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Status Replies posted by imagination7413

  1. My dear Respectable brother and sister 

    I am a professional herbalist, naturopath, nutritionist, dietician, and health educator.

    We will treat you in all kinds of natural ways that will not have any side effects on your health.

    ( GOD Willing )

    Our experienced herbalists offer personalized consultations to assess your health goals and recommend herbal remedies.

    If anyone wants to complete a four-year course in herbal medicine then we will translate the complete books of all four years into your language and send you a pdf file which will be very useful in your daily life..

    Important Message for your satisfaction

    Don't worry. We have a complete team of experienced herbalists who are experts in various fields.

    Our Service's

    • Herbal Book Translate into your language.
    • Health care and fitness tips are free.
    • Related Nutritionist.
    • Related Naturopath.
    • Related indigenous Medicine
    • Mental health.
    • Piles problems.
    • Women's Health.
    • During pregnancy.
    • No children? No problem.
    • Weight loss.
    • Etc.........
    1. Thank.  Regards (click profile)

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  2. I can't comment on anyone and I can't post anything myself please fix it

    1. imagination7413


      Restrictions are what happen when you break the rules.

      Your posts will either be approved or denied, once reviewed by Fiverr Staff. 

      As to the current hidden posts, you've already opened a topic asking for help with your gig. You don't need to make new threads on the same topic. Opening multiple threads for the same topic is not permitted. In the case of changes in a situation, it’s doubly important, so that people can see what advice you’ve already been given and/or what steps you’ve already taken. Further failure to follow the rules can result in further warnings, a suspension, or a ban. 

  3. She is scammer, and she cannot see any person win.

    1. imagination7413


      If you want to report a user, you need to use the report option. We are not mind-readers, and can't know who you are refencing without the report option.

      If this accusation is directed at me, though, then I'm curious as to your definitions of 'scammer' and 'win'. 

  4. Hello, Fiverr forum community,
    Please tell me how many comments and posts I can make per day.

    If anyone knows about this, please let me know your views and thoughts.
    Thank you all.

    Screenshot 2024-02-11 134348.png

  5. I'm new to the fiverr, and I would like some advice. As a beginner, what would you recommend for me to know or do to make the most out of my experience on the fiverr

  6. Hello, good day. I am facing an issue now. That is:
    That buyer ordered me to develop a web base system similar to an Excel file. I have developed it. But the problem is, each time buyers use different Excel files so the system shows the wrong result. At that time, I already told the buyer, if you are changing the files and formulas simultaneously then I can not work. I was ready to give the refund. But the buyer did not take the refund at that time. He extend the delivery time for testing my developed system. Finally, after doing some extensions the order was marked as completed. 

    But the problem is now the buyer wants to refund after 2 months. He contacted me on WhatsApp. After taking all the source code and database SQL files he blames me that the files are not usable as they have contacted another company to develop the same system.
    Before taking the order I have mentioned the requirements clearly. (see the attachment) But now the buyer forced me to develop phase 2 features in phase 1.

    Now he gives me a threat on WhatsApp, if I don't refund he will report me on fiverr, he will jeopardize my business bla bla. What should I do now?

    whatsapp conversation 1.png

    Requirements for the phase 1 copy.png

    1. imagination7413


      As soon as you were contacted outside the Fiverr plaform, you should have reported that user. The ToS clearly states: 


      Privacy & Identity - [...] Any users who engage and communicate off of Fiverr will not be protected by our Terms of Service.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hello, good day. I am facing an issue now. That is:
    That buyer ordered me to develop a web base system similar to an Excel file. I have developed it. But the problem is, each time buyers use different Excel files so the system shows the wrong result. At that time, I already told the buyer, if you are changing the files and formulas simultaneously then I can not work. I was ready to give the refund. But the buyer did not take the refund at that time. He extend the delivery time for testing my developed system. Finally, after doing some extensions the order was marked as completed. 

    But the problem is now the buyer wants to refund after 2 months. He contacted me on WhatsApp. After taking all the source code and database SQL files he blames me that the files are not usable as they have contacted another company to develop the same system.
    Before taking the order I have mentioned the requirements clearly. (see the attachment) But now the buyer forced me to develop phase 2 features in phase 1.

