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Posts posted by ozan_erdi

  1. On 7/31/2022 at 1:54 AM, gongor32 said:

    I think same people contacting us. If she decided to do test project please don't do it. I did almost full project for sketch price. And never contacted me again. 🤪

    Dont worry. I dont do test stuff. Specially not cheaper than my standart prices.

    • Like 4
  2. Hello everyone. 

    I dont know if this post going to last, or how helpful its going to be since i am going to mention some other websites, not for freelance but about learning.

    Now i have been tryng hardcore for 2 years to improve my skills to compete against the best. Not only on fiverr, but everywhere. Since i also have a day job i cant really give it more than 1 or 2 hours a day. But 2 years is a long time and i have made some beautiful progress. Altough i still have much to do. But getting closer to higher levels makes it harder to finding a good course.

    My field is mostly concept art and character design. So i am focusing on those. And of course, basic drawing and anathomy to support them. But anyone who wants to mention what they do to improve themselves are welcomed and expected here. Thats why this post is not in graphics&design. So here are some plaftorms and methods i use to improve my profession;

    1 - Fiverr. I will start here because it needs mentioning. What i have seen on fiverr is really the general stuff. How to use certain programs, getting familiar with design concepts and more about how to be succesfull at business sides of the things. But besides photo-manuplation, i find fiverr's courses really lackluster. There arent any art spesific courses, certainly not for the experienced. So fiverr's courses are not my thing. To be honest, never was. If you know how to use photoshop and illustrator, as a graphic designer you have no business in fiverr courses. If you are a beginner, you can find some stuff in fiverr.

    2 - Youtube. Of course, what would this post mean without mentioning the Good'ol tube. Now, youtube is perfect. Most perfect solution to most stuff. There are people who are really experienced and inspiring, knows how to adress and how to teach for everyone. BUT, most of the high end teachers there using the youtube for advertisement. They give you a small video of what they are doing, explaining some stuff and after that they will point you to another website where their actualy courses are. Which is fine. Nothing good is free after all. And they have to make a living. But this means spesificly searching for each teacher in different platforms, their own websites and such. Tons of accounts, payments, platforms. So much to get a hold on. But at the end game, thats most likely what one should do. So the youtube is just a search engine if you are aiming high.

    3 - Udemy. This website helped me a lot. I mean A LOT. The courses are cheap, and there are stuff for everybody. But there are too many, who knows which one to pick? Who knows which one is suitable for me to improve my methods? Nobody knows. You just have to buy and see for yourself. I have bought a lot of courses there. Most of them cant help me anymore. But i have got lucky and found a great teacher there. His methods and videos are clean, on point, suitable for all levels. It really depends on the teacher as one would guess. Most of the platform is not for me anymore as i am looking at the courses and think "maybe i should teach them instead" Except that one guy. This experience on Udemy has tought me something else. Which is again, youtube. Now instead of buying a truckload of courses i search for the teachers name on youtube. Take a look at how they do and buy their stuff afterwards. 

    4 - Domestica. This website has great potential. All of the teachers are up to some good. They have produced amazing stuff and i am sure they are good teachers too. I am very compelled to take a look at what they do. But there is one problem. Most of them are not in English. Which is a killswitch for me. Of course i can still watch them and read the subtitles. But i'd like to do the same stuff as i am listening. And that is off limits for me. So i cant really speak about it too much.  So if you are like me, i suggest you to learn Spanish, Russian and Portuguese before coming to this website 😄 

    5 - Skillshare. To my eyes, this website is almost the same with Udemy. Some of the teachers are same. Some arent. So if you have tried one and happy about it, you should try the other one. There is one thing different about Skillshare is that they have a small monthly payment which gives you access to every course avalible. So if you have the time, skillshare is better as you can chew trough all the courses in a small period of time. Right now as i have mentioned, i dont have too much time. So im not heavily leaning on Skillshare.

