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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. I saw your other topic regarding your gig images which you have designed. I wanted to tell you that your gig is related to Mobile App Development so use Mobile type picture (with or without Apps) in the gig image to let the others know that gig is related to Mobile App.. You can search for the design ideas related to Mobile App Development..
  2. I will encourage to utilize 3 images (must).. You can use Video/PDF as well but I usually prefer images (depends on niche).. How should it be used?: For this purpose, do research on Fiverr regarding your niche and observe other sellers that how are they selling their gigs/services using their portfolio/previous work etc.
  3. Because of your 3* rating 2 months ago (I guess nearly), your buyer satisfaction rate dropped and that buyer might have given you a negative private feedback. That's the reason that your promoted gig option got disqualified. It means that you need to improve your services and deliver quality work. I don't see any attraction in your gig gallery because you have used the images repetitively in few gigs. Why is that? And who told you to remove 2 images and leave 1 image? That's strange. Improve your gig gallery (present your portfolio/previous work in a creative way.
  4. There is no other way to change your Gig URL once it's published. No matter how many times you change your gig title, URL will remain same (like the first gig title). Continue working with the current Gig URL if you are still getting orders.
  5. Stop advising please. You have zero experience on Fiverr still so you are not in position to guide anyone. You claim yourself to be "SEO Professional, Digital Marketer, Facebook Promoter" so work on yourself first rather than guiding others. 🙏
  6. You need to avoid being Fake. That's what you need to do first. Why are you using fake profile pictures such as a lady from a Law Firm (Forum Picture) and a Pakistani Actress (Zainab Shabbir's) picture as your Fiverr profile picture? Your gig gallery is not attractive. You need to improve your gig images/PDF/videos and present your portfolio/previous work in a creative way so that it can grab buyer's attention. Also, work on gig descriptions to improve them. WordPress is a highly competitive niche on Fiverr that's why you need to work hard on gig optimization again. Secondly, avoid using fake pictures for your display picture or gig gallery. It might cause you trouble later.
  7. Hello too Well you need to work on your gig i.e. gig gallery and gig description. Gig Gallery: Why have you used Fiverr logo in the image? Remove it. Add more images/PDF/Video of your previous work in gig gallery. Gig Description: Improve the content further. Do not try to pause the gigs and then activate them frequently.
  8. Check messages of other buyers that is the button still there or not?
  9. Have you tried to refresh the page to check again?
  10. Do you even know the status on Buyer Requests?? Also, you are not in position to guide anyone because of zero experience yet on Fiverr since Feb 2020. So do not advise anyone please. 🙏
  11. I'll encourage you to contact Fiverr Support and discuss with them. Explain everything to them and follow their instructions.
  12. Why are you suggesting these things when you have made Zero Sales since June 2022? Do you think that these tips were effective for you too in order to get orders? I don't think so. So stop please. Kindly do not suggest anything else when you have zero experience yet on Fiverr 🙏
  13. I guess your answer is in Seller Plus feature. Kindly read this article and check if your answer is there: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/6533842204177-Keyword-research
  14. That's why you were recommended to improve your English first. I have never done any marketing for my gigs. If your gigs have an ability to grab buyer's attention then you will start getting orders. Therefore, work on your gigs i.e. improve gig gallery and gig descriptions. That's what I do. Secondly, you have chosen a Logo Design category which is one of the most competitive niche on Fiverr. So you need to make your gigs more stand out among others.
  15. You cannot do anything now I guess 👀 You should not have deleted the first account and created a 2nd account as well. Why did you do it even when you were not getting orders. Do you think with the help of second account, you will get orders magically? 😑
  16. You have actually violated Terms of Services (TOS) by creating a new account (2nd account). So you cannot add your old PayPal account as a Payment method. Avoid it.
  17. You have Third Option too i.e. Work Hard. Do some research first on Fiverr regarding your niche to observe that how other sellers of your same niche are performing well and how are they selling their services. Secondly, you have not added your portfolio in gig gallery. Why? Why using stock photos when you have done 50 architectural drawings for the city permit in 7 years and made numerous floor plans according to your own personal description? Totally strange it is. Or may be it's just a lie? Focus more on your profile first (gig optimization).
  18. Why posting same question in different categories? Check this thread of yours
  19. For what? Kindly read the question again and carefully too.
  20. You need to understand first that Staying Online is Useless so don't focus on staying active rather than you should focus more on your gigs to optimize further to get orders. I'll encourage you to work on your gig gallery i.e. improve gig images so that it can attract buyer's attention.
  21. Like you know how it works since 2021? Still Zero Sales. Kindly avoid suggesting tips when you have zero experience. Please! 🙏
  22. Buyer Request is no more on Fiverr. We have Get Briefs feature now instead of it. Kindly read this thread:
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