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Posts posted by ozan_erdi

  1. Interesting topic

    I live alone, and here are my solutions for those.

    • Cleaning floors: 30 minutes: I got a robot that does that. Preparing the robot for that takes 5 minutes.
    • Dusting: 10 minutes: I have 4 horizontal planes in my home. Kitchen counter, dining table, work table, and something to fill the void in the middle of the living room. Aside from kitchen, rest takes like 3 minutes of dusting. I do not care about the little corners of the windows and such to be honest.
    • Dishes: 3 hours: I mostly dont eat at home. Breakfast and lunch at the office, dinner is ordered from outside. At weekends i prepare a good breakfast. I love a slow morning with huge breakfasts. And that does not take 3 hours, that takes 15 minutes+kitchen counter dusting.
    • Changing bed sheets: 10 minutes: I do that every 15 days.
    • Carrying our garbage: 15 minutes: It takes 3 minutes for me, we just leave at the front door nicely sealed, and someone comes and picks them up
    • Doing laundry: 15 minutes: Same
    • Sweeping: 10 minutes: Robot does that
    • Cleaning toilets: 10 minutes: Same


    So i guess i do not make as much money as you do. But i still make some.

    I hire someone for every 3-4 months to take out the corners or fridge and stuff like that. So what i make by not cleaning goes to that person. I think i am even.

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  2. 15 hours ago, vickieito said:

    I can understand where you're coming from @ozan_erdi! I worked as a food scientist in manufacturing plants for 11 years and I was one of the few "women" who were in the facility. I only wore PPEs and didn't care about my appearance (I think I was 40 lbs/20kg heavier). The facilities had brick walls with no windows to the outside and it seems like we worked 8 days a week😂. I certainly don't miss those days!!!! I'm glad you are enjoying freelancing like I am!

    Oh im not even talking about how they look. But when it comes to construction, everyone is a little savage, and they have to compete against men in terms of savagery. And i guess they are not heard as much as they needed as a kind hearted people. So at one point they snap and transform into wild men. Its sad for the both sides. 

    As i have experienced in military and in construction, if an establishment has only men and no woman, we are something else. Doesnt really matter how much professionalism is involved. Every group of people need some women to keep the men leashed. If not, at some point you forget how to interract with people in the social world. Im not talking about "this meeting has 9 men" Im talking about years of not seeing anything female for 10 hours a day. It changes people into wild dogs.

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  3. I will have a different approach from most of you i think.

    As day job, im an architect and supervising constructions. Here are some things you should know about my job before going into the freelance life details:

    -Usually im in middle of nowhere, looking at dust, mud and steel beams. 

    -Trucks and heavy machinery making noises.

    -Not more than 2 women around, and they have become something else in order to survive within that many men.(Dont look at me like that, it is an issue)

    -Food is like a prison food. Just calculated callories you need, nothing about taste or any clunary value.

    -There are not any social activities, gatherings or parties.

    -Our offices are just the essentials. Nothing extra. Just a desk and computer in a container. There are no places to sit and relax. There isnt any decorative stuff. Not even trees. Its survival mode. We have a vending machive with cookies in it. Thats it.

    -A lot of shouting, screaming, cursing, fighting.

    -Its scorching at summer, freezing at winter. And its disgusting when it rains. Basicly every weather is horrible. 

    -Saturday is defiently a work day. Sometimes Sunday too is a workday.

    -Going to work and getting back to home takes 3-4 hours. I leave my house at 6.30 am. and get back to home at the 18.30. I dont see sunlight at winters. Its more depressing than one would think.

    -There are no stores, no coffee places around. Nothing you can go after work or blow off some steam in mid day break.

    -And thanks to the general mentality and economic-politic reasons. My job does NOT pay well, not only me, nobody in construction business is happy about payment.

    Only thing i have as an architect, im not holding the heavy tool. Im holding a paper, looking at the guy who holds the heavy tool. And people listen to me when i speak. Thats what my degree provides. And saying that im an architect is a cool thing. Thats what my whole education did.

    Some things good about it; nobody cares what you wear as long as you have your safety equipment on. You can just show up with Cannibal Corpse Tshirt and some jeans. And nobody takes timers to see how many minutes you have spent drinking coffee. And all the walking, standing, stairs and ladders made my legs and butxt like a terminator, im never tired.

    After doing this for 10 years and seeing it going nowhere(and i saw my superiors got nowhere too), i started to do freelancing. Right now im a part time freelance artist, designing horror and dark fantasy characters for 2 years.

    So as far as it goes;

    -I dont spend hours and hours on the road.

    -I dont have dust in my eyes all the time.

