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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. 1 Question: Have you ever used any public Wi-Fi somewhere?
  2. No No.. They have not quit.. Instead of quitting, they are blabbering here on the Forum!
  3. Report this to Fiverr Support. They'll take an action against that account.
  4. Then I am sorry. You will have to wait until your review time is over. Your account is under-review that's why you can't perform any activity on your account.
  5. Hello too Have you tried contacting Fiverr Support about it?
  6. @priyank_mod I was wondering and thinking that it's the perfect example of that proverb: "Haste Makes Waste". Isn't it? (Referring to OP's experience) 👀
  7. I have already told you that work with the repeat clients if have any. And definitely, you cannot create another account because it's a violation of TOS. I am sorry that you had to experience this. I will recommend you to try other platforms too.
  8. You should delete the duplicate gigs first. That's what you should do at first! Afterwards, read the following thread so that you can get more knowledge about Fiverr. Ignore content on Buyer Request.
  9. @ana_tomy or @Lena Kindly check the OP's case. Thanks
  10. Why are you spamming the Forum by quoting others in the irrelevant topic? If you have your own questions to ask then create your own topic separately. 🙏
  11. Correct. It will work only if you have repeat clients.
  12. If you could re-read your topic from the start, then you will get your answers. Plus start exploring the topics on the Forum as everyone has shared their experience!
  13. @priyank_mod That word "Optimization" 🤦‍♀️
  14. If you think everything is good then why do you bother to ask for advices here? 🤦‍♀️
  15. Question: Why is your account temporarily restricted? Any reason?
  16. Your niche is super competitive that's why you are not getting enough impressions and clicks. So do some research on your niche on Fiverr first. Gig Images are very poor and have zero ability to grab buyer's attention. Do research first and then improve them further.
  17. Contact Fiverr Support regarding it because account related issues cannot be resolved here on the Forum.
  18. We already told you to use your skills for your own gigs too. If you are really a Digital Marketing Expert then do you think your creatives (gig images) are good enough to grab buyer's attention? Will you do the same images for your buyers too? Even your videos are not attractive.. So work on improving your gig galleries i.e. gig images and videos as well.
  19. Because you are responding to your buyer's messages late. If you are responding to the messages on time then check your Spam folder (Fiverr's). There might be unread messages there.
  20. @priyank_mod What have you learnt from the OP's post? Except it was a failed experience?
  21. I have observed the same on Fiverr. The sellers have literally zero knowledge on the word "Optimization" even they claim themselves to be SEO Expert or Digital Marketing Expert. I even know SEO and SMM but never tried these things for my gigs. Never felt like to do these things.
  22. What about Digital Marketing skills? Ever tried that?
  23. Elaborate which ways you have tried so far? Let us know.
  24. Indeed. We are the Experts (not Exparts) 😎 😅
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