    6 - Instagram. Its mostly Junk. Even for a graphic designer. You cant learn anything there. Instagram's algoritm drove everybody insane. In order to gain followers, people are sharing everything for consistent content flow. So its full of Junk now. But what you can do is, at least for my field; you can find good and talented people there, so you can check if they have some courses on other platforms. Instagram might be a junk itself, but it knows the advertisement.

    7 - Artstation. This is the actual high end place for a concept artist like me. But its very spesific so i will not spend so much time explaining it here. In a short sentence; they are good but they are expensive. Specially if your currency loses every battle against USD.

    8 - Local Teachers. I really like the face to face experience when it comes to learning and i am willing to pay a truckload of money if i can find a good teacher. I have tried to find people to do that. But most people i could reach are not after some challenging high end players. They just want some youngsters who prepares for college or something. Of course this situation depends on the country too. Turkey is not known for its great concept artists. And couple months ago, i was offered to be an online teacher for concept art and design stuff. So i guess im not a student here anymore.

    9 - Masterclass. Now this is another world i am willing to explore but i have a feeling i will be dissapointed. In this website, you are learning from the masters. I dont know what they are teaching or how, but you can subsrcribe to this website and learn comedy from Steve Martin. Architecture from Frank Gehry. Acting from Samuel L. Jackson. Guitar lessons from Carlos Santana kinda stuff. While it all looks flashy and interesting. I dont know how detailed and good those courses actually are. To be honest, it looks too good to be true 😄 My guess is that they are talking about the theory of their field and leave the small details. You cant have Steve Martin to teach you everything he knows about comedy. Right? 😄 Oh and, its NOT cheap if you cant guess it already.

    I hope these informations are useful to you guys. I can add more as i experience if this thread wont be dust. And im willing to see what you people are doing to improve yourselves.

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  3. For my experience, i usually work with people who try to build a business for themselves, developing games and such. Most of the time they work 7/24. Its not a 9-5 business hours for them. They own their business, they dont work for salary. I havent almost seen anyone like "oh im not gonna answer at sunday because its my day off" No its not, its their company and their product. They are on duty all the time.

    It happens, but very very very very rarely. By the time they have that comfort, they dont need me anymore, we are done. I have seen some people get away in times of christmass and such. Those are really long holidays happen once a year or so. Other than that, nah.

    So i dont think friday being friday affects our job. In fiverr, everyday is different. One day you are an all star, one day you dont exist. Its the way it works. At first you happen to be non-existental more. Couple years and couple hundrend jobs, you have a considerable steady flow of jobs.

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  4. You can make any assumptions about it allways. Today is friday so its gonna be slow. Tomorrow is the weekend, people are going out. Sunday people might be chilling at home. Monday is busy, so they dont have time for fiverr. It never ends.

    This morning i had 2 people wrote to me. Which is not the busiest friday.

    I havent realised any pattern similar to this in 2.5 years. Plus, you are a new seller with no reviews. It will be slower to you untill you build a good foundation.

    Slow days are good, gives you time to improve yourself. Take this time to compare yourself with the more experienced ones within your field. See what you can do to present your gigs better.

    Nothing happens in a short period of time if you are tryng to build a career. It takes months of hardship.

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  5. On 7/31/2022 at 8:03 AM, tasin365 said:

    Create more 5 GIG and stay active on fiverr, then buyer request showing. You try to chacke buyer request in the morning and evening

    No, not even close. Creating gigs and staying active does nothing about the requests. 

    If you are doing this, you are going to end up in a trench without any order.

    • Like 7
  6. I had a great deal of upwards movement in my graphics when i dinged to level 1.

    But feeling non existent, that can be true. Because fiverr rotates gigs and maybe its not your time to stay in the frontlines now. In this time, take a look at the other level 1 sellers and see what you can do to compete with them.

    Just a little bit of patience. Fiverr will not give you a steady supply of income untill you have your regular clients returning from time to time.

