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Posts posted by ozan_erdi

  1. 9 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

    You have very interesting service offerings that fit a niche. That is a good thing! I recommend rewriting your gig description to take advantage of the 1,200 characters that are made available for you (you used 644 characters for your main gig with 156 reviews).

    Many people do not realize that the search engine algorithms "crawl" through content. If you have more words in your gig that are not filled with empty filler words, or do not contain keyword stuffing, you will have an advantage over those who do.

    Thanks. You might be right, but to be honest if i was going to hire an artist, i would like to see some art instead of words. Art is there, take a look at them and see if you like it. Why would you also need me to tell you that im good. I guess we can get creative with explanations too and seem more appealing. And of course, fight the algoritms.

    However, the question still stands.

    Does algoritm pushes my gigs back and forth individually or in unison?

    This can get tricky. If i am a good seller, im a good seller right? So all my gigs can be advertised as such because im a professional and hold on to my words and put my best out there. On the other hand, i can be good at one of my gigs, and suck at the other one craftsmanship vise. In those situations, being pushed to front as a seller or as a gig can be fair and unfair. 

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  2. Well some of my gigs are arguably the same. They are not same but nobody would mind if they were. 

    One of them is character design, other one is story drawings with said characters. Only real difference is those two are in different subcategories. And my character design gig is my oldest best selling gig, which is also promoted. Other one is 1 week old. I wonder if i can draw more attention to my second gig while doing jobs with the first one. Or the opposite. 

    Most of my work is custom offers, so i can just use my secondary gig while creating an offer for my clients. They wouldnt mind which part of the interface i picked. But question still stands, this time my secondary gig would be carryng the first one.

    24 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

    And if you have two such gigs, the "attention" will not be focused enough to get you optimal algorithmic push.

    If thats the case, im not sure why everyone is promoting to have more gigs. Even fiverr does that. To be honest, im happy with my 1 gig. Other ones are just there for tags and subcategories. Which is not the best use. But one has +200 plus orders completed, other one has 3. So small gigs are just for suppport. Of course that may not be the case for everybody, but that would give single giged accounts an extra edge, woudnt it?

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  3. Hey comrades. Got a quick Question for you.

    We know algoritm alters itself depending on how good and responsable you are. Now lets imagine this little story;

    I have got 2 gigs. Gig A and gig B

    I have done good business with Gig A. Buyer gives me good private review etc. Does the Gig B gets affected by this directly?

    Can gig B be pushed to the frontlines by doing business with gig A? 

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  4. Look at this brief i got. I cant say its the peak of the industry. Buyers requests may be corrupted. But briefs are no different. We just dont see it anymore. I might be even got thrown back for rejecting this meaningless thing. And please do check twice as this brief was conducted by a "fiverr business" account


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  5. I have just started using macbook pro in addition to the ipad pro. Which is actually very good. Apple products might be a little heavy on the budgets yes. BUT they are worth it.

    First of all, i dont like to use computers, i dont want to maintain them, i dont want it to constantly ask me for stuff with pop ups, software updates, failing to do stuff, requiring to download additional stuff to run something. Its disgusting. Its like owning a car that asks you how to run while you ignite the engine. I just want to open my software and draw stuff. I dont care about the rest. I dont want to compute, its the computers job to compute.

    And to my idea, desktop computers are from the previous era. Huge desks, tons of cables everywhere allways needed to be checked again. And you cant bring it with you, you cant move it around the house because that machine is also affecting your interior design. And however hard you try, none of them looks good. Its just a chunk of metal that looks like a suitcase shaped discoball.

    And apple is just the perfect device for that! You dont think about anything, you dont even shut down the thing. You just click somewhere random and in 2 seconds its ready to roll. No noise, no software stuff, nothing. Just download what you need and go. Put it in your bag and leave the country, who cares? Its just that practical. It communicates with your other apple products at insane levels. Its all perfect. Best descision i have ever made!


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  6. Alright, update time.

    I have bought a macbook pro. 

