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Posts posted by ozan_erdi

  1. For the next summer, i am planning to go to Norway. Go to the Stavanger, rent a motorcyle and travel trough the south beachline to the Oslo and back to Stavanger. Way on the back route will be more inlands so that i see different places. It will take about 10-15 days and probbly take about 3000 euros(with flight and visa etc)  depending on the places im staying.

    I have looked at the roads im gonna travel, it has nice roads and nice views. And there are some places to stay with outdoor activities like archery and horseback riding. It all sounds great.

    Of course i need to be able to afford it. But its a lifetime experience so its worth the money im gonna spend.

    With who? that remains to be seen 😄 

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  2. I had some uses about seller plus program.

    First of all, you get someone to help you trough stuff. They may not be helpful for a veteran but they are fine. And with their help you can solve some complicated support requests faster. Which is great. 

    My favorite: You get to see the buyer stats. Which is great. Some buyers can really drag you trough the dungeon floors and you have an increased chance of predicting that with stats and reviews avalible for you.

    If  your gig is in a good position and get orders regularly, i do not think pay for per click is going to hurt much, and you can turn that off anytime. Its for hard times to be honest. When my gig is in its prime, i had 3k impressions per day and wouldnt need the promotion. When the days turn sour, it might be your only chance to be visible. 

    Instant withdrawal is always cool if you need the money.


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  3. That is a major purge. While i was reading your post i tough "yeah great, at least they get rid of some" But when i saw 25k. I knew it wasnt getting rid of "some" 

    Its a mass beheading event. I love it!

    • Like 9
  4. Fiverr cant control what you do on the internet. It can only control what you do in their platforms. 

    Only thing fiverr says about is to not share your personal information in order to get people out. But they cant do anything about your stalking abilities. 

    Altough i do not recommend it. We are just talking hypothetical 

    • Like 3
  5. Just now, mercurianus said:

    and what about finding your buyers outside Fiverr? is that allowed? With today's social media you can find anyone pretty easily. 

    Well fiverr encourages you to do that while mentioning sharing your gig. They get your %20, they get a buyer potentially spends more money in the platform. They reach out to more people which helps platform to grow.

    What you are not allowed is to redirect your buyers from fiverr to outside of the platform. Which fiverr lose the %20 and the other benefits mentioned in that situation. And those are their payment for finding you a client. 

    • Like 3
  6. I get what you are saying. 

    But its not gonna last. A profile based on lies and deceive sooner or later will go down. How many times a person is going to do that? I bet its not 500 times. You are losing %20 of the payment after all. 1 or 2 reviews is not going to change everything for years. 

    No platform is perfect. You can do these kind of stuff everywhere. You can never pay for the thing an artist did for you. Or you can never deliver the work you have been paid for. Compared to those, what we are talking about is really not a big deal. So what someone has 2 more 5 star ratings. Next person have 450 5 star ratings.

    Its just very insignificant.

    • Like 4
  7. Just now, mercurianus said:

    So Fiverr basically gets money but don't care about work and reviews.

    Exactly, and that's not good. When a lot of sellers put hard work and earn their reviews, Fiverr encourages you to bring your other clients to make them more popular and earn. we pay 20 % only for the clients they bring. So it is not right that they encourage basically made up orders. 

    Well, fairness and rightfulness can be discussed for years. 

    I'd like to think it this way;

    Fiverr gave you an oppurtunity to sell your services, and it has to make money in order to maintain this platform. But it cannot and should not stick its fingers in your whole social network. So if you feel like tricking fiverr this way, well thats you. Fiverr still gave you a guarantee of payment and a guarantee of delivery to the buyer. That is a service you are paying. 

    3 minutes ago, mercurianus said:

    Exactly, and that's not good.

    Why? You still did a good job and your friend is happy with what they get. Only difference is they thanked you with a formal way.

    • Like 4
  8. Well, fiverr got its %20. Its better than nothing. And you have advertised them for free.

    Besides if they are your friends they would have liked what you have done for them anyhow because you would have done a good job. Right?

    2 minutes ago, mercurianus said:

    Something goes off. What if the buyer reports that you pressured them to give a good review through the social media even though you didn't?

    That can happen without being followed by your buyer. No system is perfect. If they want to lie, they can lie. BUt i dont think fiverr would have taken it seriously since it happened outside of the platform. 

    • Like 4
  9. Just now, mercurianus said:

    well If you have so many followers, why will you have to route them through fiverr in an age where there are so many payment methods available? I do some business outside but I don't see any incentive to route them through fiverr.


    Who knows? maybe you dont trust that they'll pay. Maybe you dont have that many avalible methods. For example, i cant have paypal because its closed in my country. 

    Maybe you need to increase the traffic in your fiverr gig for the long run?

    There are reasons. 


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  10. If you have your father and your sister as followers in your social media, sharing is useless.

    What they mean is, share your gig if you think you can find potential clients. I have my gigs link on my instagram, if anyone would like to conduct business, they can come to fiverr and order.

    Or let say, you have 20k followers with some money to spend, share your gig and show them you are doing freelance services.


    • Like 7
  11. There are tons of other softwares. Yet you only named 3 of them. 

    Nobody explains why they choose what they choose. Nothing to learn from.

    I think this post is here just because... to get orders? Another attempt to be active on forum?

    Anyway, let me try to be helpful, in case someone tries to learn something.

