are to help new/shy gigs, and those who contact CS to complain they have no orders.

For good sellers just rest Best Selling page, but it also crowded with low skilled, mediocre gigs. In other words, good sellers are by them selves (those who helped fiverr became what is this today - the most popular online marketplace in the world).

It’s frustrating to see fiverr “giving” what you “achieved” to some random gig which did nothing for, except have some luck.

In other words, fiverr is rewarding low quality gigs with the efforts done by the real good sellers.

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I think they are trying to give everyone a chance, which is a good thing, but that’s why there’s the ‘recommended’ page.

just a parenthesis:

That’s why there are:

  1. Recommended page
  2. newest arrival page
  3. relevance page
  4. available now feature.
  5. gigs rotation.
  6. buyers requests page.
  7. Reducing number of reviews to 1k (instead the original number).
  8. etc (I’m pretty sure I’m forgetting something).

All these above are to help new/shy gigs, and those who contact CS to complain they have no orders.

For good sellers just rest Best Selling page, but it also crowded with low skilled, mediocre gigs. In other words, good sellers are by them selves (those who helped fiverr became what is this today - the most popular online marketplace in the world).

It’s frustrating to see fiverr “giving” what you “achieved” to some random gig which did nothing for, except have some luck.

In other words, fiverr is rewarding low quality gigs with the efforts done by the real good sellers.

I do still think that it will be better,time will tell.

In my category I found a lot of gigs that use someone else’s work,and they have so many sales in queue.

Yep its not fair at all,and its not giving this site a good image

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Guest neromare

Maybe it’s an AI.

But in both cases, even if we knew how it works, I’m positive most of us won’t share.

It’s competition here. Why would anyone want to help and bring up their competition?

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  • 2 years later...

Very good question! Those basic things you listed for sure are the main factor. But sometimes you can see super seller gigs ranked very weirdly, being overshadowed by garbage gigs with poor ratings and no orders in queue on page 10 or worse. I know a seller who’s gig was there for over a year, despite having better stats on her gig than 95% of other gigs on the whole Fiverr platform! So there’s some very weird hidden requirements as well that can explain the lack of sales. Would be nice to know more! Perhaps a Fiverr employee could share some secrets with us 😉

yeah, I saw the same, some getting work automatically even they are not bidding the requests. and some are racing among the requests…wish one day we all know about it.

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