    And i must say, it was the best descision. Ipad and macbook connects instantly, without even downloading anything. There is a menu and you click it and BAM.

    Now i can open photoshop in macbook, and use my ipad as a graphic tablet with touchscreen. You can use your fingers to pan, rotate and zoom. And pen sensitivty is on. There is no delay too. Plus you get all the bonuses for using both your devices as apple products. Airdrop and such.

    Even furthermore, i have also connected my smart tv to the equation. Now i can use my ipad as graphic tablet, run the programs i need to run in macbook and watch it all happen in the giant tv screen.

    Its all built in systems without any concern or additional softwares.


    Im recommending this to everybody if you are in such dillemmas.

    • Like 6
  7. Turkish here. Yes we all heard about alcatraz. Some of us even wondered and watched some documents about it. Even my Mother and Father knew, which they learned about it before the internet. I remember my father being excited about it being a seperate island and telling me about it, when i was like 9 or something.

    Altough we may not now spesific events happened there, but we all know the concept. Its very well known. If you dont know about it, you may be frowned upon.

    • Like 8
  8. On 10/20/2022 at 9:02 PM, sajidp81 said:

    he shouldnt have started it without us approving the order!

    Thats exactly is the right answer. Not much to say after that.

    But there are times people might get desperate and just want to start a job after lumbering in desert for so long. BUT if thats the case:

    On 10/20/2022 at 9:02 PM, sajidp81 said:

    tells us he doesnt want to work on the project

    this does not make sense.

    Overall, that seller was rushing to get some job done. And he suffered for it. People make mistakes. 

    • Like 12
  9. There are different answers for it depending what you believe in.

    1 - If you die and you get your fiverr account buried with you, you can contune to freelancing in the afterlife

    2 - If you die while working on an active order, you go to walhalla and discuss the freelancing and drink with your freelancer ancestors

    3 - If you were sacrificed to a sun god via beheading, you will get your orders with every eclipse and have to finish them during it.

    4 - If you are a non believer and have your faith in science; your fiverr account will linger on untill the last plug to the internet is pulled. After that your inactive account will traverse the cold, barren and dark universe, once was full with life, now is filled with void. Corpses of cold stars that estinguished themselves and lifeless planets that will never meet each other due to expanding.

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  10. 1 hour ago, smartdezigns said:

    Deliver the source files only if it's a part of your order else don't..

    You didint get it. 

    Buyer is able to download the source file before accpeting the order. Whether its the part of the order or not.

    1 hour ago, quiffledesign said:

    This is a huge issue.

    Agreed. Only thing you can do is that you can say that you will send the source file after the order's completion. Which now they have to compromise. And not a good look.


    I hear you. But not much to do. Imagine doing a non-visual work. What do you do when you deliver some excel files? Its not a problem only for us.

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  11. It seems like just a shortcut to what would happen anyways.

    If a client cancels or order from you by mistake, you can just reach out to CS so it wont affect your profile. 

    This looks like they are tryng to get rid of some labor. Which makes sense. But it wont change the lives of the sellers.

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  12. 21 hours ago, kosmtheandric said:

    I seem to perhaps misunderstanding something but your asking for a connection to your two examples? As in tie them into an overarching world? Also is this a personal project or something your doing for someone else as in someone is paying you for this?

    No no, im just looking for different ideas. Nothing to tie. All the examples i have given are independent from each other. Those are just some concepts i liked.

    Also, personal project.

    • Like 3
  13. Just now, melanielm said:

    How interesting! In a short time and before coffee, the only things I could come up with are the four (or more) elements, four cardinal directions, and the five senses... although I'm not sure what you could do with those! They're not on the same wavelength as the ones you chose. Are you looking specifically from religious mythology?


    Not spesificly religious actually. I am down with disney princesses aswell. Its just so happens that things came to my mind  are religious. Older and more known they are, more references i have and better ideas i can come up with.

    Usually my works are going to be dark and grim, but not in the shocking direction. Its like "yeah, that is what i was looking for" kinda thing. You know its going to be horrible, thats why you picked it up and guess what? It is horrible. Thats why im not going for disney princesses, whoever i can do some witches instead.