    Now he gives me a threat on WhatsApp, if I don't refund he will report me on fiverr, he will jeopardize my business bla bla. What should I do now?

    whatsapp conversation 1.png

    Requirements for the phase 1 copy.png

    1. imagination7413


      If you want help from the forum, you must make a new topic in the forum, "Fiverr Questions" category. Also, edit both images to hide your Buyer's username. 

      To be honest, I'm not sure that there is anything you can do. Why did you break Fiverr's ToS and leave the platform? 

      (Unrelated: you cannot share your personal website here on your profile page, just your Fiverr. So you need to edit that.)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. I have to be more careful about how I spend my posts for the day:


    1. imagination7413


      I have no access to that, so I hope Lena will be able to help.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. Why?????

    Fiverr take action on this!!! Why you do your customer like this?


  10. Hello imagination7413.
    I have been warned by you because of a reply by be. I don't know what is the wrong O did. If you mention, then I can avoid that. I didn't share any external contact information.



    1. imagination7413


      Thank you for removing the banner. Please also remove the website.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. Hello imagination7413.
    I have been warned by you because of a reply by be. I don't know what is the wrong O did. If you mention, then I can avoid that. I didn't share any external contact information.



    1. imagination7413


      As mentioned in the warning, the correction needed is in your profile. Remove those, and I'll remove the warning.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hello imagination7413.
    I have been warned by you because of a reply by be. I don't know what is the wrong O did. If you mention, then I can avoid that. I didn't share any external contact information.



  13. why you give me plenty? What the warning reasons please tale me...

    1. imagination7413


      Did you read what the warning stated? Since you may have missed it, the message that came with the warning was:


      Fiverr Terms of Service apply on the forums. External contact information is not permitted. (This includes your profile.)

  14. Please Help Me To Recover My Account!
    I've been working on fiverr since 4 years i have more than 170 order completion 70+ positive reviews and have more than 300+ big companies partner with me they are always using fiverr for order.

    Last week i got a client who forced me to partnerhship with him i have attached the screenshot of chat i didn't ask him to go outside of fiverr even he forced me to go outside i didn't say anything in chat about go outside he make me to go outside and don't wanna use fiverr for payment i am Founder of fusionart.net i have my own website i forced him to go through fiverr but he didn't agreed he said i will pay you next week next week next week lot's of excuses when i did too much work for him as preview and then he decided to report me just because of not talking to him professionally even he didn't provide me the enough information's about the project when i ask for more information he decided to not doing work and report me on fiverr even he didn't place the order on fiverr but fiverr still disable my account HOW CAN WE ASSURE THAT ALL THE SELLER ARE SECURE FROM ALL FAKE REPORTERS? 

    Please help me to get my account back PLEASE HELP ME!

    Fiverr .png

    1. imagination7413



      Please read the link you requested. Number 9.

      I have no access to your Fiverr account. I don't know the full story. I can't help you.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. Please Help Me To Recover My Account!
    I've been working on fiverr since 4 years i have more than 170 order completion 70+ positive reviews and have more than 300+ big companies partner with me they are always using fiverr for order.

    Last week i got a client who forced me to partnerhship with him i have attached the screenshot of chat i didn't ask him to go outside of fiverr even he forced me to go outside i didn't say anything in chat about go outside he make me to go outside and don't wanna use fiverr for payment i am Founder of fusionart.net i have my own website i forced him to go through fiverr but he didn't agreed he said i will pay you next week next week next week lot's of excuses when i did too much work for him as preview and then he decided to report me just because of not talking to him professionally even he didn't provide me the enough information's about the project when i ask for more information he decided to not doing work and report me on fiverr even he didn't place the order on fiverr but fiverr still disable my account HOW CAN WE ASSURE THAT ALL THE SELLER ARE SECURE FROM ALL FAKE REPORTERS? 

    Please help me to get my account back PLEASE HELP ME!

    Fiverr .png

  16. Please Help Me To Recover My Account!
    I've been working on fiverr since 4 years i have more than 170 order completion 70+ positive reviews and have more than 300+ big companies partner with me they are always using fiverr for order.

