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Everything posted by michmikaia

  1. We can still do the search on mobile App (buyer mode).
  2. I think, what @katakaticameant is your creativity as a graphic designer.
  3. Hi there and welcome back. There are a lot of change. Especially this year, like Success score, the AI and many things ... As you said, don't give back. Also, I suggest you to update your gigs so that it can be visible on search again after the long break. Good Luck.
  4. Have you contacted the CS? Only CS can help you solving your issue If I were, I wouldn' t send a very long message like this. You can simply tell that it's against TOS.
  5. Hi. I had that a issue 2 months ago I guess. That's why I use paid consulation at the same time in case. But now, I have it in my inbox. I didn't contact the CS. I don't know if there is a link between performance, activities with access to Fiverr zoom call in the inbox because there was a time I didn't have any single order for more than a month.
  6. For new seller, access of Fiverr zoom call is only through an order.
  7. Have you contacted the Customer Support regarding your issue?
  8. Have I missed something? Normally, new seller can only have 4 active gigs. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010560118-Fiverr-s-new-level-system
  9. Some new sellers will send an AI voice for that. It's a good idea. But with AI, I think it's quite hard to implement.
  10. Hi. Social media might increase your gig impression but rarely do you get orders; as the others said. You are new here, then it's better to learn from experienced sellers first and study the forum. Your last delivery was 3 days ago, and you have 1 order in queue. So why did you say that you haven't received any orders?
  11. Hi there. Have you already contacted the Customer Support about your issue?
  12. I want to learn about public speaking in my native language and French.
  13. This is my calculation 👇 As far as I know, they will display it as 4.9 if the total rating is below 4.96 (I am not sure).
  14. It works fine also in Engineering. Personally, I prefer having a call with customers because some of them have a difficulty in explaining everything in writing. A call with some gesture, sharing screen really help a lot. It saves time also to avoid a lot of back and forth.
  15. You mean 2019 right? You created your account in 2013. What happen if you activate that paused gig? Creating new account is not a solution because having multiple accounts is against Fiverr TOS. What you can do is to wait the answer of Customer support. And when you contact the CS, one ticket for one issue is enough. If you open many tickets, it will take time to them to respond you.
  16. 9:00am to 9:00am, Monday to Monday. Edit: It's a sarcasm
  17. That's the screenshot from the topic we thought it was a scam. The pop up for verification appears before publishing the gig. You made a point here. And as you said let's see. Anyway, newcomers are still vulnerable and fall into scammer's trap easily.
  18. Well, the verification process will occur when new seller create a gig. So, that might be the difference between the scam messages and the real Fiverr verification pop up.
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