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Everything posted by grayprogrammerz

  1. You have already waited 6 months and did everything you can... Now whats strategy ? waste another 6 months ? Fiverr may not be suitable for you. Try alternatives, learn new skills in meantime, upgrade existing, do internships(specially online ones)... There's other folks as well on earth, earning WITHOUT FIVERR. Fiverr isn't everything
  2. Right. But such limit also varies on monthly earnings and country. For pakistanis, dollar rate is increasing month by month. So even pennies in usd are monsters in pkr. I guess that's not case with china, right ? and there's not much I can save with those strategies. In my case, difference b/w $1000 vs $3000 is like saving $6-$10. hehe
  3. There's one more issue Repeat buyers occasionally purchase in a month but don't bother, even to write public review They just complete order and runaway If I was buyer, probably I think same 'Oh man! I don't have much blood to WRITE same mighty review again and again to same person in every month' May be for repeat buyers, only stars and feedback OPTIONAL Along with stars mention that "REPETITIVE BUYER", I believe the word "REPEAT" is enough to explain quality of service Some even ask me to contact them on whatsapp/telegram, though they were valid buyers Well I been speechifying about rules to them But problem is, they bothers to WRITE, they want to SPEAK instead Its 2023, AI is in trend. What about Voice to text feedback ? Also that 3 row stars looks extra. Isn't one row enough ? Buyers are in hurry, one buyer mistakenly clicked 4 stars and others 5. and result was 4.7 and now we won't be able to correct our mistake in life 😂
  4. that's why I don't save income on fiverr I just withdraw, as soon amount is enough as environment has no stability, chargebacks, disputes... Between for my personal knowledge, what's buyers location ? Were they any new clients ? with no reviews ? and new account (check since:xxx date) ?
  5. its hard to work when buyer response rate is slow May be you can set auto reply something like: ``` Welcome {username} Make sure you include: - weight - variation ... ``` whenever buyer first time messages, automated reply would be sent and rest, less questioning may needed
  6. min withdrawal limit is $20, and $3 transfer fee i suggest to NOT hurry, patient till you will have good amount to withdraw or you will end up being hunted by taxes
  7. adsence is approved on a person identity, right ? after you transfer ownership ? If google allows that, no issue But question seems like "Can I sell my level one/two/top fiverr account ?" Selling existing website is NOT issue. But selling an account (adsence/admob/fiverr/youtube) can be. But again, I don't work for adsence, so can't be 100% sure
  8. first one is paypal and others both are PAYONEER (while seeing same payoneer logo) so no chance in any, where you can skip verification
  9. You went too far. If I were you, I would simply cancel order with no questioning after open ticket on fiverr support request to revert any penalty caused by cancellation (as its buyer fault, not yours, so you won't be punished)
  10. If your withdrawn money is less than $500, payoneer will charge extra/additional $10 fee
  11. We already pay $3 transfer fee from fiverr to payoneer after %2 to payoneer after conversion fees around $20 i guess (additional $10, if funds less than $500) if you want save every single dollar, then withdraw only in bulk (around $500-1000) it may save many small taxes, like $10, $3 between why take so tension, our Rupees are cheapest one and even now that $400 reaches more than lakh pkr. hehe
  12. its irregular option, some even with 2 reviews get it and some even with 100 reviews doesn't its selected by fiverr and has unknown criteria
  13. 1. First remove this, its for displaying only companies and agencies that hired you, not where you worked before and it may become trouble for you later for legal issues and as you mentioned suddenly you get out of search: - make sure analytics are good - if all analytics are 100%, then you are hit with bad private review (some buyer complained about your services privately to fiverr) 2. Now focus on quality, not quantity increase quality, increase price and take low no. of orders and overdeliver it and fiverr awards your search back between did it happened after this ?
  14. sorry no offense, but i'm curious to know how you got PRO badge first ? it really questions fiverr reviewing system I see from start of your career, all reviews says same "didn't got expected rank result". Whereas PRO need to be honest, not fraud. Promise only something that you can deliver. and to get it back, its NOT impossible, but its NOT easier either first correct those ratings and low buyer satisfaction rate (from 4.7 to 5) 4.7 stars too critical, even you may lose your current level too, if it gets 4.6 or lower maintain greatest stats, not just good, only then you can take back pro and I fear its hardest, fiverr will hesitate offcourse, to entrust you second time
  15. https://www.fiverr.com/levels there's many requirements, major one: earn $2000 or more
  16. https://community.fiverr.com/welcome/ View those featured topics for tips at "welcome page"
  17. not at all, my case was also same, but got not issue just make sure your photo is clear its expected, folk face may change from time to time
  18. Make similar gigs, with little different category (but not duplicates) In my case, I program ideas in whatever programming language, so I made each different gig for every different language (python, C#...) so every gig gets different attention and get matches in briefs
  19. its too late now I think we should forget past, let us welcome new changes Briefs are updated better day by day, I also see many different features: - Report button (so we can report scam and spam) which we asked for years - You can contact buyer, discuss requirements and adjust budget/time (without forced to send offer first) - It also shows buyer details (like country and profile), so I can decide whether to send offer or not (I spot bad buyers using such details) - Shown to relevant folks only, so less competition and high chance of success Also I'm bit satisfied now, I get good orders from brief. and I believe its started to work (unlike in start, it was too bad).
  20. no option to promote gig and impressions keeps on decreasing ? that's happens when there are cancellations/low buyer satisfaction rate... in another words, something is missing in performance... level can help alot, but only when analytics are good
  21. They give priority to leveled sellers Even if they don't solve after viewing several times, must be you demand something that is inappropriate Between what problem you submitted ? knowing details may help to troubleshoot
  22. take guidance from some expert nearby or use different mobile for verification
  23. How are your analytics page ? Specially the left side. Also were there any cancellations ? Fiverr is sensitive for "Completion rate" and "Private reviews".
  24. probably that's bad manager, better change that as you tried 3-4 months already for sellers, they set inbox metric to reply within 24h (and it shows as reddish critical if its under 12h) i expect a fiverr employee to be more energetic than a local freelancer
  25. i remember, there's no official api all other folks like me use unofficial apis or private self made programs but its recommended you don't do bomb testing on your account, it may be dangerous but for general purpose, fetch and analyse data... its safe but unlike some folks use auto reply bots, active online account 24h... its dangerous
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