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Posts posted by ozan_erdi

  1. I hope that "Cult of Lamb" game has lots of "Lamb of God" references hidden inside. Or i will lose respect to the designers of that game. So many wasted opportunities.

    Well, for games; not exactly what we are talking about i guess but, my friend has given me a gift of a professional dart thing. That thing is addictive specially when my friends come over with some whiskey bottles.

    We didint count any points or scores, each round winner gets the bigger title. And Titles were the famous musicians.

    Last game we had lasted around 3 - 4 hours. We were 4 people, at the end of the night, i was ranked "Elton John" Best one was "Michael Jackson" another rank was "AC/DC" and the loser was a lame-a** singer from turkey named "Ciguli" 

    So if you are the defending champion and lose, you will lose your "Michael Jackson" title and become "Ciguli" 

    It goes great with alcohol. Altough my wall has many holes in it now.

    OH! And i started this mobile game called "magic survival" You are a little wizard figure which constantly gets swarmed by virus looking monsters. You kill them, level up, learn new spells. Amazing. No payment stuff, no diamond buying random chest loots. Its perfect. You get to arrange your inventory and magic arsenal to make a better build, thus survive for more. 


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  2. I hope they will NOT do this.

    Why you ask?

    1- People will ask for free smaples all the time.

    2 - Some desperate guy will send the orders request in that attachment, completing it without even getting paid. Thus will encourage working for free, people who wouldnt do that(which is normal) would fall behind.

    3 - People who asks for samples in buyers request clearly has no idea how fiverr works. If you can say that fiverr doesnt allow attachments in the offers, that should suffice.

    4 - You have your portfolio in your gigs. It should be able to attract the buyers. What else are you going to send with attachments?

    I understand at first glance it looks like a good idea. But i believe it isnt.

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  3. OH! Self pampering time!

    For fiverr;

    I offer a unique dark art style without boundaries. I can go above and beyond with blood and gore, nudities or political incorrectness. Do you want slave children with goat heads eating prophets and gods? I am your guy! All of your phobias, horror stories or taboos are opened with me! In fact, i am preparing a portfolio for horror illustrations gig, but the gallery must be a little modest, that is a bummer.

    Other than that, i can offer stories about my drawings, or boost yours up. Other than visual consultations, i also offer story based consultations comes with illustrations no extra charge! Just because i like doing it. Maybe i should consider doing it for money too.

    And lastly, combined with my architecture background, i can offer unique designs for all my visuals.

    For life;

    I look like a jacked up coffee barista who has math degree with motorcycle and art sprinkled in!

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  4. 11 minutes ago, kosmtheandric said:

    Because at the end of the day I and many other buyers cannot help it if you've been wronged before

    That is correct. You cant and shouldnt think about that either. Dont worry there, any experienced people here would be aware of this and still go on and try to find a solution to a buyers work request. Otherways they wouldnt be experienced and died out. There are some things you cannot see as a buyer, and some things we cannot see as a seller. Maybe you would have entcountered a seller who claimed to be the best, but isnt and you now might be more defensive about who to pick, to the point of tiring a good seller out. It might happen. These are the the situations everyone deals with


    13 minutes ago, kosmtheandric said:

    ``cthulian style monsters' '

    Well it all depends on the culture you grow into. I immediately can see what you ask. Someone else might never understand it.


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  5. 7 hours ago, kosmtheandric said:

    perhaps cause this has happened to you multiple time this is how you read it

    This is what happens to many of the sellers for a suprising amount. Thats why everyone is negative towards this sentence.(At least  i am) 

    We all like to engage with a returning client who has a project with a continious job flow. And for some, it is an oppurtunity to say "I have done every art piece in this book/game" 

    You might be a good buyer and a reasonable person, this does not mean we dont encounter the opposite. And quite frequently. Sometimes you can tell by their behaivor. Let me give you an example, recently happened just couple weeks ago.

    A buyer comes up to me and asks for 20 character designs for their game and asks for a price. There is a price in the gig. Saying that you have 20 and asking for a price despite its there is just asking for another price, which they confirmed. Alright cool, let me see the 20 characters list. So i know what we will be doing.

