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  1. Hello! how are you all? I need a help to make report into a new freelancer gig for copied my gig image, i am confuse which URL i will use to prove that, i am only the owner of the image?, but i am 100% sure this design and image created by myself and i used its in my Packaging and label design gig, and this is my best seller gig, suddenly i saw a new freelancer copied my gig image, now i want to report for this violation, but i am confuse which URL i will use to prove that i am the only owner of the image? can i use my Gig Link? since i am a top rated seller and i am working morethen 4 years here.
  2. So its mean 15 days will be active and another 15days will be hide, right? @sadekmiah30
  3. I'm a top rated seller here, my best seller gig is not in search result has been 3-4 days, my gig has 700 plus 5 star reviews, and 13 orders in existing, I still can't find my gig in search, But the gig are active, even I have got Four-Five 5 star reviews after it disappeared, and My ''Response Rate'' ''Order Completion'' ''On-time Delivery'' Everything is 100%, only Impressions and clicks become lower Day by day, now I'm very worried Will this gig rank again? And how long will it take?
  4. Fiverr Support Replied me, they said Your Gig impressions are dependent on many different factors, including your seller statistics, performance, and additional internal factors. Fiverr does not guarantee impressions, clicks, or views for your Gig. As mentioned in our previous response, Gigs may also be removed from our search feature due to poor performance indicators. now my question is that, is it possible comeback my gig in search result? anyone here to help me about this situation please?
  5. @maezma85 but i didn't edit my gig at all has been 1 year
  6. @harshidvasoya i already requested to fiverr support for review the issue.
  7. Yes, i checked, and also dropped impressions and clicks, but i think those are not problem for this issue, because i have huge previous experience dropped impressions and clicks
  8. Hello! There, Suddenly i see one of my gig is not search result, it was in First page in relevant service, but now where it is i don't know, what can i do now?
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