    5 senses is an amazing idea. Its neutral and can bend in any way it needs to. Thank you for that. I immdediately tought of a prisoner in chains, eyes are removed so it cant see anymore. Maybe lack of those senses are what i need to do. It works.

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  14. Hello everybody.

    Since this is the casual conversation section, im not gonna say im sorry! But avert yer eyes if you are sensitive.

    Here is the deal, i am working on a project to launch soon. Its mostly visuals, but i am also adding some stories. Here are some details;

    Monarchs of the seven deadly sins:

    We got kings and queens, cursed for eternity to repeat their sins and leave their kingdoms in ruins. As well as their people, and neighboor empires. Each sin is represented by a monarch. And each monarch have their own little story about how they have left their kingdoms in ruin.

    I will give you some examples. Not in exact story writtings but as a brief information.

    Gluttony represents a king who is all gutted and bloated, carried by his pathethic slaves, has formed an additional mouth on his gut to consume more. His curse is to consume with a never ending hunger, started with his royal castles kitchen. Moves to his peoples kitchen. Kings hunger knew no bounds, soldiers pillaging their own common peoples kitchens to feed the king. Soon the food reserves were not enough, so he consumed the animals, and finally his soldiers, slaves and peasants. Now he lumbers in his empty kingdom, his slaves are so hungry they are barely walking let alone carry him. 

    Not enough? here is another one to cheer you up.

    Envy represents a queen who once was proud of her kingdom and what it represents. As she was joining high tables with other kingdoms rulers she slowly interested in their crowns and all the shiny armaments the other emperors and empresses wear and posses on themselves. At one point she snaps, she kills her own husband, takes his crown(literally) Leaves the castle and searches for other kings and queens to murder and take their belongings. To her, crown represents everything they own, so once she gets the crown, she gets everything. As she contunes this merciless chain king murder, all kingdoms fall to chaos, anarchy and lawlessness is at its highest. Now she is in a dark cave, sits on a pile of crowns with blades in each hand, ready to protect whoever comes to take her collection. Whenever a new form of ruler has risen, she hunts them down and take their symbol of rule and add to her collection.

    You get the taste of the idea.

    Now my question is to you writers, iam about to finish this one and would like to launch new ones. And i like the hints of the old mythologies and stories to connect. First for marketing reasons, secondly, its more interesting to me if there is a solid background. Here are some other ideas i have in my mind similar to the seven deadly sins kinda concepts.

    Four horseman of the apocalypse

    9 depths of hell 

    What else can you add? 

    • Like 8
  15. 8 minutes ago, shalock said:

    Although the image is awesome I hope the client won't ask to change the pose of a character or the texture of the background.

    I mean, I've seen impressive works that take AI generated images and then edit and paint over it a lot, so skill is still needed.

    Would it be possible for an AI to make tiny specific changes that are usually requested in such complex illustrations?

    You are correct. For now people are gravitating towards using ai and doing some polish, advanced precision or redesign for the finalisation. And that will go on for a little more. Some years perhaps? 


    Imagine google search. Compare what was it before and what it is today. If it can get precise, why cant AI drawing? All in time. Saying impossible to a technology is like saying "man will never fly". Now we are conquering space. Or imagine driving, what was 50 years before and what it is now? We got smart cars, tells you where to park, how much speed you should do. Or even driverless. If driving is a nescessary skill, today you need less and less. Tomorrow you will need no more.

    They will get better and they will get diverse. Some A.I's will create cartoonish, some will do comics and some will do realistic like this. There is no escaping from that. As long as there is money in it. 

    To be honest, i do want this. But im afraid how fast it will be.

    • Like 11
  16. I hate it. Disgusting. I have to get up at 06.00 am and immediately rush into getting ready. Its been 175 hours but time is still 13.00. I dont trust physics anymore. 

    I dont particularly get grumpy. But i will not be happy thats for sure.