    Last week i got a client who forced me to partnerhship with him i have attached the screenshot of chat i didn't ask him to go outside of fiverr even he forced me to go outside i didn't say anything in chat about go outside he make me to go outside and don't wanna use fiverr for payment i am Founder of fusionart.net i have my own website i forced him to go through fiverr but he didn't agreed he said i will pay you next week next week next week lot's of excuses when i did too much work for him as preview and then he decided to report me just because of not talking to him professionally even he didn't provide me the enough information's about the project when i ask for more information he decided to not doing work and report me on fiverr even he didn't place the order on fiverr but fiverr still disable my account HOW CAN WE ASSURE THAT ALL THE SELLER ARE SECURE FROM ALL FAKE REPORTERS? 

    Please help me to get my account back PLEASE HELP ME!

    Fiverr .png

    1. imagination7413



      Sir fiverr disabled my account by mistakenly i want to tell the fiverr what's actually going on. 

      Please Help me sir they are a lier they forced me to work for them for a very low price and you can see the image below they offered me to get a partnership with me not me sir this is very not fair fiverr did with me, sir I have more than 150 reviews fiverr know very well about me and he's is the only one who have just 4 reviews and fiverr just following him. maybe he did the same thing with all the other seller because they know fiverr didn't support sellers accepting buyers sir please don't do this to me i have to feed my children, please help me this time as you know i am not guilty i did my best to convince him to pay me on fiverr but he made excuses all the time i have proofs i also send the proofs through email please sir i am begging. this is very hurting that a new buyer who only have 4 reviews fiverr following their lies accept a seller who have more then 150 reviews and also completed all the requirements for to become a TOP RATED SELLER


      Except that you are guilty of breaking the rules. You say he "forced" you. How? 

      Why did you work with this user in the first place?

      The forum also has rules, and youve broken 4 already.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. every day is fiber day good knight

    1. imagination7413


      Gud nite two u, to.

      (In all seriousness, that "online 24\7" is one of those things that keeps triggering the auto-filter, if you were curious.)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. @imagination7413 & @williambryan392 - Do any of you know why I'm post-limited again?


    I noticed that lately, a lot of my messages have been "hidden," requiring a m0d to approve the content before it gets posted on the forum. I think you two have approved some of those messages, so maybe you know why I'm post-limited again. I don't see any warnings on my account.

    I lost access to the Seller Plus forum, too.

    I also lost "Anonymous mode." 

    This isn't an urgent request - I just want to know if I've been posting anything that might have triggered the system. Thanks for all your help!

    1. imagination7413


      Huh. No clue on the limit part. Or on the access. Or on the anon. (Don't have access to that info.) Post approval I don't think has any bearing? 

      If I had to guess, I'd think the forum might be being worked on. (Experience says 'mess with code or settings = break stuff'.) But I really don't know. 

      I can ask Frank, if you like?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. Vickie, I saw that there was flooding in Montana ... I hope you're okay! 😟

    1. imagination7413


      Echoing this sentiment. Hope you, your family, and your neighbors are well.

  20.  Why saying that? 
     You have reached the maximum number of posts you can make per day.
  21. Pls Can you teach me more and more in this??? I am a newbie here...Just need to do the right thing and have good riseup


    1. imagination7413


      If you're willing to learn more, I strongly suggest the first thing you do is read the Forum Rules.


  22. @imagination7413 Have you considered becoming a moderator for the Forum? You've been really helpful in the points and badges thread (Badges Thread) with all of your awesome researching and ideas! Hopefully Fiverr will choose to implement some of the Forum features that you mentioned!

    1. imagination7413


      I did actually apply, way back when, but I was still rather new at the time with only 7-ish months on the forum. There hasn't been another open call for volunteer help yet, and now there are new paid people, so I doubt there'll be another open call for a while.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. Just saw that your "Word Story Game" didn't go so good. Bummer.

    1. imagination7413


      I didn't witness it directly, but I saw that it was mentioned in another thread. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  24. I think that was it! Now we can spam you on your own wall 😉

    1. imagination7413


      I just had chilidogs for supper. Hamburgers for lunch.

      HAPPY INDEPENDANCE DAY! And a thanks to all our veterans and those serving! 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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