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Everything posted by vibronx

  1. I 100% agree. My opinion of Fiverr has hit rock bottom (or maybe not, I'm sure they'll do something to make me dislike them even more) following the introduction of the AI categories. I thought Fiverr valued the skills and creativity of human beings, given that this is ultimately what generates their revenue. But I guess chasing the latest trend was more important to them as a company.
  2. Maybe you should have had an AI write this too. At least ChatGPT would have been more polite.
  3. vibronx

    Oh dear

    How sad! 😂
  4. It seems to not be against the TOS anymore if you state you have used AI: https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/intellectual-property
  5. Why would Fiverr talk about using AI to improve profiles? 🤯 Isn't that pretty unethical? Is this really the kind of company Fiber wants to be? I thought they would wanna promote human creativity...
  6. That doesn’t make it okay.
  7. You have done great in your (relatively) short time here, and you're a great guy, so congratulations to you, Spyros! 🥳
  8. I do very much wonder who this friend is and if he's the one who has also been crying about BRs here recently...
  9. I don't agree with the policy, but it is what it is. And I definitely don't think you're the bad guy.
  10. No, it's not allowed on this forum, unfortunately.
  11. I can no longer edit my above comment, so in an effort to be transparent, I now used Edge to go further back in my forum activity and I found this: About an offhand comment about BR being shut down: "As a buyer, I’m very happy about this. It was useless." Again commenting as a buyer. My comments to you are more about not being able to comprehend how someone can have such a horrendous attitude toward more experienced sellers and the answers they give you (and be so much of a whiner). And now you've started lying, too. You really are a gem.
  12. Please quote where I wrote "essays" on benefits of briefs over BRs. I'll be waiting... Hmm... I wonder if it's okay to lie about what other people have said? Since December 1, I've written this about briefs - as far back as it allows me to go on my profile (edit: I did a wider search using the search feature and still didn't find my supposed essay): About my reaction to BRs being shut down: "As a buyer, I'm incredibly happy. It was simply horrible, and it made me weep for humanity every time I posted a request.As a seller, I never used it, so I don't really care. The offered prices were too low for me to bother, or there were other red flags in the requests. And I have always gotten orders organically. I don't use briefs either, BTW, and I doubt I ever will." To you in the last thread (my only other comment to you ever): "I wish I could be as smart as you, brother. You have really hit the nail on the head here, and you should be proud of yourself for knowing more about the Fiverr platform than Top Rated Sellers and other experienced members. You really did your homework! Bravo!As a buyer on Fiverr, I'm really just so heartbroken that I'll now be missing out on all the hundreds of spam offers I used to receive in BRs from people who didn't read my request. I weep, and I weep for the loss all us buyers have suffered, and I curse the briefs for having taken this paradise away from us!" Never once do I mention liking briefs here. And I wouldn't be able to - I never used them. In the quote above, I'm commenting more as a buyer. As you can see I comment about hating BRs as a buyer and I again mention that I have never used them as a seller. And I think even you would have the same opinion about BRs as a buyer if you had ever tried them out. And I took a break from the forum for about a year and a half prior to this, so no briefs back then. So keeeep making stuff up BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO You're on a public forum, friend. 😭
  13. It must be exhausting to keep crying about something that's not gonna be changed. I've never used BRs (except as a buyer--which is a horrible experience, btw), and I doubt I'll ever use briefs. So, I don't like BRs, and I have no opinion about briefs. But I guess I'm still one of those idiotic Top Rated Sellers, so my opinion wouldn't matter, anyway. I just know that it's healthier to focus on things you can actually change instead of arguing with everyone who has more experience and a different opinion than you.
  14. You won’t get orders by asking questions here. So, you can cut it out and stop wasting everyone’s time, including your own. Use the search feature or perhaps even a search engine if you really want a response to this very googleable question.
  15. If you really want to offer that... *Must not call out scammers 🤮* --then your prices are outrageous. If you translate using software, then offer it for something like 50,000 words for $5. Maybe then people would be interested.
  16. 1984


    1. vibronx


      Chipotle Lives Matter

    2. ahmwritingco


      You seem to always have posts removed in December. 😔

  17. Right now, AI isn't good enough to replace most freelancers, but I gotta admit I'm pretty scared about the future. AI capabilities are progressing rapidly right now, and I think in a decade, or perhaps even sooner, it might be able to do things we never thought it would be capable of. I think we've only seen a fraction of its potential. I'm an optimist in the sense that I think AI will bring a lot of good to humanity, but like everyone, I'm, of course, selfish, so I also worry about how it's gonna impact creatives.
  18. This is one of the things that always make me feel really old and out of touch on Twitter... I had to use the "they" pronoun a few times in Danish. But I don't like to do it because the "they" pronoun ("de" in Danish), when used for a single person, is meant to be used in very formal contexts--like with royalty. Even some of the royals have stopped using it, so... it's just weird in Danish.
  19. I get this 100%. And it's not a nice feeling! But it shows that you care and that's a good thing! That would be so much fun to do someday! I've never worked on a game with someone else, so it would be very interesting to try! It is. I think it's a very draining activity. After I'm finished writing for the day, I feel totally done. I could just go straight to sleep sometimes. 4 hours I can consistently do if I'm not working on too many other things, 5 hours I can do if I really push myself but it's not sustainable for me.
  20. Yep, yep, yep! I used to work insanely long hours... And I got back into that habit again this year which isn't a good thing. When I say long days... it's basically ALL day. I've been so burned out by Fiverr this year that I was very, very close to quitting many times. Especially since what I do here isn't really my passion (working on getting to do that for a living instead). And there are only so many times you can translate a Terms of Service or a Privacy Policy before you go crazy. After I came back from my summer vacation, I turned down so many jobs because I just couldn't do it. I couldn't get myself to translate. So, my profile hasn't completely recovered from that yet. It's getting there, but it's not totally what it was before August. And that's okay. I spend 95% of my day game developing, anyway. Now, I have decided that I work Monday-Saturday 7 AM - 5 PM and not a second longer. I need to keep my sanity. Yesterday was the first day since mid-August that I had a full day off. It was so difficult to figure out what to spend a whole day on. I need to learn how to have fun again. My second weakness is that I'm perhaps a bit too harsh when it comes to accepting new buyers. If they show the slightest sign of a red flag, I turn them down. It can be a good thing, but I do think that I've often ended up turning down good buyers in the process. I love when sellers are like this. It makes projects so much more fun to work on as a buyer when you have an eager collaborator! I understand this 100%. I'm totally like this about my writing, too. I think writing is a very personal thing in a way. I do kinda feel like I put part of myself on the page when I write if that makes sense.
  21. This forum is so ridiculous sometimes...

  22. Type in the buyer's name after fiverr.com/ (example: fiverr.com/vibronx) and you'll be able to see the sellers who reviewed them/they reviewed.
  23. IM getting chipotle 2day pray for me
  24. When it gets really, really dusty.
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