    Buyer sends me an example of a characer and says they want it that way. Its a female archer, and very basic background with couple tree trunks. Good. If its like that, it fits my gig price. But buyer does not send me a list. Doesnt gives me any character names or some 1 sentence explanation of the characters. I dont know if its going to be another archer, or a 10 headed dragonkin. I dont know how someone else thinks. But i expect some information about those 20 characters if i am going to give a price to them. Specially if its a discounted one. Character art is different. 10 headed dragonkin takes much much more time than a simple archer, thus making it more expensive. 

    So, no list, not even the first characters description is shown. There is just an example of an archer drawing that have been found on the internet. Now i need to give an exact price to those? Oh how fair the world is. Anyway, i gave them a price despite all of those. Just a little less from my gig price. No order is set yet. Because i have been burned when i wasnt careful with those in my beginner times.

    They have sent me the first piece. I'll exactly explain what they are asking me to draw. "2 Slingers on top of a siege tower, in the foreground armies are marching towards the castle at the background." WHAT? This is the same with that archer drawing? Yeah, they both use ranged weapons. Is that what was implied? So i will draw 20 of these Kingdom of Heaven sceneries for a price of a "discounted single character drawing"

    I rejected immediately. I will not abuse myself to give a discounted price to someone who has no idea what they are talking about. I will see the jobs scale first. If there are more work in the future, show me the work. If you are not going to give me anything, i will not risk my career, my position and the future of my fiverr gigs. If someone asks for a discount and claims there are more work, yeah show me the work and we will talk. 

    Its not always the question of "Is there really a future work?" Sometimes its also a question of "What kind of work?"

    If someone claims that there are more work to be done, i need to see them. Im not just claiming im good at fantasy drawings, i have a gallery for you to judge and many more drawings to show you if you need more to see. I will not hold back about providing you examples of my works. And i expect the same thing about the works description. So if someone says "there is more in the future" and does not show me the future, it means there is no suitable future. We have got to protect our shops here. Some of us tryng to make a living here with children to look after. We cant just rely on some strangers word.

    That is why people are frustrated about these sentences.

    • Like 8
  6. I have never tought about freelancing untill 3 years ago.

    I had a friend who is talented in photography and has proper equipment for professional works. He was already using it. Knowing that i have been drawing, he recommended fiverr to me.

    I set up my profile and started doing it. After a while i have seen it work and started to look at the other famous ones. Im primarily in fiverr in terms of freelancing because my profile here is the strongest. Also, my options are limited due to political reasons. In Turkey we dont have paypal, skrill, cashapp and some more. So i need payoneer to get my money. That really narrows down my alternatives.

    Fiverr has its weaknesses. But overall im happy with it. 

    • Like 17
  7. 20 hours ago, ewangraphics said:

    I find it funny more than anything.

    Its mostly a cheap strategy to lure a seller in for a cheaper price. I dont buy it, i dont like to hear it. Sometimes i dont take their current job just because they said those things. 

    Im really selective about the jobs. I only take the ones im sure im gonna nail it and enjoy doing it.(Thats why im at the low end of avarage at the completed number of jobs compared to the time i have been on fiverr) I know they will like my drawings, i can assume that they will order again if it turns out like i planned. But hearing that from them, that really rustles my jimmies.


    • Like 14
  8. Another post that i have been looking for from the non-elden ring lady!

    15 hours ago, katakatica said:

    saying goodbye to my wisdom teeth.

    I had all my 4 wisdom teeth removed by surgery when i was 16 or something. They were underground and going sideways, making drama. So we had them executed 1 by 1 each week. It was NOT a pleasant experience. I couldnt open my mouth for a month to eat properly. It was just straws and liquids. And because i lost all of my wisdom teeth at age 16, i dont remember my previous years. I hope you do better.

    After this day-brightening news, let me share what i have got.

