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Everything posted by nikandco

  1. Hi Bethany and David! Nice to meet you both! I'm a top-rated spokesperson based in Los Angeles. So excited to be here too!
  2. Hi- Is each artist a different cost? If they are all the same, it could just be 1 gig and they choose their artist during the order process. But if you do need multiple (for ease of showcasing everyone's work samples), it's pretty common for a brand or studio to have different talents under 1 profile. Each gig would have to be different- you can't have a bunch of the exact same gigs.
  3. Yes true. I liked the freedom we had before to source the materials from wherever we wanted. You could get Getty images before for $10 each, but would need to source your own music or video clips. Thanks for chiming in! I definitely understand the Fiverr business side of it. I’ll hope for the ability to edit the price on these myself someday (with the set minimum dollar amount Fiverr approves, of course). As of now, the price cut from the $10 Getty price down to $2 just doesn’t justify the extra work involved with using these assets in editing 😅
  4. What do you guys think of Shutterstock replacing Getty? I'm on the fence about it. I love that it's streamlined and we now have access to video clips, but I don't love that the option to add music as a package inclusion is going away. Also don't love that the cost is so much less, which would impact my bottom line on these extras. Would love to know what you all think!
  5. Oh odd. Well, I can say that it being a custom order would not matter. The review process would work the same whether they purchased directly or through a custom offer. Sometimes there is a bit of a lag with Fiverr, so since it was completed yesterday, maybe give it a bit? You have up to 10 days to leave a review.
  6. Hi! @trasloganI believe you can only leave feedback for a Buyer if they have left feedback for you first. An order being completed doesn't automatically mean that they opted to give you a review. Did this most recent Buyer leave a review?
  7. If you have proof, you can send it to Fiverr support to plead your case. No one here in the forum will be able to reverse Fiverr's decision to deny a gig.
  8. Are you sure that the order isn't in your Awaiting Response section down at the bottom of dashboard orders? That has happened to me a couple of times. You can only see it when you first go to your dashboard and scroll down the orders.
  9. Typically Studio leads would contact you to add you to their studio if you have the "accept studio invites" option chosen. You can also create your own studio following the steps here: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010416457-Creating-a-Studio-Gig
  10. The review was left by a previous Buyer. If you are a Buyer, once the order is complete, the Fiverr system will prompt you to leave a review. The review will show up on the Seller's profile like the sample you provided. If you are a Seller, you can't leave a review for yourself.
  11. Yes it's completely safe and reasonable to block a buyer with whom you've had a poor experience. When you go to their profile and choose the block option, the system will prompt you to answer why, and you can indicate that you had a poor experience. He can't make Fiverr support unblock him and this won't negatively impact your profile in way.
  12. I think this is more of a question for Google. You would need a CAD software to open it. On a mac, autodesk would do it. I’m sure windows has a program as well.
  13. @gajuseidiThanks for being so honest and open about your experience! I hope new sellers see this, and are inspired to do their own research and learn as much as they can to help their businesses grow 😉
  14. No, not directly. The entire model of Fiverr is that Buyers are supposed to be able to purchase quickly and easily. You can put language in your gig description or gallery image/video that requests that Buyers message you first, but they can still ignore that and order without doing so.
  15. A little confused by your question- Are you saying that your gig is unqualified for maintaining level 2 status, or unqualified to move up to the next level? If you aren't qualifying to maintain level 2 status, remember there are several other factors that go Into this- including response time, completion rate, etc. If you aren't qualifying for the next level, its because Top Rated Seller is the next level and Fiverr hand selects these sellers. Just because you meet the general criteria doesn't automatically mean you will be promoted into that level. Hope that answered your question!
  16. Hi @hasibulbd2You ended up in the wrong thread. (This is an intro thread for video/animation sellers to get to know each other). For tips on starting out, you will want to visit the Seller Tips thread and post your question there. There are lots of answers to this very question in that forum. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/forum/16-tips-for-sellers/ Or, you can check out this article: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010708757-Best-practices-for-new-Fiverr-sellers Good luck!
  17. Perfectly said @video_at_fvrr I know a lot of us work predominately solo and from home, so its great to have a community here to chat with. Unrelated, @thedoreo, but please tell me in the reboot of the Muppet Babies, they finally showed their Nanny's face? That's all childhood me every wanted. 🤣
  18. Thank you so much @thedoreo! So helpful. Sounds like its time for me to learn Adobe! 😅 I've never heard of Calvary before, so I will definitely check that out too! Thanks again for all your help! Nik
  19. Hi! @thedoreo Thanks for getting back to me! I’m looking to add motion graphics and infographics. I attached a couple short clips on what I mean. Ultimately, the goal is to be able to create something interactive with my spokesperson videos, like this: (PS: Sorry its randomly a gun law video. It was the best sample when I was searching for "spokesperson with graphics" videos 😳)
  20. Hi all! I'm a Final Cutter, but I want to start incorporating custom animations into my work. I notice a lot of the community uses Premiere. Just curious if anyone uses Final Cut and can recommend an animation software that would integrate well with it? Thanks! Nik
  21. Buyer doesn't have to be online for you to deliver. After you deliver, they will have a few days to review it before Fiverr automatically marks it as complete
  22. Hi everyone! I'm Nik. Spokesperson and scriptwriter. I stumbled into this forum completely by accident, but I'm hoping it will be a community to meet other video/animation pros and share ideas. Nik
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