    • Like 6
  7. Couple hours ago i was just writting a huge answer to a guy who posted a topic about 22 impressions he has. Altough he had no orders or whatsoever, he has his wretched ideas written down as guidance to the new people. Not only his post was a nonsense spam, it was actually harmful to new people who genuenly wanted to learn. Before i finish the fire i was setting for him, post was deleted.

    I have an idea, it does not require money from the users. Altough you might argue it is discriminatory.

    Have an "elite" forum inside this huge mess. In this one, you actually have to attach your buyer or seller profile. Only ranked people can post and comment(I dont know which rank). But of course everybody can read and maybe put some reactions. Call it Colosseum.

    Newcomers can read and learn, veterans can discuss. All healthy communications can be made within its boundries. And regulars who want to help can still go to the vanilla forum and answer people there.


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  8. 6 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    What I'm noticing is that the 1% gets... way too loud, I guess? Especially nowadays with social media being everywhere and all. It's much easier to spread nonsense.

    30 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    Of course everyone wishes they could make money just by being online but that's now how life works.

    Agreed. Nonsense is always more interesting. Why do people know more about the Kardashians instead of Greta Thunberg? Why are the Flat Earthers taken seriously? Same about the business. If someone comes up to me in my economicly exhausting times and offers some miracles instead of the boring "work hard facts" i would be interested too. Like many people who fails with crypto trading, many people will fail at freelancing too. But if you look at them, you would think they are doing a lot.

    31 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    I like to just say it's worth the wait/money 😛 

    You can also say they are buying a guarantee instead of a risk. Risk is cheap, guarantee isnt. 😄 

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    On 7/31/2022 at 9:26 PM, katakatica said:

    I was out with COVID for a whole week, eek!

    Eek indeed. I hope you are feeling better now. My covid experience was just mild discomfort. I just had some back pain and that was it.

    I have stuff for this month!

    Im tryng to build a social media pressence in order to sell my project. Its an NFT project(i know, dont look at me like that) Its about some old school skeletons with drinking and smoking problems(VERY DEEP 😄). At least the drawings are cool 😄  So i will finish that up in 2-3 weeks. After that i will have some social media jobs, which i dont like to do, to gain followers and spread the word.

    This weekend i have an appointment with a photographer. Gonna have myself some pretty pictures to build up the professional look, also some other personal visuals to gonna help with the social media. And apperantly, the picture im currently using here seems a little intimidating and not welcoming. Gonna have to fix that one too.

    This week i discovered a song. "The Empire of Winds" by "Alpine Universe" Its cool i really liked their work.

    Met a nice woman in July. This month will be exciting for that one. We are gonna see how it goes 😄 

    And lastly, i plan to finish the tv series "Dark" I have watched it a couple times but the plot is a little complicated for my teeny head. So i cant have a break from it like the previous times. I have to finish it this time.

    For fiverr, my profile was a trainwreck for 2 months and i was demoted to new seller. Im feeding on my previous clients. Now the stats have recovered themselves, so i can at least get my levels back. And i will be avalible for TRS. Not sure about that one tho.

    Hopefully i will get fired from my day job so that i can focus solely on drawings. 😄 (We are nearing to end our project there, so it can be anytime) But i think that will take couple more months.


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  10. I have one person stop by my gig to say hello from time to time.

    Couple weeks ago we talked about some drawings she needs. She found my prices a bit high and told me she will consult with her team and get back to me.

    After a while she said "hi" and i answered if she changed her mind. No response.

    After couple days, again with another "hello". This time i said "good day"

    2 days ago she came by to say "hi" again. I asked if i can help her. No response again

    I guess we are building a steady relationship 😄 I will make some coffee for the next time. Maybe she is not brave enough to ask me out to take a look at the forums together and just walking around my shop to force me to it 😄 

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  11. You have tons of impressions. But little to no clicks. It means people are seeing this, but not compelled to take a detailed look at your gigs. Fiverrs part in this is done. 

