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Everything posted by grayprogrammerz

  1. Not just that, Raising prices will also prevent freebee buyers 😄
  2. You are working on fiverr (a middleman), which insures safety against stealing. Suppose if buyer cancelled order after getting work, you need to contact fiverr support. If you done what buyer asked, fiverr will refund you from buyer. Don't worry, these scams are old stories. Fiverr took too many security measures, so no robber can stand now.
  3. contact customer service and request to remove it
  4. ask client to either try again or contact relevant support if issue persists i.e fiverr customer support
  5. if we don't get sales, fiverr consider we aren't performing or adding anything to fiverr's commission thus will kick out of search fiverr system prefers one: - who earns a lot in short time (regardless of no. of orders) - with no ethic issue (cancellation, disputes etc) Take example of fiverr choice, whose listed on top, they are top earners in category and if someone is new, offcourse fiverr give them chances by impressions/briefs but if gig isn't looking professional (specially one states expart, big shouts than their mouth...), buyer won't bother to contact (specially when having 0-10 sales) even after, communication and ability to pick up buyer's need... after feedback (private/public)... Private feedback is dangerous, as rarely folks attempt it, so only if one review is bad, whole score disturbs so better if you suggest repeat buyers for private review
  6. offcourse, need approval from buyer. to extend order or it is nothing more than "extension request", and order won't be extended thank you for clarifying, as i missed it
  7. 1. if extended and after submitted, FINE 2. when order stated late and you deliver, PENALITY 3. you mean you deliver before due date ? but delivery accepted after passing as late ? FINE
  8. I don't see any legal issue in such. or may be you were editing documents that you weren't permitted to ? like fake certificates etc ? Can you write description and title of gig ? If confident that gig follows guidlines, better contact customer support. For others, gigs are not monitored as there's millions of... But once reported, illegal gigs get doomed !
  9. Editing gig in hope of impressions won't help On fiverr, rank is all about performance No need to edit. If want rank, perform better, see gigs analytics
  10. I see your all gigs are new with low no. of sales Where are older ones ? New gigs are hard to rank. Better go with ones, that made you 680 reviews.
  11. Asking for GOOD or 5/5 starred review is problematic, rules wise, offcourse. Its their wish, whether they want to write or not. Shouldn't force. Only suggest, if user is new to fiverr and isn't aware of feedback section.
  12. There's too many spam accounts, so I believe fiverr set up bots to handle them, like upwork does Solution, that work for me as well, when upwork wasn't accepting my profile, was using grammarly (correct grammer) and long descriptions, utilize every single option... to bypass bots...
  13. No, not 100% but if same client orders again within 14 days, specific drop caused by that specific client would be removed
  14. yes, just make sure audio doesn't have sensitive information about client or if it does, should take permission first
  15. I also got promoted to level two in JAN, but my experience is different. My traffic became 3x, and kept on increasing, income wise also... But also note, all analytics were 100% green at that time. also all buyers were satisfied... When demoted from level two to level one in MAR, 2K traffic lost and even 2k more lost, when cancellation rate dropped to 90% still income wise no effect, i have repeat buyers... and ability to catch fishes from brief... Also Fiverr likes one who charges more Fiverr is not 5iver anymore
  16. I guess these features are sellers-only between I see toggles at bottom of my profile like:
  17. sorry, my bad, looks like i'm drunken. hehe I believe its rarest stats with respect to that great numbers. Edit: Lowest cancellation rate proves you are professional in what you are doing. congrats
  18. Looks great stat, rarely anyone have that. Between (47 / 701) * 100 = 6.7%, not 6.28 Mine is 7.6, even when I cancel order rarely in 6 months.
  19. I appreciate Yoav for willing to help. Currently, everything is fine on my end. ☺️ I suggested features about reviews system: 1. "Repeat buyer badge" on review, ability to write empty review for repeat buyers 2. Audio based reviews (so users can smoothly convey detailed feedback), which transcribed to text 3. 5 stars instead of 15 ("Recommend to friend","Service as described", "Seller Communication Level") Implementing such features, will help me and my buyers a lot Thank you!
  20. That favorite heart icon "Save to List" used for remembrance for a buyer. But it won't help gain buyers, or help SEO wise to rank gig. On fiverr, you have to do orders, if want SEO edge. Rest those hacks are lies. and the one who told you to do that, is liar and misguiding
  21. You mean price on gig was $35 and when you discussed, seller quoted $50 ? It do depends on service type. On fiverr, most services are CUSTOM. Not ready made or reselling item. So for every different work, seller do need to calculate CUSTOM budget. Take my example. I'm software developer. and every software I wrote from scratch. and every time, challenge is different. Depending on time and efforts estimation, I generate quote. May be for article writing, translation, proofread etc category different ? where you set exact rate. like XYZ words per $xyz. Note there's also conversion fees, transfer fee $3 (as budget low than $50), %25 charged by fiverr. So purchasing $35 gig, becomes almost $50. I suggest better go posting your request on fiverr brief. Mention budget is strict, no negotiation. and filter from who agrees.
  22. Had the same issue some months ago. Even I (seller) and client was willing, but fiverr wasn't. QUOTING FROM CUSTOMER SUPPORT: I suggest cancel this order. And ask client to reorder within 14 days. If it does, penalty will be reverted. Again quoting from my old ticket:
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