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Posts posted by ozan_erdi

  1. Hello everybody.

    I dont know how frequently you face this issue. But some of the clients ask to sign non-disclosure-contracts. Most of those are companies with their policies. 

    Apart from them being a company policy, do they really need it? Does fiverr provide similar protections? If so, do you know how can i prove this to the clients? Can we handle this within our offer? 

    Also, how it would be acceptable for me to share my information to the client for those contract files to be filled. We will still conduct the business in fiverr. But to start, we need to sign the contract.

    Im looking at you my battle hardened friends.

    • Like 8
  2. 14 hours ago, katakatica said:

    They really seem to think that setting up their gigs, being online, etc. etc. is part of their work - and then comes the reward. But that's not how it works,

    EXACTLY. Even if being online would be the right way to do it, they would still not be able to do much.

    14 hours ago, katakatica said:

    I've been writing since I was a teen and it took me years to get here.

    Same here. I am drawing since the beginning of my life. I'll give any beginner 1 year to practise to draw what i draw in 25 seconds like I did. Lets see how it goes. Did you know same thing happened to Pablo Picasso too? A client of him asks why he should pay that much to something that took 30 minutes to do. And Picasso answers: It took me 42 years and 30 minutes to do it.

    And it took him 42 years, 30 minutes and 5 seconds to roast the client like that. 

    14 hours ago, katakatica said:

    I do think that a lot of this IS caused by people constantly saying how easy it is to freelance/work online. It's not. Work is work and sure, there's way harder things to do (I could NOT do construction work, waitressing, etc., especially not NOW with the weather) but it's just not for everyone and that's perfectly fine.

    I am not actually a painter, I am an architect and i have been doing that job actively for over 10 years. But i wouldnt touch architecture gigs with 10meters stick here. People should focus on what they could do and start from there. 

    14 hours ago, katakatica said:

    In the end, I think both of our posts are sort of hinting at the fact that working online just isn't something everyone should do.

    True. At least not without proper preparations and a strong foundation. 

    I think the problem starts by not thinking this is a platform of professionals who aim to build a good career here. I think people look at this platform like a "quick money in the pocket" In fact, it never is like that in any part of the world. And that perspective leads to a failure %99 of the time. 

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  3. Now i will wear the evil crown of pestilence and open my mouth.

    Most of those people are not actually qualified to adapt a multinational professional life. There are more basic things to cover before going in and start selling. Without those, one will never be succesfull within these platforms.

     1- Learning english to upper levels. You dont need to be perfect, i myself do a lot of mistakes while writting even in here. But i can say i am able to make a technical conversation within my field. This is the most important thing to invest in. Because rest of it will be avalible to you only if you have a good english. Also very important for the first impressions.

    2- Getting familiar with business platforms and understanding why there are such platforms. Fiverr is here to make money. Just like we all are. Some people here acts like fiverr promised them something and didint deliver it. Or does not understand that Fiverr needs you to be succesful, in order to make money. If you are not doing anything, you are going down.

    3- Being familiar with the worlds current situation and cultural difference. This is more imprtant than one thinks. Political correctness is more important than ever. Besides knowing english, getting good at how to adress to people, how to say hi, how to say goodbye. Those are important communication skills to have. Only by doing these things right, you will open your path to get into the business. Some people are being disrespectful without even noticing it. While writting a request offer, messaging, asking questions in forum or writting a gig explanation.

    4- How to use internet with common sense. Sadly, yes. As far as i am seeing, this is an issue with some people here. Sometimes people ask for help and seek answers in the forums. But i cant see myself helping them by answering. Because the problem is situated in a way deeper place than i can reach. For the very basic example: why forum activity wouldnt increase your impressions? Why copy paste offers wouldnt work? Why being online wouldnt help? These things are not even related to Fiverr only. These are just common knowledge. Those questions shouldnt even exist.

    5- Know what you can do and lean on it. Some people dont even know what to do before coming in here and start openning gigs. Which skills they posses? How good are they? Do they need to improve themselves? What can they learn with their current situation? I dont see people asking these questions in forums. I see people asking which category they "should" go for. This is absurd! Do what you can do. Or learn what you can in order to do it.

