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Everything posted by visualstudios

  1. Same here. I don't know if I should be worried either. But probably not? Definitely less worried now that I know @frank_d didn't receive one, at least.
  2. It can be. It can also have something to do with some very interesting numbers on the quarterly earning report - namely, that more than half the revenue Fiverr made came from orders over $200. This means it may make sense to focus on higher priced services more, and less on the low value gigs, and try to do an aggressive pivot to becoming a more professional platform, targeted directly at businesses.
  3. Still waiting for my e-mail... did everyone else receive it at the same time?
  4. Although we don't have data on that, and it's not mentioned in that e-mail. We just heard about a couple of individual cases (or even just the one, actually?) If I recall correctly, Fiverr invited some people back in the beginning of Pro, before they even opened the applications, to get the ball rolling.
  5. Didn't get the email yet. Quite curious about what it will look like.
  6. It's not mandatory, afaik. Visual Studios is two people, I can't put a single name on there, and it won't accept two names.
  7. Not a lot of love for board games around here, I see. I played twilight struggle with a friend the other day, and had a blast. We finished around 6 AM though, it's quite the long game.
  8. Fiverr already has the rising talent badge, which is just that.
  9. That guy is crazy, god damn. I've had people contact me asking to actually steal things all the time ("can you remove this watermark from a video..."). You just say no and move on. You do not engage like that. He's playing with fire there.
  10. If you don't know what you're doing, it will be obvious anyway. If you know what you're doing, it will be impossible to tell, since you won't just copy paste. So it's kind of a moot point. ChatGPT is a great tool, but the user must be skilled. If they're not, it's pointless.
  11. 1 - Where's the data that shows that applies to almost everyone? 2 - Fiverr offers PayPal as well 3 - Crypto would be interesting, but I don't see that happening, still lots of issues with that market
  12. I have no doubt by looking at you. Oh snap, this made me lol actually.
  13. The combination of them with the previous conversation might. It really depends on multiple factors. I'm not saying he was being professional, but we may be able to help you understand why they acted like they did - if we get the complete context.
  14. If you post the entire conversation, as well as your buyer stats, we can get a better idea of the sellers reasoning. From what you've posted, it can be anything.
  15. Cancelation rate on display in gigs and profile, besides reviews. Leave the review system as is. This is a very simple fix, will actually function in the spirit of the idea (distinguish between sellers with a lot of cancelations and those who don't) and won't impact seller levels, etc. I also foresee next to no backlash from the seller community on a feature like this.
  16. You get direct return. Namely, getting what you want, instead of wasting money for something you can't use. You do you, if that attitude is working well for you, that's great.
  17. 99% of buyers will request a revision or a cancelation if they're unsatisfied. Fiverr doesn't limit revisions in any way, so if a buyer is not happy he can let the seller know. I don't know what that seller did, maybe he was over his head, did bad work, etc., can't know without looking at the order, initial brief, and deliverables. Maybe he thought he was delivering what you wanted and following instructions. Maybe the instructions were misleading. Maybe he didn't care. All possible. In any case, by the way you worded it, it sounds like you left a bad private review, but not a public review, and didn't even tell them what you thought (that's why he had to ask). A bad private review is pointless for a seller, since we can't see it. He will never improve without proper feedback.
  18. You're way overthinking it. There's a much simpler, and almost undetectable way, that doesn't entail having any accounts on other platforms, and that can be quite enticing. Want to get rid of your competition? Ask a couple friends to create buyer accounts, and have them all place a $5 order, and complete it. Then they aren't new buyers. Then have them order from your competition, it doesn't matter if their price is high, you'll get your money back through canceling anyway, and you can leave them bad reviews for free. Hmm. Before, if you wanted to review bomb competitors, you would at least have to pay their price for the privilege. If they were high ticket sellers, that would be very expensive. Now it seems trivial.
  19. I wouldn't leave the offer open. His attitude is a red flag, you don't want to work with someone who decided to go with the cheap option first, and then comes to you. That's a risk. They will go into the order thinking you're too expensive, so they'll be extra nitpicky. It would be enough to be good, you must be "much better" than the cheap option, and depending on the work, some things are what they are. Certain videos will be the same no matter if you pay $100 or $1000, they are what they are. But some sellers charge more per hour than others, because their time is more valuable, so a price sensitive seller is bad news for higher priced sellers. Better to turn them away. As for the "there's people selling for cheaper..." "I never discuss what other sellers charge, they know better than me what their service is worth".
  20. Yes, but that's not visible for buyers, and that's the issue. A seller can cancel just enough to always be at 90%, and it will be indistinguishable from a seller that never cancels. If it's displayed on the profile, the buyers can see - "I can go with this guy, and have a 1/10 chance of getting my order cancelled... or I can go with this guy, that cancels 0 orders". For example, I have 0 cancelations in the last year. Let's say I do 10 orders a month. My profile will look the exact same as another seller that also does 10 orders a month, but cancels one of them every month. That's 90%, so he won't be demoted.
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