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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Your gigs are still being shown to the buyers if you have these much impressions and clicks. Don't worry about it. But the problem is with these clicks+impressions, you still have not gotten any order. Worry about it first.
  2. Status on your gig clicks and impressions?
  3. Hello too. Depends but there is a red bar at the top of page. What does it say?
  4. Have you tried to scroll down the dropdown menu of Delivery Time? If not, then try it. Else, contact Fiverr Support regarding it.
  5. Why are you misguiding others? And what does that link have to do with the OP's question? I mean success score and suspended account? Stop guiding others unless you really know the answer. If your account is suspended then I guess your client might have gotten his funds back (your order will be cancelled by Fiverr). That buyer might have reported you that's why your account got suspended. Try to keep in touch with Fiverr Support to get your account back. If your case is strong then you might get it back. Who knows? Try your luck.
  6. Sorry that you had to experience this. Contact Fiverr Support and provide them solid evidences about the completion of task to see if they can reimburse you. P.S. Avoid sharing/mentioning the username of your buyer/seller here on the Forum as it's a violation of Forum Rule 4. @milos_siena or @ana_tomy: Please hide the username of buyer in OP's screenshot. Thanks.
  7. For what? To become a Robot? After publishing gigs, you need to keep an eye on impressions and clicks. These things will tell you the performance of your gigs. Meanwhile, browse the Forum to get more knowledge about Fiverr that how it works, new updates, etc.
  8. Simply just contact Fiverr Support and request them to cancel your order. Provide them evidence and solid proof that seller was unable to deliver the work on time. They will cancel the order and you'll get your funds back. Don't feel bad! Contact Fiverr Support via: Email: support@fiverr.com or Ticket: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets
  9. Kindly confirm first that you are using Seller Mode or Buyer Mode? By the looks of your screenshots, I think you have enabled Buyer Mode because buyers can use credit card and PayPal for purchasing services on Fiverr.
  10. Click on the link shared by Lena and then you will get your answer there. Anyway, see an inserted image below: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010560118-Fiverr-s-new-level-system Source: Fiverr Help Center > Selling on Fiverr > Statistics & seller dashboards You are a new seller/level 0 seller according to new level system, so you are allowed to have 4 active gigs. If you have paused those gigs, then I guess you cannot activate them anymore?
  11. What makes you think that Fiverr is targeting Pakistani sellers only? Change your mindset please. Still you should not have used VPN no matter what..
  12. Hello too. Tip feature is still active!
  13. Yes, that's the after-effect of your flagged account. You will be getting very less impressions and clicks as well.
  14. They actually think that Forum is similar to Facebook or Instagram where they can like any comment/post. It should be stopped somehow It's fine that they have freedom to do these things but there should be a limit too. No?
  15. She has become a Serial Liker. I wonder she has ever read a single comment while liking it?
  16. Don't you know that VPN is not allowed to use on Fiverr. This is really a location inconsistency issue. So it's a genuine issue whether you had to use it intentionally for work purpose. But on the Election Day, I had zero issue and my internet was working well? With the flagged account status, you are able to deliver orders. If yes, then do that.
  17. Fiverr must have sent you an email regarding it. Have they? If your gig is denied and others are selling the similar services like yours then it does not mean that they are safe too. Sooner or later their gig can be denied too if it's against the TOS/Community Standards etc. Contact Fiverr Support and discuss with them.
  18. You need to contact Payoneer via Live Chat and then discuss with them. They might be able to help you in answering your questions even though you have still contacted them earlier, contact them again. Or visit your bank.
  19. Currently, where are your earnings? Local Bank or Fiverr Account? If Fiverr, then do you have a Payoneer Card? Secondly, please remove your other platform and Instagram details from your profile (in Unavailability section). Else your account will be in trouble i.e. account suspension due to sharing personal details.
  20. @milos_siena Possible to look into the OP's case. Thank you.
  21. Why do you need buyer's personal information? Don't you know that sharing personal information is actually a violation of TOS. You cannot share your personal details neither you can contact your buyer using their personal info. Avoid contacting them outside the Fiverr as well. Else, your account will be disabled. I will highly encourage you to read the TOS again before doing anything else on Fiverr: Link: https://www.fiverr.com/legal-portal/legal-terms/terms-of-service Source: Fiverr.com P.S. Please browse the Forum first before asking/posting your question.
  22. May be that buyer has blocked you. Let it go..
  23. Why within 3 days? Fiverr does not work like this way. You have chosen a competitive niche on Fiverr so do some research first. Secondly, you have not added any of your previous work in the gig galleries even you have "many experience" according to your personal description? Improve your gig galleries first and keep an eye on the gig impressions and clicks.
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