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Everything posted by michmikaia

  1. As a seller, you cancel it and ask the buyer to accept the cancellation. No need to ask for a refund. And it's off your stats as @sunboatrecordssaid. But in case the buyer refuses the cancellation, then you can ask for help from CS.
  2. As you have had no sales yet, so you have time to improve your gigs.
  3. Hi there. If a buyer order package from your gig, and give requirements that you have already set up in this gig, so the order start. If you really mention on the description that buyer should discuss to you before putting an order, then you should use that as proof when you ask for cancellation. But, I think it is better to talk first with that buyer. And you will see if if you should cancel or ask to extent the delivery time. It's quite bad for you if you cancel your first order.
  4. @smartdezignsif you notice, some people want an answer that they are supposed to be an answer even if you give the right advice.
  5. Hi. It is very clear in the terms and services.
  6. I think you cannot add Amazon as your client. Please, look at the "don'ts" in the guidline.
  7. As @smartdezigns said, read the ToS. Rules applied for all Fiverr users. Not only for new seller but every users. So the main reason new seller is get warning is by ignoring that rules.
  8. How important? That's a really wrong advice especially for newbie.
  9. Have you checked on the other pages of that gigs? Did you notice any drop in impressions and clicks?
  10. I am afraid that they will ignore that. Hope I am wrong.
  11. You need to proove that you really work with the client. You should ask also the client that you will show their company (or businesses) to your profile.
  12. What you said anyway is a bit confused. But I will try to catch it from my understanding. Some people attract buyers through social media marketing. That's why they get like 1 or 2 orders as you said. If you get order, fiverr push up your gigs, and get some impression on fiverr marketplace, even if you think their gigs is not good at all. After getting that impression, and as long as they get orders, good reviews they keep staying on the top. On my first comment, I said that it's competition here. So everyone will use what's working for themselves to win.
  13. @workerhard990 Well, I think you didn't catch what we said. People give you advice from experience. But you take our advices as critics. People here will not tell you point by point what you should do. (unless the AI comments). If want that kind of help, well, it's a bit difficult for you the world of freelancing. If you want to compare your gigs to the other, compare it with the more successful one. And make it as reference. Read fiverr articles and apply it. For example https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010452317-Best-practices-for-new-Fiverr-Sellers-Gigs?segment=seller Everything is already told not only here but with the other comments. So it's again it's totally up to you if you still take it as a criticism.
  14. Even if it's an old buyer it still an order. But I think you mean getting order from new buyers. Anyway, your issue of last few days will not affect your performance of the last 2 months. If the buyer order without asking you (like accidentally) and cancel it, normally there is no impact to your stat. If your stat does not change, so everything works well. If not, it's better to ask the CS. They know well about that situation. But talking about, not having a new customers, then may be there is a drop in your impression an clicks. So what you can do is improve and update your gigs. Getting order even if with old customers.
  15. I am a bit confused. You said you had a cancelled order a few days ago. And that affects your gigs and you didn't get any order for the last 2 months. But I saw you get your last order 2 weeks ago. Can you explain?
  16. I want to highlight @almostfauxrealcomment. How can you get orders if what you show to customers is not attractive, good and describe how professional you are? People say that because this is how it works on Fiverr. You have to spend time to work on your profile and details of your gig. As a new seller, you have to even surpass the others. It is a kind of competition here. You will fight to land your gig on the first page. So re-work on your gigs. Show and proove that you are really good in your category. Apart from that, be patient. Good luck.
  17. Unfortunately yes, even if it's a minute late, it's late delivery.
  18. As @maxtpf, we use English in the forum. I have checked your gig, and you've written your gig title in Spanish. So, of course, it's very hard for your gig to get ranked. So I suggest you to use English on your gig.
  19. Before contacting Fiverr CS, look at your earning status first. If it's written "transfert successfully", then the more concerned is Paypal not really Fiverr. So I suggest you to contact Paypal CS first.
  20. Hi. I don't know what happens to you for the last 3 years. Maybe it's long break. I think it's time for you to update your gigs, improve everything that should be improved in order for your gigs to get back to the search by taken into account @venonusa's advice.
  21. Hi. When I used Paypal, it is not more than a day. It's quite instantly. You can check this article for more information https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010530278-Payout-Methods?segment=seller
  22. Be careful. Only leveled sellers can have access to zoom chat from inbox by using seller invitation. New seller can only have zoom call trough the order. If you send a zoom link through message, you will get warning as you violated the ToS. So again, be careful.
  23. So you should wait. I think it's better for you to read the article below about your situation. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360014585217-Disabled-accounts?segment=seller
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