    -My shoes and pants are NOT dirty.

    -There are no heavy industrial machinery or whatnot making unimaginable noises, vibrations.

    -I have good food and drinks

    -I can watch stuff, listen music or whatever while working

    -I am surrounded by people, i can just sit in some coffee place with beutiful people around. 

    -No phone calls, no screaming, no walkie talkies(yes we use them in constructions) no fights.

    -I can decide if i want to work that day

    -You dont have to look over your shoulder all the time to see if something is falling on you or not.

    -You have climate control in your house

    -I can just decide "to hell with it" and go out, walk around, grab a lemonade and spend some time for half a day when i want.

    Freelancing is amazing. Only thing is you need to keep an eye out, either have some money in the pocket, or make sure you have a consistent flow of buyers. I plan to make this full time job, in a year or something. Screw construction. Kudos to arts and working at home. It is like a dream, some of you people dont appreciate it enough(No judgement, everyone has their own life)


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  4. Nice one. Let me try:

    - I have reached my economic goals for this year. It was a fast first 5 months. It wasnt a hard goal, didint set my expectations high enough i think.

    - I need to make a strong pressence in some social media platforms and artstation. I know my work is good, but reaching to the masses is a different game. A game apperantly im not good at. So i have no idea how to achieve that goal. I have watched some youtube videos about it. But still unsure how to apply those methods myself. I have an okay income from freelance platforms and my day job. But i want different baskets to put my eggs. So social media can be a good window.

    - I will lose the weight i have gained in the pandemic, trough boxing, which goes well for now.

    - Get better at drawing by practice. I have came a long way this year, just need to push a little more. Its satisfactory for myself too.

    For fiverr;

    - I just need a little bit more so i can head on to the TRS. I will get there in 3 months or something. Will set my next goals according to that. Only thing is, i need to be accepted, which i dont know how much time it will take. But i have a seller plus membership. It may help.

    This year is not going to be the most exciting one for me. I need to grind, thats what i need to do. Next year i will collect the fruits. I will leave the dayjob(construction) and go full time with arts trough freelance. At least thats the goal.


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  5. Yes you can. If you can get your visa and pay for the plane tickets. Getting the visa is a little bit of work depending where you are from. But you can learn those from the ambassadors i think.

    After that you can experience both of those countries in 3D. Its amazing!

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  6. I have different choices for different stuff i do.

    If im going to the gym, i listen metal. In flames, Soilwork, Dark Tranquillity kinda stuff.

    If im going back from gym, i listen to funk/disco untill im done with the shover. Its uplifting and positive. Really good while taking a shower. 😄 

    What i do as a freelance is mostly dark fantasy character designs. So if im working, i usually listen to "danheim" great artist does some ancient viking ambiance kinda thing. Really dark stuff.

    But because music infulances what i design and paint, i pick some ambient accordingly and listen to that. If i need to draw some robots, i put on some industrial electronic, if i need a crusader drawn, i put on some medieval holy chants. Really opens up some dimensions. Its like a drug, but legal.


    There is mostly no pop or hiphop in my arsenal. maybe 1 or 2 exception

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  7. Hello everyone. 

    Its time to spend some money! YAY!

    I have couple questions for you fellow digital artists. I had used a standart pc and a wacom cintiq 13"hd in the past as my workstation. With photoshop

    3 years ago, i switched to ipad pro with procreate. Which is i must say, very efficient! Touch screen makes it a lot faster and easier to zoom, pan and rotate kinda stuff while working on the canvas. Procreate is a great program to use too.

    But procreate and ipad has its limitations. While its great for small time digital media creation, it has its downsides when it comes to big canvases and organising large scale projects. Plus, against the photoshop, procreate is easier and faster, but photoshop is much much more comprehensive. There are more downloadables, more courses and better help when it comes to searching. Plus I had to turn down some very fun projects and lost my chance of being an online art teacher to classes, because i dont have a desktop or photoshop.

    I have couple of setups in my mind, of course they are all expensive, but well, it has to be done at some point. So i want to take your opinions.

    OPTION A: I would really like to use my ipad, because its great and fast with no errors and you dont have to remember to save your work every 2 minutes, its great. Is it possible to get an imac/macbook and use my ipad as a graphic tablet with its touch screen benefits? Can we connect those devices in a way that enables us to use photoshop with the utilities of the ipad touch screen?

    Or can we use procreate on an apple desktop/laptop? With the connection to the ipad

    OPTION B: I think i can get my hands on a good wacom or something similar, with a desktop or a laptop. Of course this might be more expensive because i dont have a pc or a graphic tablet besides ipad. 

