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  1. She is scammer, and she cannot see any person win.

    1. imagination7413


      If you want to report a user, you need to use the report option. We are not mind-readers, and can't know who you are refencing without the report option.

      If this accusation is directed at me, though, then I'm curious as to your definitions of 'scammer' and 'win'. 

  2. If a client asks to be contacted outside of fiverr, they are scammers..
  3. You do not leave hope and add a gig image and description.
  4. I recommend contacting Fiverr's customer support team for further assistance and clarification on the status of your account. They should be able to provide you with more information on the situation and whether or not there is a chance of getting your account back.
  5. There is no fixed time to receive the first order.
  6. Make discerption related to work. and image is less contant and use 2 or 3 color in image.
  7. This is because buyers give you no rate.
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