    6- How to do business as a freelancer. Now i am not a master of this topic. But it is important to know how much to charge, how much time an order would take to complete. What problems can i face while doing this job? How can i solve this problem my client is having? Are there any downsides of using this technic? Does my client need a consultation beforehand or am i going to do what they ask without question? Im not even getting into technical terms at the very basic level. 

    There might be some other things that needed to be adressed. But without those, one cant even begin to understand fiverr, forums, orders, ranks, gigs and whatnot.

    And i am almost sure, most of the people who really needs to go trough these matters are not gonna understand it from what i wrote. Which is sad and ironic.

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  4. On 7/19/2022 at 4:53 AM, vickiespencer said:

    At one time, a seller on the Fiverr Forum asked his buyers which level they thought was highest, level 1 or level 2. Most of them said level 1 sellers were the highest level. So, that shows how levels may not be as crucial as sellers think, and it may also explain how level 2 sellers see fewer orders.

    When you think of the Ranks, 1 is higher.

    When you think of Levels, 2 is higher.

    If you want to talk about Tiers, 1 is again higher.

    If you want to see who is first, 1 is winner.

    There are also badges, promotions and stuff. And in some languages, ranks, levels, tiers and stuff like that might be translated to same or similar words. I can understand why its confusing to people.

    It should have just said "THIS SELLER ROCKS" and "THIS SELLER ROCKS EVEN MORE" and for the final level "THIS IS THE ROCKIES SELLER EVER"

    That would've been more understandable.

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  5. Everything changes during my summertime!

    Usually i sleep at 01.00am But its too hot now. Its cold enough for me to be comfortable at 2.00 am or something. 

    But with warm weather, its time to take out my motorcycle! YEAAAA Now i go everywhere with my bike if im not gonna drink alcohol. That is fun! Altough i have to find places with shadows to park it. Or Its gonna burn my bum when i get back to it! And, i kinda met a woman, maybe she likes bike adventures trough the country too. Hmm ideas ideas 😆

    I have a small yard in front of my place. I bought a grill so im gonna have some sausages and beers with my friends! That is a good plus in the summer. Its hard to find affordable pork in turkey. Its rare so they are REALLY expensive. But i have found a Christian butcher a little distance away. He has some good port sausages. It turns out whole Christian community in İstanbul kinda knows him. He is one of the limited port sellers here.

    Lastly, i have stacked some really powerful sun protection stuff. Like Industrial level lotions and such, made to protect vampires and Uruk-hai's from sun. I have to remember to use them before going out to work each morning. Or ill be toast. This thing is easy to forget and easy to remember once i see my arms in the mirror 😕 

    And i allways, allways forget to drink water. Its a principle



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  6. 10 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    This is off topic, but have you ever considered creating a writing gig?

    Because of my vampiric qualities against the sun? 😄 

    I havent to be honest, but i see what do you mean, which now i will take as a compliment. Buuuut, well 😄  I have no definitive answer.

    Btw, yeah i like autumn too. Its a fun day.

    • Like 7
  7. 14 hours ago, moikchap said:

    I suppose we could also say experience creates a floor (minimum results), and skill creates a ceiling (maximum results).

    If its not true, it sounds like the closest.

    • Like 4
  8. 35 minutes ago, mariashtelle1 said:

    Oh well, the winter wind hurts even more 😉 it’s like a thousand needles on your face and getting through your bones, cold burns too by the way, it feels like your skin is on fire 

    But if it’s a winter with 0 degrees I don’t consider it a winter 🙈 that’s almost a summer 😅 

    You got your point. I'll give you that. But you can wear a hoodie and turn your back. It cant hurt if you have your coat on. But i'll take that any day instead of the constant heatwave and swarm of monsters. 

    But i have to admit, im built more for winter. I have a weaker skin, and underneath i have a cozy layer of mass. Specially in middle east situations, those two goes very well in winter and deadly in summer.

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  9. On 7/12/2022 at 2:24 AM, vickieito said:

    The worst thing about the Toxic Spider monsters is that their toxic behaviors usually don't come out until after the order is placed.

