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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. If you have any problem with your buyer, then contact Fiverr Support regarding it. You are not allowed to share the username of your buyer here as it's a Forum Rule Violation. Avoid it next time. You can rant here but without mentioning the username of your buyers/sellers. @ana_tomy or @Lena Please remove/hide the username shared by OP. Thanks!
  2. Hello too. Flickr is allowed to use in the gig description but make sure that you should not add your personal contact details in your flickr account. See an inserted image below: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011421218-Gig-policies Source: Fiverr Help Center > Gigs > Creating your Gig
  3. Honestly, we should not focus on success scores anymore because we are never gonna find out that how is it actually being measured. Let Fiverr play with it because they know better. It's become a strong headache now! Just keep the flow of orders/earning stable.. that's all! I'm doing the same these days. Zero focus on success scores, More focus on keeping the order/earning flow.
  4. Then it's probably because of poor gig galleries. Optimize both gig descriptions and galleries then.
  5. Check the status on your gig impressions and clicks that are they increasing or decreasing with the passage of time. That will tell you the performance of your gig.
  6. It clearly states that your account has been flagged because you have violated Fiverr policies. Therefore, your level won't be upgraded ever.
  7. Note it this time so that you don't have to face this incident next time. Good Luck!
  8. For a minute, I got lost at "Fiverr Premium" word. Thought that is there another Fiverr platform where the premium accounts are (pay Fiverr in order to create an account something like that)? My bad. lol Whichever Seller Plus package you get, remember one thing: It has nothing to do with the orders means it won't help you in getting orders.
  9. Literally I thought the same about another account.
  10. What do you mean? I can see that you have joined this month (April 2024) and you have made zero sales yet. Suddenly out of the blue, you want to become a Level 2 Seller? Why is that? To become a Level 2 seller, you need to get orders first. See an inserted image below: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010560118-Fiverr-s-new-level-system (Level criteria) Source: Fiverr Help Center > Selling on Fiverr > Statistics & seller dashboards
  11. Hi too. It's a scam so report that buyer please. Never Ever provide your personal details along with your debit card details. Avoid it.
  12. You will have more problem if you delete any of your gigs because as a new seller/level 0 seller, according to new level system, you can have only 4 active gigs. So you won't be able to create anymore gigs. So better to keep those gigs. As for Milestones: Why don't you try to send a Custom Offer to your buyers? That way, you will have Milestones option while setting an offer. Also, your reviews won't be removed no matter how many times you do changes in your gig even if you delete them.
  13. Congratulations! But don't forget to set your security question and password and note them somewhere safe. I usually save them in Google Sheet in one of my gmail account. You can do the same.
  14. Welcome to the Robot's World then
  15. It's the after-effects of your flagged account. So your gigs will definitely be removed from the search results (may be temporary) but your gigs won't be able to be on the top of search results. Your account won't be the same like before. Also you have really violated TOS by using VPN which is not allowed whatever services you're providing earlier.
  16. Sometimes buyers have literally no idea what actually they want or not. Remember one thing: If you have lost $200 then Fiverr have lost their share too. Just asking: Did you fight for yourself with the Fiverr Support? I mean to get the payment for your work which you did initially for buyer?
  17. It's okay. Let it go and don't feel bad when you are already doing well outside the Fiverr. Good Luck! ✌️
  18. No they still want to know the answer to your security question because of your hacked account which is why they have set Security Question in case if anyone's account gets hacked and original owner of account can answer their questions to prove them. Fiverr wants to know your answer because there are still risks. Anyway, Good Luck.
  19. I am so sorry to hear this. And now buyers can give reviews on cancelled orders so there is nothing you can do. I hope you will do better on other platforms but keep trying Fiverr as well. But I cannot find your profile. Do you have another Fiverr account too?
  20. Contact Fiverr Support again regarding it.
  21. Hello too. Not allowed. Only Zoom is allowed if you have its access via Chat Box or Order Page. See an inserted image for your answer: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011062838-Video-calls-Zoom-calls (Check Meeting Safety: Tips - 3rd point) Source: Fiverr Help Center > Order management > Communication tools
  22. New Level System Launching of AI system and relying on it the most Less Orders (may be)
  23. Summers: Water and Winters: Hot Chocolate. But Daily: A Cup of Tea (only in Breakfast).
  24. If you are unable to answer the questions asked by Fiverr Support then unfortunately they cannot do anything for you. It was really not your fault and sorry to hear your bad experience but you must know the answers of the questions else they won't be able to resolve your issue. This is why security question is important to set and remember.
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