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Everything posted by krheate

  1. Haha! I read it with the SpongeBob time card voice 😂
  2. You’ll need 9 more 5-star reviews in order to have an overall review of 5 stars for that gig.
  3. One of the requirements for having your gig selected as a Promoted Gig is that you meet "additional quality metrics". Since you just moved your gig into a new category, Fiverr staff probably has to review the gig again and ensure that you meet the quality metrics within that category. And no, I don't think Customer Support will be able to help with this. Hope this helps!
  4. Hey Vickie! I haven't been on the Forum in such a long time - is there a new emoji game? I miss that game! 😊

  5. Well, either he blocked you, or Fiverr banned his account (so he can’t be contacted anymore). If he did block you, it shouldn’t have an impact on any visible stats because buyers, and sellers, block people all the time. There could be something behind-the-scenes that maybe occurs when someone blocks you, but nothing happens to your main stats.
  6. Are there any new changes to the Forum? I haven’t been here in a loooooong time 😂

  7. Ohh okay! To add to what @theratypist said, there are ranks on the Forum which you can get by contributing helpfully (keyword: helpfully). For example, just posting random nonsense on the Forum is not what you should do! Currently, spam is the biggest problem in this Forum. FYI, these ranks have absolutely no benefits! They’re just for visual beauty 😁
  8. No! No! No! No! Posting and commenting on the Forum will NOT help you rank your gigs. Well, you get to interact with other Fiverr buyers/sellers and have some fun!
  9. I definitely got more orders after reaching Level 1, but not immediately. Like I didn’t get tons of orders the day after I became a Level 1 seller, but the amount of orders I got started to gradually increase over the next month (and so on).
  10. I’m assuming you’re talking about your profile picture… Perfect varies for everyone, so first try to think of what message you’re trying to give to your potential buyers out there! You could order a logo through Fiverr or you just make one through websites like Canva. BTW, the profile picture that you have right now looks fine. Don’t stress too much about your profile pic (as long as it’s not inappropriate, you’ll be fine).
  11. Hi! I would suggest checking out the Tips for Sellers category for some tips/info on how to improve your gigs and get more orders. Good luck!
  12. Did anyone else notice the new congrats reaction on the Forum?

    I love it, but I just wish it didn’t look exactly like the thanks reaction!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. krheate


      I wish the up/down voting (or just upvoting) could be added to all the sections! I think the up arrow is kinda like an “agree” button. 

      We’ll have to see how useful the up arrow will be! 😅😁

    3. krheate


      Noooo they got rid of the congrats reaction! 😢

    4. maitasun


      Yes, the up arrow is just an agree emoji, but that's all what they're willing to give us 😔, so we need to be creative and work with what we've got. 

  13. Maybe the buyer had a valid reason. In my case, I was the one initiating the cancellation, so I'm not sure if the buyer received that email. I've had to cancel if the buyer didn't submit the requirements properly, or they accidentally ordered, etc.
  14. Buyers can contact CS to cancel an order, and CS can do it without your approval. In fact, as a seller, I’ve had to cancel a few orders that way (because I wanted to ask CS if they could cancel without affecting my stats).
  15. I’m guessing that the buyer contacted CS and asked them to cancel the order. I don’t know the exact reason behind why a buyer would do that, but that’s what I think happened. Also, I noticed that on the order page, you added more delivery time. Maybe the buyer realized that they needed the order earlier, so they decided to cancel.
  16. @vibronx You're back!! We missed you on the Forum! 🤗 

    I think the spam is decreasing a little, but nevertheless, it's still there 😕 

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. mariashtelle1


      Yep, exactly that one. I’m planning on tagging it every week. It already looks pretty bad that it’s ignored so I will keep up with it. 

    3. krheate


      Good! I'd really like to see an official response there. I'm surprised than a Fiverr Official hasn't responded yet- it's been about 10 days, and I'm sure at least one PoP saw the post by now (since it's the top post in the Fiverr Questions category).

    4. mariashtelle1


      It was even edited and some spam posts were removed from it. So yes, it was definitely seen. 

  17. @imagination7413 Have you considered becoming a moderator for the Forum? You've been really helpful in the points and badges thread (Badges Thread) with all of your awesome researching and ideas! Hopefully Fiverr will choose to implement some of the Forum features that you mentioned!

    1. imagination7413


      I did actually apply, way back when, but I was still rather new at the time with only 7-ish months on the forum. There hasn't been another open call for volunteer help yet, and now there are new paid people, so I doubt there'll be another open call for a while.

    2. krheate


      Oh, that makes sense! I noticed that a few new moderators joined us on the new Forum.

  18. Nope, you can't use Dribbble or Behance for your portfolio link because it's not on the list of approved ones!
  19. Linking to your gigs/profile is only permitted in the "Improve My Gigs" category and the "My Fiverr Gigs" category on the Forum. As per the Forum rules, please post in English, or provide a translation. Thanks!
  20. You don't get immediate warnings if you use the word "pay" or "payment" in your message. It just gives you a little pop-up to remind you about payment rules in the Fiverr TOS.
  21. Along with reading the TOS, I recommend that you follow these basic rules on Fiverr: 1. Don't contact sellers outside of Fiverr, unless you've received permission from CS 2. Don't request payment outside of Fiverr 3. Don't send spam messages to other sellers asking for work or advertising your gigs 4. Make sure that your communication is appropriate (no curse words)
  22. Good morning, Vickie! How’s the weather been over there?

  23. Morning, Maita! Ready for another fun day in the Forum? 😉

    BTW, nice job on solving Vov’s puzzle in the emoji game!

    1. maitasun


      Morning, Kr! 🙃 

      Yeah, super fun forum days... 😬😅

      Arrgggg, they gave me no choice after breaking the ice. 😭 @ahmwritingco even used cute, yummie capybara against me. 🤨😅

    2. ahmwritingco


      Maita impressed me by solving that puzzle. It was quite difficult.

    3. krheate


      Yep, the Forum’s been pretty funnnnnn haha 😬

      It’s impossible to resist solving the puzzle when you see that cute little capybara 😂😉

      @ahmwritingco I was impressed too! That puzzle really had me stumped!

  24. How was everyone's Fourth of July? Did you guys do some awesome fireworks? I saw a few Chinese lanterns in my neighborhood!

    1. vickiespencer


      Chinese lanterns that are fireworks? 

      We could sit in our back yard and watch the fireworks west of US. They were beautiful! 

    2. krheate


      They were just regular Chinese lanterns, but they looked beautiful in the night sky!

      I’m glad you liked the fireworks- our family loves sitting out in the backyard and watching the fireworks too!

  25. Adding a accept/decline option for orders has already been discussed multiple times on the Forum. I would suggest reading those posts before making one of your own! BTW, Fiverr is meant to be a quick and easy way for buyers to just go buy what they want, meaning they don't have to contact you first. If you want buyers to contact you before placing an order, just put a little note in your gig description that says "please contact me before placing an order."
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