    What you should do is to improve how your gig looks like. Find or make(greater if you make) better pictures for your galleries, improve your titles etc. Try to stand out. Take a look at what others are doing and do better. 

    My personal view is that none of the things you wrote looks complete. Sentences are half done, lack of capital letters, too many software names might be unnescessary. Most of the pictures look the same.

    Maybe find a designer who understands marketing and take their opinions.

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  12. On 7/29/2022 at 1:26 AM, s_r_sujon said:

    Stay online 16/7, use Mobile Apps to stay online for maximum time.

    Choose a proper keyword in the title of your Gig.

    Share your Gigs to Social Media.

    Don’t get the orders canceled on your Gig.

    Maintain a good response rate on your profile.

    Timely provide final deliveries.

    Use proper search tags while creating a Gig.


    These are horrible advices. You dont know what you are talking about.

    -Staying online wont help. This is a freelancing platform. Freelanceing means working when you want to/when you have to. If you think you have to sit in front of the computer 16 hours a day, you are not freelancing. Im not even opening fiverr unless someone messages me.

    -Sharing your gig with social media will probbly not work. Who are you going to share with? Your family and friends? Are they gonna buy your services? OR are you going to find some "fiverr" groups in facebook and share there? Why would any buyer be a part of those groups? This will most likely will not do any good either.


    Do you really think these are helpful? What if everyone starts to stay online 24 hours a day? Does everybody gets a job? NO

    Fiverrs algoritm will rotate the gigs in search results to give a chance to everyone. Sometimes people will see you, sometimes they will see someone else. You cant do anything to change "impressions" as it is depends on the algoritm. You can however, make your gig a better and more professional looking so your clicks may go up.

    Deleting your account wont help. 

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  13. First off, you have to improve your english.

    Nobody is going to buy anything from you if you have mistakes in your Gig Titles and descriptions. 

    17 hours ago, mdabdullah14251 said:

    And try to stay active on Fiverr as much as you can. Lastly share your gig in the social media in the proper way. Thanks.

    These are horrible advices. They will never work. Being online is not solution to anything. This is freelancing, whole point of this is to be able to get up and stay away from your computer as long as you dont have anything to do.

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  14. I have seen those when i put up buyers request. 

    They are just tryng to irritate you, attacking you from all sides. Its just disgusting. Its abusive. It will never get anyone anywhere good.

    Please dont message buyers as a seller. And please anyone, even if you know how, dont mention it here. Some people will use it to abuse furthermore.

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  15. Its easier to keep the players on the same side. You can usually play opposing characters/teams but it becomes too complex and need too much dedication, maybe even different sessions for different sides, so the other players wont know what you are doing. But rarely, you can be the main antagonist.

    Its the good part of those games. There are no limits.

    33 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    (also thanks. I'm often a bit worried people might get annoyed but I feel like these posts are more fun than nothing tbh.)

    Are you kidding me? I look forward for your out of freelance topics. Im sure there are others feel the same, we already have a steady supply of "how to get rank" posts


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  16. I really like your attidute towards a new seller by giving them a chance and not accusing them right away. But anyone who claims their English is good, is to be avoided at all costs. As it must not be even mentioned. 

    I am doing illustrations; and i must say im a little suprised. The unexperienced and/or dishonest people usually go for more basic stuff instead of a childrens book. But i guess they are everywhere.

    Its a very bad experience, specially for your first try. But i will have some recommendations for your lessons;

    On 1/2/2022 at 6:26 PM, adaaguilar987 said:

    Spend the $5. on the test illustrations. Try at least three sellers.

    Experienced sellers will most likely reject your 5 dollar test. To be honest, i wouldnt even open my tablet for 5 dollars and would have ended the conversation right there. But what you can do is, if you have a 10 page book, you can go with 1 page or 1 scene according to accepted price at the start and contune if you and the seller have a good energy. That would be fair to both of you.