    What do you use as your workstation? Did you have any experience with procreate? Can you somehow mimic the touch screen with other graphic tablets? OR what do you want to use in the future with an expanded budget?

    Help me out with this one guys. 

    Thank you

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  8. On 5/7/2022 at 11:10 PM, katakatica said:

    I tried Elden Ring and gave up immediately... 

    I will hunt you down untill you enjoy it properly!

    On 5/7/2022 at 11:38 PM, donnovan86 said:

    I try to focus mostly on singleplayer/ story focused games,

    I think its mentioned already, but try Red Dead Redemption 2. It deserves a second mentioning.

    And if you own a playstation(I think its avalible for pc too) Try God of War too. Unlike the old ones just being hack&slash, this one is more slow paced action adventure. Like sekiro but Its Norse gods. New one will be coming out too. God of War is like the "Logan" movie of x-men. Really good, i really enjoyed it. Has difficulty adjustments too if you unlike the challange of souls series.

    AND i dont know why i didint mention before, please play Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice. That is a great dark atmoshperic, puzzle solving action adventure, with some horror sprinkled in. New one will be coming too. Its about a nordic woman who has schizophrenia, involves viking lore and gods of old. Extremely good game with a unique idea. Definetly recommended. If you cant play it, watch some youtubers or something. That game was really inspirational for me.

    And if anyone is looking for goofy skeleton action, the old game(really old) "Medievil" is remastered. Its like a halloween movie. Really enjoyable.


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  9. Procreate!

    I dont even own a desktop computer or a laptop for 3 years, didint needed it for the most part. That ipad and procreate is just great.

    Pencil in right hand, ipad in the left. You can just zoom and rotate endlessly with ipad like its paper. No need to enter commands, no need to "ctrl + space + bla bla" Its just your fingers. Very fast and easy, just like paper.

    And the mobility of course. Unmatched. 

    However utilities of a tablet is of course, limited. 


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  10. 1 - Allways take some courses online, improve yourself. Its too easy to find classes and courses, and mostly cheap or free too.

    2 - Dont stay in the same place if you are the best designer there. Go somewhere else(figuratively) where you are not the best, and climb on the top via learning from others.

    3 - Try to get away from your comfort zone, try some new art styles, new brushes, new templates. You dont have to master them, but it will improve your overall design quality to see different things.

    4 - Dont be afraid to do mistakes, remember the bob ross lectures.

    5 - Show your works to people who you think will be honest with their opinions.

    6 - And for the painters, take a look at what you are drawing with a mirror. Seeing your piece horizontally rotated helps to see the mistakes.

    7 - Find some music to inspire yourself while working. In my case, depending what im drawing, i will listen to the music to live the ambiance of the concept of the drawing.

    I guess what im tryng to say is; challange yourself, criticize yourself and improve yourself.

    Edit: I just realized that you asked for one. Well 😃

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  11. 17 minutes ago, catwriter said:

    To be honest, I don't think that anyone became a billionaire by working on Fiverr.

    And if they did, now they are not here anymore. 


    30 minutes ago, milanescobar said:

    Fiverr , Put this forum for making healthy community of people who are working on it. But some sellers who got many orders . They just make fun of new sellers questions are try to insult them. If you billionaire that don't give you right to crash the poor.  

    Nobody is insulting anyone. But some people needs to understand that the questions they ask, are already answered and they should search for it beforehand. Nobody likes the same questions piling on top of each other in the forum. It makes it unusuable.

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  12. Those are some bad advices man! You guys dont know anything at all.

    Listen here, i will be a little harsh.

    First of all, your english needs improvement. Get a friend with good english or learn it in 3 days like a miracle. Take your gig, remove everything you wrote. There are lots of mistakes, fix them!

    Second, i saw this in your gig. "Hello there, its a great day sir." WHAT is that? Do not use "sir" Are you tryng to push the female clients away? Do NOT use "sir, dear, maam" anywhere, anytime. DO NOT! Not in the buyers request, not here, nowhere! Not every culture respoonds everything well. Just say hello and be done with it.

    Oh boy, please improve your english. It is concerning. To be honest i have come to this topic to see what you wrote, just because title of the topic is so wrong in so many ways. 

    You already have some nice 5 stars. Stay strong and confident, dont beg your clients for work. Dont just say "i am thankful, i will be great, i will do anything for you" These sentences are meaningless and will only tear you down.

    People still come here and say "stay online, share social media" under every topic like it would save the world. Sharing on social media means nothing! Who are you going to share it to? Does your father and little cousin needs to see your gig? If you have 10k followers, yeah share it. If not, its useless.

    I hope these help. 

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