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Everything posted by visualstudios

  1. Stop doing that, that's part of the problem. Not only you're being underpaid, you're actively devaluing your entire vertical.
  2. This doesn't work, and can't be implemented. If I know an order impacted the score negatively, I know which buyer impacted the score negatively. Not sure what you're trying to say here. Hell, I have a "strong negative impact" on customer satisfaction in one of my gigs (still at 9 score, somehow), and I know exactly which client is responsible for that lol.
  3. Same thing happened to us. Luckily the buyer noticed his mistake and went to CS to correct the rating. Our Success Manager told us a massive number of buyers were opening tickets with CS to correct their ratings ever since this new system was implemented.
  4. Well, you already knew this was going to happen... and already know what the outcome will be
  5. That is true, but it's not a nice look when there's a clear cherry picking of what to answer. I've asked several questions, in several threads, over a long time period, and I never get a reply. In the meanwhile, the softballs lobbed by meksells get replies right away. That's not cool. I understand if they don't have an answer - but then say just that. "Hey, sorry, but I don't know the answers to that, I'll try to see if I can find them". That's the bare minimum.
  6. That won't matter. Price has dropped over 90% from the top, nothing changed. Stock price only matters in a very long timeframe, specially for the kind of business Fiverr is - these new "tech" startups are expected to burn cash for a long time, just look at uber, etc. Personally I hope it goes up a bit in the short term, so I can exit my position at break even, at least.
  7. Quality troll. Also, that must be one of the most unique profiles I've ever seen.
  8. Request to order on. I've been doing this for a long time - I only send an offer once I have ALL requirements. I don't accept any files after an order starts, and make that abundantly clear prior to sending the offer. This means I never have any disputes, or cancelations due to requirements missing, etc. Seems to have paid off in my score.
  9. Ok, that's bizarre. Fiverr's choice gigs should be selected based on buyer satisfaction. It makes no sense to promote a gig that is internally scored at 4. @Kesha, how can something like this happen?
  10. Do you mean a gig that is showing a success score of 4 is tagged as Fiverr's choice? That would be... very weird.
  11. Fiverr Neo is devoid of personality to a scary degree, even by chatbot standards. Even neutered chat gpt has more edge.
  12. @eduardoquiles Man, you realize this gig breaks terms of service, right? Before worrying about success score, if I were you I would be worrying about getting an account ban.
  13. This is not true, if anything I feel the opposite. I'm in video editing, which has much more moving parts than nearly any other vertical, including graphics design. I have a 10, and I feel it's easier to get and maintain that, since we can show the client what we've done, and sound impressive doing so - because we can go over a ton of details. Something like a voice over artist can just say "We recorded your script, and did it in a certain tone..." and that's it. The more steps your activity has (in the case of video we have sound design, color, editing, footage selection, titling, motion graphics, keying and compositing, etc. etc.), the more you can justify your work, and potentially look better value to the client.
  14. Only if they have a ton of gigs. I can have up to 30, have 9 at the moment, and honestly I could do with fewer. Since you can't have different gigs offering the same service, to offer 20 gigs you need to be able to do 20 different services. I always suspect anyone who claims to be able to do 20 different things professionally. I've seen a lot of profiles offering the same thing 10 times, with slight title variations. I've seen people offering every service under the sun - I'll do logo design, websites, translations, horoscopes, video, music, nutrition plans. Makes your profile look like a flea market.
  15. The $200 buyers will complain less. But still more than the $2000 buyers. Ideally we should be aiming at the $20k buyers, though. Bigger the budget = more reasonable the client. 99% of times, it works every time.
  16. I know how it works. The "value for money" you see on reviews is not what's having an impact on the score - that's why you can have 5 stars in value for money in all your reviews, and see "value for money" as a negative in your success score. What's having an impact is the "value for money" you don't see, on the private form.
  17. Publicly. Value for money has been on the private feedback form for over a year now. That's not having an effect on the score you see.
  18. New? Welcome to the club. That has been the only valid strategy since we got request to order, thank god.
  19. Well, that's the issue with the consultation gigs, and how they're set up. They're a risk. If the client isn't happy with what they hear, they can just leave a bad review and that's it. Nothing you can do about it. The only solution for this would be for the consultation calls not to be reviewed (when they pertain to other services, like video editing for example), otherwise it's just a bad idea to sell them.
  20. We also got that, same exact score in the consultation gig. "effective communication - room for growth". Not negative, I suppose, but yeah. "Room for growth"? Where? That's a weird "gig" though, as it's not set up the same way as the others.
  21. Sure, but that's a totally different topic, and has nothing to do with the system looking at 2 years back or not. The same applies if it looked back 1 year, or 30 days, or whatever.
  22. But what would you prefer? That it counted 9 years? That it counted 1 year? 60 days? Why? A line has to be drawn somewhere.
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