    On 1/2/2022 at 6:26 PM, adaaguilar987 said:

    DO NOT approve anything until the project is completed in full.

    Definetly. Anyone who demands otherways must be warned. This is a business, and should be taken seriously. Or you can use milestones as payment method, so you can pay page by page.

    On 1/2/2022 at 6:26 PM, adaaguilar987 said:

    Experienced sellers will save you a lot of time and aggravation

    True. Also try not to forget the new sellers too. Maybe not a childrens story book, but for more basic things.

    On 1/2/2022 at 6:26 PM, adaaguilar987 said:

    Make sure the seller puts the deadline you want on the order (mine put a later date than agreed upon)

    If i get a job that i can finish in 3 days, i would ask for 4. You never know what can happen. Anyone with the right mind would do it under normal circumstances. So, yeah. If you have agreed on a date, it should be the deadline. Seller should've had prepared themselves for it. (Unless there are some emergency matter happens)

    I hope these are helpful.

    Edit: Now i realised this is a 7 months old post. Well. 😄 

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  17. Still avoiding Elden Ring i see. At least you should give a try to Little Nightmares and Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice. I have a feeling that you'll like them.

    I am watching Stray, one of my favorite youtube guy playing it. It looks cool. But its really tense for me because i dont want kitties get sad. Other than that i havent been playing anything new on digital. Im waiting for the new God of War and Hellblade 2


    Me and my friends started a new D&D game. Looking forward to those. However i will not be playing regularly as i am playing the evil guy. A cult leader who aims to bring down the current kingdom to build a new one devoted to old gods. And the other "good" players are going to try and stop me (kill me, most likely)

    Btw, i love your posts. Always a good change of atmosphere.

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    17 hours ago, prosjs said:

    so my Gigs appear on the second or third pages in a single keyword only (all Gigs), and my impressions are average below 80 for one Gig and below 30 for the rest and 1-3 clicks per day.

    I know xxxx about marketing. When i first started this, i just put my best works to the gallery, tried my best english in the descriptions and sent some offers in buyers request and hoped for the best. It took me about 2-3 weeks to get my first order worthy of 23 dollars. And my competitors were numbered in my days.

    To be honest, your numbers does not seem too bad. Maybe a little worse than my time. But after the pandemic and other global economical situations, you might have to face more competition. So its understandable that you would have less of everything. Also, background removal. it is highly competitive. To be blunt, it is even unnescessary, maybe you should somehow narrow down your speciality or try to expand your skillset. 

    At first, fiverr is like blowing bubbles. It hangs in the air for couple of seconds, after that it goes down and hits the ground. Ideally, your gig should catch some of those while in the air. If not, its the next guys chance now, you lost.

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  19. 8 minutes ago, smashradio said:

    also require that they place the order before I sign the NDA. I inform them of the terms, stating that personal information can only be shared within the order page when required to complete the service. 

    OH you already answered. 😄 Sorry

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  20. @smashradioI dont mind signing NDA too. But, wouldnt i violate Fiverr's rules by sending them my information trough the process? How can i guarantee that fiverr wont take this the wrong way? 

    Can i even guarantee this? Can my seller plus manager help during this?

    Sorry for the question bombardment 😄 

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  21. On 7/19/2022 at 7:58 PM, logolightuup said:

    If it is true, is there any other benefits that I can get by staying active on Fiverr through PC?


    As long as you answer your clients quickly, it doesnt matter which device you are using. It doesnt even matter if you are online all the time. Please do not believe the magic benefits of staying online. I do not even own a desktop device. Its just me and my tablet.

    How it would be freelancing if you need to sit in front of the computer all the time? 

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  22. Definetly the second one. But put the first one in the gallery too.

    First one looks like a paused video. It has more 3d craftsmanship value but the design seems a little weak. Too much accesories around, hard to read text choice and stuff.

    Second one is a razor sharp finished product. It has less textures, shadows and whatnot. But, you out-designed them and you dont need them there. Its perfect for advertisement.


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