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Everything posted by aarontgladiator

  1. Genuinely impressive how you've been so successful even though you joined Fiverr pretty late compared to other people. This is literal proof that you CAN still succeed on Fiverr.
  2. Perhaps something different happened to both of us. 🤷‍♂️
  3. Well, sometimes, if you're TOO active on the forum or even the main website, I guess Fiverr just takes your IP as a VPN/spam and blocks it from doing anything for a while. Happened to me recently (which shows I shouldn't be as active as I am right now), but it got fixed in an hour or so. While this is going on, you can't react or reply to posts or heck, even open them.
  4. Ah, yes, I understand your problem. It's a first-world problem, but it's truly annoying.
  5. Wait, British people say 'innit'? I thought that was Australians. Or do Australians say 'mate'?
  6. Follow YOUR accent. Accents aren't like languages and you can use whatever accent you would use when you speak in your native language.
  7. MY EXACT THOUGHT! It reminded me of that bear family with a brother, sister and a father and mother.
  8. My first client was from Buyer Requests, but honestly, I just got lucky. I recommend promoting yourself on social media since it's the way which works most frequently.
  9. If you don't mind me asking, what was the word?
  10. No? It would make making usernames for the first time meaningless, and it's not like your username affects your ranking unless someone is maybe searching for you specifically and is unable to find you or whatever.
  11. Just curious, but why have a live stream which most people won't be able to attend due to time zones, when you can just post something like a video?
  12. The title though FR- Alright, if you really wanna know the secret tips we use to get more orders, listen in. Every fortnight, you must light candles and dance in the full moon's light while chanting: (IDK, I've never done this before).
  13. What do you mean? Do you mean they pretend they ordered by accident or order something you clearly mention you can't do?
  14. Just curious, but how do you become a 'pro' in something?
  15. There's no certain way to get it, if you just keep completing your orders, you MIGHT be Fiverr's Choice, but you can NEVER be Fiverr's choice without at least some reviews verifying you.
  16. I put my YouTube channel! Anything that’s related to you works!
  17. It’s not illegal, but I’ve heard about sites like this for YouTube, though not for TikTok. Could be scam.
  18. Just no one use bright yellow! It hurts the eyes! 🙂
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