    Some of the Toxic Spiders cant conceal their true idenities very well. I have encountered some. They usually approach in Negotodog form with attidute. But you can use your magic torch to reveal their true idenity. Which is not bowing to the negotiations.

    First they claim your prices are high, after that they ask why the prices are high. When i get asked "why" for my prices, i usually know it is a Toxic Spider Monster in Negotodog's form. There is still a chance its a Negotodog who wants to know your prices genuinely, but if it becomes uglier after that, use the standart disengage and block abilities. Toxic Spiders are very weak against blocking abilities.

    Scopoflayer is my nemesis. They get stronger as the order gets closer to be finished. Each head you cut, 2 more comes up. And i have encountered some legendary Scopoflayers. They are Worse than the Toxic Spider's. They are evil. They give you the impression of revision request while tryng to break your spirit so at one point you just give up and cancel the order. After many hours of work you end up unpaid and they get their work done. Which is what they aim to do. Scammers, traitors, lord of their rotten towers. cant leave those fights without taking any damage.

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  10. 2 hours ago, mariashtelle1 said:

    I am curious to see if there are a lot of “winter” people here

    You have found one, in Middle East.

    I like summer, its nice and bright out there, uplifts your spirit no lie. But I HATE THE SUN and sun hates me back. In summers, i allways have burns, my skin is allways peeling. You dont need to step into the light, even wind burns, its like being attacked by a dragon. Second i get away from an air conditioner i need to change my shirt. I cant sleep when its hot. There are many bugs and flies all over. I cant even look straight because of the brigtness, i always squint my eyes like Clint Eastwood. Drinking a cold beer only works for 7.5 seconds. Combine all of those with salt water and its worse. So i cant enjoy beaches too. It is disgusting and painful. You will not die if you fall asleep for 2 hours, but you will get 2nd degree burns if you take a stroll for 10 minutes.

    But i like winter. I must admit our winters are not that harsh. We got 0 degrees, sometimes it snows. But there is a cold breeze out there keeps you awake, you can have a hot coffee, hot chocolate or a hot wine, stand in front of a fireplace and enjoy your evening. And if its too cold outside, you can always wear some additional layer. I can even breath better in winter. An additional plus is you can breath cold fog out of your mouth. This time, i am the dragon.

    No wonder i draw undead monsters to make living.

    • Like 8
  11. Just now, newsmike said:

    Dearest sir,

    I am writing to congratulate you on your mastery of sarcasm. As a practitioner of the art, I could hardly let your finely crafted response pass without the full measure of kudos due. Please be on the lookout for an application to our secret club, which meets every other Halloween in the Capuchin Crypt, and rewards only those individuals who practice at the highest levels of sarcasm, verging on the sardonic.

    Well played Sir!


    I will humbly accept your invitation when the initiation time comes. I also am a fan of your pointy sharp wordplays as i have mentioned many moons ago. 

    I raise my glass to you aswell

    • Like 5
  12. On 7/11/2022 at 2:52 PM, shafox_graphic said:

    This is how ill send my buyer request. i dont know what is the mistake. please help me?

    Greetings... You are in the right place, sir. yes, I'm sure I can make you a unique logo for your ISDaddy ERP system. at the lowest price. I have a lot of ideas about your logo. I will do my work until you are satisfied. So kindly give me the opportunity to build your prestigious brand design.

    This is horrible. Everything here is a mistake. It would be miracle to get an order with this.

    • First of all, do not copy and paste an offer. Everybody can understand that you have copied it. It gives the impression of a spam(which it is actually). Write for each job indivdually. I wouldnt spend a second to read a spammed message like this.
    • Cut the "Sir" Dont use it. Many people dont like it. Do NOT also use "brrother, sir, dear, madam, friend, fella, boi" or aything similar. 
    • "You are in the right place" This is absurd. You are reaching out to them, its awkward to act like they have reached out to you
    • "Lowest price" is not always a good sign. 
    • "I have a lot of ideas" No you dont. Everybody knows that you dont. Its just a generic sentence that nobody buys.

    Buyers receive tons of offers just like this when they open a request in minutes. There is nothing here that can make one think that you are the right person. Speak to your potential buyers, do not copy paste. Copy paste does not get you a bright future and career. You should write them spesifcly according to their needs.