    As for how i get trough it, i just power trough i guess. I dont have a special ritual for it. Im waiting to get fired. I think fabuary is the month that im gonna get the good news. After that i will try and do freelance full time and quit the 9-5 if i can get a good hold on it. 

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  17. 15 minutes ago, williambryan392 said:

    Hey awesome people!

    Hope you're all doing well?

    Almost 3 months since this post was created, and a little over 3 months until the end of the year, how are we all getting on?

    Hello again equally awesome william!

    I have reached some of my goals!

    - I have lost some weight. Well not exactly lost it but i have converted them into more useful muscles. which looks and feels better 😄 so i guess you can say that i lost it. Still have to do more.

    - I also got better at drawing. Way better actually 😄 This one is i progressed the most. Now im preparing some collections themed "seven deadly sins" and "four horseman of apocalypse" and later on i will do known fairy tales like "pied piper of hamelin" or "little red riding hood" Its all gonna be dark and grotesque. I would love to share some of them here but they are not for everybody. So i shouldnt. Not here at least 😄 

    - There is a little movement in social media stuff. But its slower than i wanted. I guess thats how it happens. But i can reach out to a slightly larget group of people. Still not eough to get me anywhere, but baby steps.

    - I have done very less about fiverr. My stats just recovered like couple days ago. Graphics started to point upwards yesterday. Hopefully in couple weeks im gonna be fully functioning at fiverr again. 

    - BUT i had a good suprise, im going to go to Paris in november for couple days. To present a game we have finished developing and testing. There will be some investors and big boys. That job i got from fiverr, started as drawing some vampires. Now im their art director and story writer. So i guess vampire wise, its going good 😄 lets see if im gonna be rich at november 😄 That is something new for me. I am excited.

    Overall, im not where i want to be, but im still satisfied with what i got.

    Thats it for now. I hope you guys did better! 



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  18. I hope that "Cult of Lamb" game has lots of "Lamb of God" references hidden inside. Or i will lose respect to the designers of that game. So many wasted opportunities.

    Well, for games; not exactly what we are talking about i guess but, my friend has given me a gift of a professional dart thing. That thing is addictive specially when my friends come over with some whiskey bottles.

    We didint count any points or scores, each round winner gets the bigger title. And Titles were the famous musicians.

    Last game we had lasted around 3 - 4 hours. We were 4 people, at the end of the night, i was ranked "Elton John" Best one was "Michael Jackson" another rank was "AC/DC" and the loser was a lame-a** singer from turkey named "Ciguli" 

    So if you are the defending champion and lose, you will lose your "Michael Jackson" title and become "Ciguli" 

    It goes great with alcohol. Altough my wall has many holes in it now.

    OH! And i started this mobile game called "magic survival" You are a little wizard figure which constantly gets swarmed by virus looking monsters. You kill them, level up, learn new spells. Amazing. No payment stuff, no diamond buying random chest loots. Its perfect. You get to arrange your inventory and magic arsenal to make a better build, thus survive for more. 


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  19. I hope they will NOT do this.

    Why you ask?

    1- People will ask for free smaples all the time.

    2 - Some desperate guy will send the orders request in that attachment, completing it without even getting paid. Thus will encourage working for free, people who wouldnt do that(which is normal) would fall behind.

    3 - People who asks for samples in buyers request clearly has no idea how fiverr works. If you can say that fiverr doesnt allow attachments in the offers, that should suffice.

    4 - You have your portfolio in your gigs. It should be able to attract the buyers. What else are you going to send with attachments?

    I understand at first glance it looks like a good idea. But i believe it isnt.

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  20. You have tons of impressions. But little to no clicks. It means people are seeing this, but not compelled to take a detailed look at your gigs. Fiverrs part in this is done. 

    What you should do is to improve how your gig looks like. Find or make(greater if you make) better pictures for your galleries, improve your titles etc. Try to stand out. Take a look at what others are doing and do better. 

    My personal view is that none of the things you wrote looks complete. Sentences are half done, lack of capital letters, too many software names might be unnescessary. Most of the pictures look the same.

    Maybe find a designer who understands marketing and take their opinions.

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