    My summer was meh, nothing good or bad happened. Still waiting my fiverr acount to recover from the blows i had taken in may. My gigs are all over the floor, dying of thirst. But future is bright. I had some new good looking paintings ready. Gallery uploaded, added a project that i have worked before. I need someone to make a professional looking portfolio and im ready to play for the TRS this time, if its even a thing you can aim at.

    For the next couple of months, i had a great opportunity. Or at least i'd like to think that is an oppurtunity. One of my clients from fiverr is almost ready to release the vampire game project that i have worked as the art director and character designer. Now im in their core team, and we are going to germany at october, and paris at november for some presentations and meeting with their investors. Its a big thing for me. And as a beer lover, germany at october sounds really really good! Maybe some rich investor there would love my drawings and open a new path for me, who knows? Im excited!

    And last night, i had an awful dream. Me and Charles Boyle(yes, from the show Brooklyn nine-nine) was at my house chilling. Suddenly small dinosaur skeletons(about a small dog sized) has surrounded my house and we had to fight them. It is interesting and funny when im telling about it. But it was a scary nightmare. Couldnt sleep the rest of the night because of it.

    In short, i have plans, i have exciting opportunities and scary nightmares that looks fun!


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  9. I live in a ground floor with a big garden. I have got tons of visitors. Its an old house, so there are small cracks and stuff in unseen places. But there are many cats around my house, so big ones cant make it. Cats just destroy them.

    I have seen some small spiders and whatnot. Which is a problem because they start to build their nets if unattended. And i dont want them to decorate my house. So i'll have them deported.

    Couple weeks ago i had an ant problem. whenever there is a drop of juice on the floor, give it a couple minutes and i see the marching of their armies towards my kitchen. I had to start war. Its not justice i know. But i have got to protect my home, i cant just carry ants 1 by 1 outside. And i tried to talk to their leaders, but we had a lack of understanding. Turns out Ant leaders are just jackasses. So i had to deploy chemical weapons. Now Its me and couple cunning spiders who are smart enough to not to be seen or build big nets.

    But if i see a damn mosquito, i will lose reason. Those pricks can eat my legs if they want to, i dont care i heal easy, sometimes i put my leg out of the blanket as an offering of peace. But noooo, they just make noise around my ear to prevent me going to sleep. Its a death sentence.

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  10. On 8/22/2022 at 1:46 AM, paulamit said:

    "Ai will take over Graphic Designers", sounds like calculators will take over mathematician. 

    They probbly will, eventually.

    Im sure a guy in the classical roman era never has tought of a V8 engine. But it happened. It has 300000 horse power or whatever riddicilous number. Which is equal to a mythology monster in those times.

    Technology related improvements will happen. Maybe not today. But it will. It only takes one A.I that can design other A.I's. After that see how fast that can happen.

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  11. Most of the buyer requests are junk. Its really hard to see someone who is actually tryng to do some meaningful business. Im glad that i dont have to go trough that wasteland again.

    Plus, logo design can be one of the most competitive branches ever. There are thousands of other sellers who are tryng to get logo design jobs. This is an issue, i will say that you have to stay unique and eye catching. But i dont know how thats gonna be helpful for you.

    You have to be patient. Fiverr rotates gigs to give everyone a chance. Sometimes you will see your impressions go up, sometimes you see they go down. Its the same for all level of sellers. 

    But i do have some suggestions for you;

    1- Scram that bull idenity. Put your own professionally photographed picture. You are a graphic designer, you know what is professional or not. Keep it real. You are just starting here. Dont act like you are a known big design company. 

    2- Use your real name. Dont look like "just another random generated name" 

    3- One of your gallery pictures has "the brand bull" logo. Which is different from your profile picture. So which one is it? Get rid of that one.

    4- Dont offer unlimited revisions. Ever. Even if you do, dont write it down. It makes you seem like you are unsure about your own work quality.

    These things might make you more approachable.

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  12. 14 hours ago, psykkopatte said:


    I like how you choose your words.

    Well, if you demote to level 0. (which i did, because of some specimen also) It can actually hurt your flow. But agreed. Its actually no biggie. Unless you are TRS or something like that.