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  13. On 7/13/2022 at 5:48 PM, mobaswiraaktar said:

    I achieve the rank: of Grand Master in Fiverr form in a short time. 
    Pray for me.

    Grand Master

    Thanks Fiverr
    Mobaswira Aktar

    Oh Grand Master; please share us what you have learned. Grant us a fraction of your precious and eternal knowledge. Bless us with your insight so we may hope to see what is beyond and taste the fruits of truth. Beloved and all knowing Grand Master; please just a glimpse of your boundless wisdom would give us knowledge enough for hundrend lifetimes for we are helpless and unworthy to your eyes.

    Even in this topic, where everybody slam dunks our new grandmaster, people still chain liking everything written here. I am receiving likes from one of our another Grand Master(already) as i write this. And im sure that Grand Master gonna like this one too.

    Guys, we are not strong enough for this fight. Im gonna go stab myself in the kitchen if you need me.

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  14. I would say experience. 

    In todays world, skills can be aquiried trough many means of systems. You can read, watch, take courses and practise. It just needs determination without any risks. 

    But for experience, you have to expose yourself to the world. Take risks and do some jobs with people. Without skills you will fail at the start but eventually you will start to do fine with what you have learned while failing(thus the experience giving you a hand) But without experience you will never get anywhere. Experience prepares you for suprises.

    You can be the best javelin thrower in the world. But you will never get any medals without participating to a contest.

    • Like 7
  15. I have destroyed myself 2 months ago. Replied late to couple people and delivered an order late for some personal reasons. 

    Now im a new seller, dropped from level 2. Which is not a big issue to be honest. Now i have done some orders again and it started to point upwards. Now i look like a megatron of the new sellers. You know like a friend from the first year of elementary school, who is a little bit taller and bulkier for a 7 year old child, but looks like a titan to the other kids. Thats me right now. New seller with 200 reviews. Rididulous. And a living proof of the unimportance of the level, because given everything; i have enough to keep myself busy.

    So its fine.



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  16. I have drawn a zombie dog with in a black and white sketchy style. No journey. Its just your usual zombie dog. Only thing special was it had very big and creepy eyes that ressemble humans.

    Sometimes when you ask a question, consider sharing what do you have. Its more approachable to share your own story first when you stand up from your chair to talk.

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  17. Very dark topic, i like it.

    It would be arrogant to say that technology cannot surpass human craftsmanship. Specially when you think "creativity" is something we do with inspiration. Human mind cannot create something out of nothing(whoever opposes this, can create a new color that has never seen before and i will be on my way out), we allways look up to nature or the designs done before us. An AI can do it too. An AI can mix and match different sources and create something new.

    To what extend? How precise can it get? That is a question for the near future. Maybe an artist would take over what AI designed, do the touch ups and finish the product. I have already recieved couple of orders from some buyers just like that. Unless a client needs a spesific artists or designers vision, AI can do it.

    But all this was about "design" not art.

    Art is something totally different. A robot wouldnt do art unless it was ordered to. Art is a reflection of emotions and toughts. Which a robot cannot have(at least our understanding of AI right now) But surely it can imitate art, that is not a question. But a true art would still be performed by humans.


    Needlesly to say; in the future, majority of human professions would be circling around sub-classes of robotic engineers, mechanical engineers and software egineers, artists, athletes or maybe administrators. Those would be the lower class professions. Higher class professions would decide how would/should robots and AI act in different situations, like cyber law. Rest would be considered traditional or handmade exotic services/goods 

    That is my opinion. Which i must say, not very colorful 🙂 

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  18. 9 hours ago, terrygrantvo said:

    IDK, but if you ever figure it out, create a gig for it and you'll make like, a million dollars in your first year.

    Im willing to pay to whoever can achieve that. You got your first client.

    • Like 9
  19. On 1/2/2022 at 9:16 PM, saraalee said:

    Hello guys, 
    Can Anyone tell me about NFT art that after creating a character, how we can create 1000/ 10,000 traits? is there a software which provide trades randomly?


    On 1/14/2022 at 6:35 PM, ecomme_expert said:

    what is Nft ?