    I use Procreate. Mainly because i own an ipad. Procreate is very quick and easy to learn. IPad allows you to use touchscreen for many things like pan, zoom and rotate. Procreate is great for illustrations. You can find helpful tips in youtube if you are a beginner. However i find it hard for more technical drawings or large scaled projects. If thats the case, you should have photoshop in your pocket. Which requires another device because Photoshop in ipad is really limited.

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  12. 51 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

    If it was part of the original order and you did not get the editable file, you can contact customer support and say that your order was incomplete.

    Unfortunately, I think the seller is within his rights to not honor those revisions.

    Anyway, most sellers who do Photoshop can trace the artwork to work on.

    In art gigs, there is a box to check if you are going to give the source files. If its not checked, its all words in the wind.

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  13. You have cornered yourself here. On paper, seller did everything they should do and you have no more claim over it since you accepted the order, gave him a review and tipped him.

    However i have seen some stories (from sellers side) that the order once was done and rewieved, it is cancelled afterwards. I dont know how, probbly you should be more "not-agreeable" when talking to the fiverr. However there is no guarantee.

    To be honest, you should ask this; Should fiverr cancel the order despite everything on the paper? Just because you asked it? Look at it from the other angle. Imagine how many people would abuse the system(not saying you are) if it worked. I would flip out in front of my computer if my completed, paid, reviewed and tipped work got suddenly cancelled. I think i would kill someone close by. 

    It is kinda unethical of the seller that has given you some promises and now avoiding you. But from a formal point of view, he is done.

    • Like 4
  14. On 11/30/2022 at 4:23 PM, donnovan86 said:

    I enjoy summer, don't get me wrong, it all looks great outside and it's a pleasure to go on a hike, etc. But I prefer winter myself, I am born on Christmas Eve, so I am a little biased I guess. However I have a much better cold resistance when compared to most people I know, so it's more natural to me. Summer to me is just intense sweating, constant headaches due to sun exposure and so on. No snowfall yet in my area, but hopefully there will be soon.

    I have never agreed more about something that anyone said. Except birthday, i was born in june.

    It is a wonderful world when you can share your ghoulish features with someone else. I think i will propose to you @donnovan86


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  15. This endless revision cycle is a nightmare.

    I have couple different examples of experiences which you will learn nothing from.

    1 - There was this guy who asked revisions endlessly for "more details in the face" which is absurd. Face details matches the rest of the drawing. And he constantly asked me to send the file trough chat to "observe better" which is obviously a trick to get the work for free. After a while i canceled the order. He was obviously tryng to get the finished product for free. 

    2 - This time the guy was playing with the design too much, revisions after revisions he is changing pose of the character, facial expressions, proportions and whatnot. After a while i snapped and told him im not going to do it and that should be enough. Suprisingly, he agreed. Turns out he was a pushy guy and he knew it. So he accepted the order as it is and gave me one of the best written reviews.

    Those two examples had written in stone in my head. 

    Try to get the vibe from the client, are they really tryng to make the product better? Or are they tryng to break you will? 

    And remember, you can charge for more if they have exceeded the number of revisions you have given at the start of the order.

    • Like 5
  16. Not as in product, but generally i missed how durable and long lasting were the old devices are.

    You could have taken your fathers shaving machine after 20 years of use, still worked like a charm. Phone dropped to ground? No problem. Tv doesnt show properly? Give it a smack. It may not work like we imagined, but it could take the punch.

    Today if you held your phone wrong, it dies. If you held it right, it dies 2 years later. Which is intentional i guess.

    Thats why i picked harley davidson when i was buying a motorcyle. Even tho its 2015 model, it lacks some of the newest technology of its time like gps and stuff. But It works, it works in every situation. It doesnt break, it doesnt decay, it doesnt jam, it doesnt need my constant attention. You dont sit on the road because engine does some stupid noise. It is a tank.

    I really miss that.



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  17. If world was a better place, i'd say yay to a demo. But its not. One of the reasons i started doing comissions in fiverr. I could have easily reached out a bigger audiance in my country. But they are not paying.

    For casual orders or if im not sure the job is as big as they claim, hard pass.

    UNLESS i know the project is big and they are investing in me for big time. 

    Previously mentioned, a small part of the order can be conducted. It wont take much of your time and their budget, so they are sure you are the right person. And you got the rest of the job.

    But i am an artist, its easier for me to show what i am capable of. There are many portfolios in many websites of my works for people to see. If you are the right client, i probbly did something similar to what you have asked. You can check those out. Thats why im a hardcore nay fan.

    • Like 11
  18. 50 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

    I'd think they would be pushed individually (especially if they were in very different categories) since it wouldn't be fair to promote gig x if it was unrelated to gig y if it was just gig y that kept getting orders.

    But your overall stats may be taken into account (level, response time, on time delivery %, completion rate etc.).

    Isn't that suggesting that having just 1 gig is best? But on average people with multiple gigs get more reviews. eg. you probably won't see a seller with >12.6K reviews with just 1 active gig but you can see sellers with over 50,000 reviews that have multiple active gigs.

    Agree everything you said.

    But if they are pushed individually, there is really no point for me to use the other gigs since i have a strong foundation on my main gig. (consider that my services are very similar to each other)

    If someone sees my main gig, they are going to presume i can do the other jobs my other gigs present. Which is true. I have been doing the other jobs with my main gig for more than 2 years. Im just oppening new gigs and doing these nonsensical performs just to overcome the algoritm. I know what i can do, my clients know what i can do. I am just tryng to impress the algoritm here. Which feels wrong. Maybe i am old-school.

    Anyway, we are going offtrack here. I assume we dont know for sure.

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