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Everything posted by dereck_s

  1. Be warned that Modifying your gig does reset your search metadata so it will negatively impact how well people see you for a few weeks.
  2. Touche, please note I'm just saying what my success manager literally told me and once the month is done I'm quite terrified since I'm going down to level 0. This new system is hitting me quite hard and I don't know if I'll be able to recover.
  3. So the idea here is that you should have gotten all the information you needed before the order was started so in this case it likely would have been decided it was your fault but I don't really know. Fiverr considers delivery Extensions a "Last Resort". Here's what my Success Manager said on the topic.
  4. I think the issue is them going back 2 years more so than having 30 days to fix the issue. Let's be honest We can't fix any of the issues because we have zero control of our accounts. How do you fix a cancelation or bad review from a year ago? I'm a success level of 4 due to cancellations that at the time I was assured wouldn't impact such metrics and I have zero options to correct this or prevent it from causing the damage it's currently doing.
  5. I think it's always affected it, objectively you didn't deliver on time. I hate it as well but understand why it would affect the score.
  6. So here's a hot take. Maybe if someone isn't willing to say something publicly to you then they shouldn't say it. Where I live it's literally a protected right by law to be able to face your "Accuser". Waking up one day to getting a glowing 5 star review and tip but to see your impressions tank or you just randomly lose a feature due to "Additional Quality Metrics" that are not shared. You aren't even notified that you get a bad private review or ever given a chance to have someone look over the info to see if you did anything wrong. Private reviews done this way and the lack of transparency is shady and only serve to hurt sellers. People are finicky and some (not me of course) just wake up in a bad mood. Really the only issue here is how much pure power a buyer has over the seller. I wouldn't mind a bad review if I had a chance to defend myself and let Fiverr support staff look at both sides and then decide if I should take a hit or not.
  7. Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm about to lose everything despite being a 4.9/5 star level 2 seller for a decade. The last 1 star review I received was 8 years ago and for something Fiverr doesn't even offer anymore. I kinda feel like I'm being hung out to dry with zero support or ability to defend myself.
  8. So despite being a 4.9 - 5 star seller on this platform since 2013 I'm about to be reduced to level 0? I've had 2 cancelations in the last 6 months and neither were my fault nor were they suppose to affect my score. Am I just done now? What can I even do?
  9. No orders / customers here sadly. Been kinda down to a few trickle orders from regulars the last few months honestly. Hopefully that will change soon!
  10. I tend to agree with their criticism although I'm a seller so of course there's at least some bias here. I've always felt like the 2 biggest downfalls with Fiverr was their lack of transparency and how harsh any negative review or metric can effect you.
  11. Congrats man. Glad to hear your first order went well.
  12. Thanks for the update. I am stubborn and trusted in the almighty squiggles to tell me when I spelled something wrong anyway so I doubt it would effect me much. Was a cool feature to try though for sure.
  13. So here's a crazy idea. Remove the public star rating system that everyone sees and just make it where as long as you're .... I don't know 4.7 or above you keep your level (like how it's done with literally every other metric including seller rating). The star system really is just trust right? You see someone with a ton of 5 star reviews and you can trust reasonably that they deliver a good product. The issue is that everyone on the first few pages is 4.8-5 stars already so the star system really doesn't serve a function publicly to the buyer.
  14. For what it's worth I second either removing the private review or lessening it's effect. I guess my main issue isn't that it exists but that if I get one I get no defense and won't even know. In the US (at least in the realm of law) you get the right to face your accuser :P. I'd greatly prefer a system where maybe a customer support member studies the order and see if the bad review was warranted in their opinion at least. That would at least offer some protection to the buyer.
  15. I had this happen to me awhile back when I had a surprising growth in impressions. Randomly I started getting back to back cancellations and even the cancelation message was just copy/paste. I reached out to support and they also said it shouldn't have an impact so I always wondered what the goal was.
  16. Yeah I'd love to see cancellations not weigh quite so heavy on a buyer because ... ya know life happens. What tends to happen with me is a buyer will purchase a logo from me and ask for something that isn't a logo like packaging for a series of makeup boxes. Normally the support staff can be pretty helpful in these type of situations.
  17. So I guess my main concern here is promoted gigs. 2 of my 3 gigs are being promoted and it normally costs me around $100-150 bucks a month to do so on top of the already 20% cut and $30 paid for seller plus (costs I understand and are okay with). I wonder if the AI is automatically matching based on description and searched gigs will be less of a thing then is promoting gigs no longer going to be a thing? Do I additionally pay to be promoted with NEO? Fiverr for me in general tends to have a lot of ups and downs for me where I'll go a month without a single order and then the next month get 40+ orders all the while doing nothing different. I'd love to have a more steady stream of orders, is neo going to be a step towards achieving that?
  18. I'm not sure how long the extension would be, is it different depending on the type of gig? With logo design most start to finish delivery windows are 3 days and the review time after the job is delivered is 3 days. Also in most cases the only time you'd be delivering files is if the buyer has given approval right? In that sense the art is already approved so I'm not sure how much additional time you'd need to approve the art you've already approved. 3 days seems more than enough in most cases and if the buyer needs more time just saying so is a simple request I couldn't imagine a seller wouldn't grant.
  19. I think you assume that the tips would be manipulated with malicious intent, while possible It's something they could very easily track given how all the communication would be happening on the platform. I also imagine it would be quite easy to see the number of $5 orders with $100+ dollar tips and act accordingly. Functioning in a modern environment on any platform normally means giving yourself as much advantages and using as many services as possible to guarantee success. Fiverr years ago relied solely on merit and rating where now paying more money to the site does guarantee an easier and better experience. You may not think you need things like seller plus but I bet you have it.... the same with promoting your gigs and I bet you'll get or heavily consider the new feature we have to pay for further eating well beyond the original 20%. Keep in mind while I say these things I still think it's worth it and I personally prefer Fiverr the best over any other platform I've used but if you think you only need to pay 20% and not promote and not be a seller plus you're going to have a much harder time on the site.
  20. If the idea is to use a local seller I know there's a filter for that, for the man vs women we all have profile pics to show our gender although I'm not sure if that really plays a big role but if you think it does it's not hard to tell in most cases the gender of your seller.
  21. I'd love to be able to setup direct deposit to my bank where I wasn't going through a 3rd party like payoneer.
  22. I think I'm with Fiverr on this one, I liked seeing it removed and think there's better ways of doing what the buyer requests were trying to do. I don't think it led to a positive experience for someone trying to buy and getting hundreds of copy / paste messages and I don't think it was good the seller trying to lowball and undercut and compete with other sellers in that way. There's platforms where you do that and I personally think there terrible, it's 60% botting and 40% scams in most cases.
  23. I think the 20% of the price is fair and can certainly be worked around. What I do disagree with is Fiverr taking 20% of all tips as well and creating an environment where to be successful you might also need to promote your gigs which can also be expensive as well (normally around 10% of what the gig earned that month). Not to mention to get full access to the features on fiverr I'd also argue you'd need to seller plus, there's another 30 bucks. I would love to only be paying 20% now a days, whenever I do the quick math in my head it feels closer to 35-40% if you count them taking a portion of your tip as well. Keep in mind while I say this I do still like Fiverr and think it's overall worth it but you're paying way more than 20%.
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