    Here are some things that i know

    You create a character. And you draw 10 different sets of arms, legs and heads(for example) They are called traits.

    Now a software mixes and matches them randomly, which gives you 10x10x10 different characters. Which is 1000. You can make some of them more rare than the others. At default, each trait is used equal amount of times. But you can arrange that and make some of them picked out less. Which makes that character more valuable than the others. Because it has some rare qualities to them.

    But NFT art does not have to be like that. Its just an easy way to create a collection to sell, actually unrelated to the blockchain technology. But people think those art pieces are the representative of the blockchain. Which is nonsense. Its just a very small part of it. Its the concept of ownership that matters actually.

    Usually people buy the NFT's because it becomes more valuable and you sell them with a profit. Unrelated to the art. And some people use those pieces to make avatars and stuff, to show that they have NFT's as a sign of wealth(because some of them are really expensive like millions of dollars) or as a sign of being a part of the community. Some companies uses NFT's as game pieces. You play the game and own that character. And each character is unique with its combination of traits.

    Right now NFT community is mostly about making money. But i agree with @visualstudios In time people will see its uses. As an artist, i can say NFT stuff opened up a huge opportunity and job applications for me. But i refuse to do those stupid monkey avatar stuff or cryptopunks or anything like that. I usually work with game companies that i can show my arts value. And in some platforms, where as a creator, NFT's are making money to you aswell while being reselled. You are marked as the creator of the piece in the blockchain and you get your share. Which was not possible before unless there was some special contract.

    Of course there are some bumps on the road. And with all new things, rich people will just become more rich by one other mean. But in the end its a new technology, and new windows for different people to shine. There will always be some oppotunists making millions when some new things emerge. 

    Some people will say "you can just screenshot it". Yes you can, you always could. You can download illegal music, movies, save some pictures. I have a reproduction of a van gogh painting in my wall. Nobody said "you can just download from torrent why did you rent this movie" With this technology, people can show you that they own them in matter of seconds.

    There are many things that i dont know about it. Like how the law works? Since this whole blockchain system is about being uncentered, who prevents me from using a screenshot? Which authority do i go to if i am scammed? How come people cant just screenshot a picture and sell it as NFT? OR do they? Who punishes the scammers? If i sell a product in a platform, how does the other platforms would be aware of that and accept the new owner? I have no idea how those work.

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  20. 18 minutes ago, vincezen said:

    @ozan_erdi Actually if the gig will be completed the total amount the he will pay is around $17, the charity he mentioned is from this website The Japan Relief Clothing Center provides support activities such as donating clothing to disaster-affected areas and conflict areas overseas. (jrcc.or.jp) and I confirm the address and contact so I can say it is a legitimate charity.



    Im just tryng to tell you what these series of events look like. You can choose to get offended by it, but im not doing this for the sake of my pleasure.

    But if i can see it that way, someone else can see it too. That is my whole point. It is very open ended. You may never be able to fully prove that i am wrong. How can you prove that you are not associated outside of fiver with your client in this incident. Some screenshots and addresses does not make it any less suspicious. Fiverr only cares about the actions you have done in fiverr. In this case, your client is asking you to pay them in another platform. It stinks of misdeed.

    Im not sure what would be Fiverr's stance at this instance. But if it was up to me, i would definetly think you were doing these things to promote each others pressence in these platforms, or for something worse. Since when buying charity items is a freelance work? 

    You can get banned, your account can get removed, you might be accused way harder than i did to you. Even if you are an entity made from the souls of Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi combined.

    I hope you are seeing what im seeing. 

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  21. 14 minutes ago, vincezen said:

    hi @ozan_erdi here is my gig for your reference, the service that I offer is to buy stuff here from Japan. So I am not sure of your assumptions.

    You buy his shirt for 10 dollars. Leave a good review on amazon, he marks your order of 12 dollars completed, leaves you a good review. Nobody spends any money except small fees and a shirt. Everybody gets 5 star review. And if you send back this shirt to somewhere else(Which can be "back to them") He doesnt even spend a shirt to get this.

    What do you think this looks like? It doesnt even look like a scam. It looks like a scheme. You might have good intentions. But you should take a look at the story here. I dont have anything else to say.

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