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  13. 5 hours ago, psykkopatte said:

    I have canceled some orders on the same gig, it has never affected it, it has just decreased the "order completion" barre

    That bar can get your level to be decreased if its bellow %90. And it will stay with you for 60 days. 

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  14. Buyers request is full of nonsense right now. Spammers, scammers, sellers, demons and whatnot. None of them are allowed actually.

    Most of the real buyers there are just life sucking abyysal creatures. Asking you to create a new realm for them for 5 dollars. It is in a sorry state.

    But i heard, they are going to do something about the whole buyer request section. Not sure what, not sure how. Maybe someone who is more knowledgable can answer it. Im not sure.

    • Like 4
  15. 12 hours ago, zeus777 said:

    I performed this ancient Japanese ritual where I danced under the full moon with my cats on the roof, wearing a pink and purple polka dotted kimono while holding a basket of vegetables and fruits. That's the best way to get those orders coming.
    Sorry, that was clearly a lie.

    Yes clearly it was a lie. We all know pagan rituals work better instead of japanese.

    We gather around the bonefire at every 3 nights. There is a sacrifical goat. Each one of us use the Goats blood to write how much order we want on our forheads. 

    After that we chant and dance around the fire;

    "Blood has been spilled

    For the gods have demanded

    We have marked ourselves

    With the plenty desired"

    After saying that three times we hold hands around the fire and goat gets up, stands on its back hoofs, finishes the chanting for us.

    "For i have seen both sides

    For i have witness

    Orders you shall get

    Untill my next harvest"

    Usually our goat offers work. Sometimes it is not accepted, and it leads to a whole different situation. Very violent. But we have been doing good for the most of the time.

    Thats how you get orders.


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  16. I usually need 2-3 days to finish a regular order. But i put a week just in case. It helps agaisnt suprises and to be honest i dont want to be bothered by rush 😄 I dont perform very well if i have couple hours to finish something. Altough i realised i have doubled my drawing speed without compromising the quality. Which is good news for everybody. So if i get a fast feedbacks during the sketch phase, i can finish my standart package in 2 days at most. 

    I dont have any plans of shortening the delivery times. But getting closer to the top rated people out there, i need to deliver tons of orders to compete against them. I can mostly do the same quality except some pro's. Those pros are at least a year of practice ahead of me. But other than that, i need numbers of reviews to compete. So getting fast is good for me, but i cant take any risks of shortening the delivery times since im not doing freelancing full time.

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  17. Hello and welcome.

    You can find a lot of tips to get you going in the forums, but be careful about who to believe, some people are just swinging miss information about staying online and sharing your stuff at places. Take a look at those guys if they have a strong gig and you will see.

    As a visual artist, your gallery images in your gig will be the most important thing to consider. Do some collages, dont overcrowd it. But show what you can do in each picture. 

    I have 6 drawings for per image in my character design gig. I can put more but i need it to be readable. Take a look at your works, put the best ones together, dont use too much empty space. Crop your works with tought. Show that you are a good artist, present your works the best way possible.

    Fiverr will give you brief moments to shine. Gigs are rotating, sometimes buyers will see you in their search, sometimes dont. That will result in your impression stats to be increased or decreased, dont panic. Make sure that a potential buyer will click on your gig. Grab it while its in the air. Or you will have to wait for your next turn. That can be done with an attractive gig image, title and description. 

    Dont use copy paste answers, offers and whatnot. Everybody can see its copied even if its masterfully crafted. 

    Dont offer unlimited revisions, dont do anything extremely cheap. Make it professional and have confidence in yourself.

    The competition is big, so be prepared that its going to take some time.

    I hope you achieve your aims.

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  18. When i encounter such situations, my clients are given a collage of my previous works if they are uncertain about my gallery images. 

    If the client still has no clue if my style fits do their needs, i dont know what else to do to be honest. Works are here, taste is yours. You should be able to decide.

    Art stuff is tricky. You may not be happy with the results and you have the right to be unhappy to be honest. But if the delivered work matches what was promised or referenced, artist is in the right spot. However if there is a quality difference between the gallery and the work delivered, thats questionable.

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