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Everything posted by visualstudios

  1. A ton of scammers have been sending this type of message, always linking to a website to try to get my card details through various means - saying I have an order already paid for, saying I need to verify my profile, etc. Always obvious scams, but this must be working on clueless beginners.
  2. Seriously, this has been increasing a lot lately.
  3. Hopefully on the way out from the main platform as well. Professional marketplace and scam "services" don't mix. Maybe that vertical can all light some candles and sacrifice some chickens to change the new level system, let's see how that works.
  4. Not a webinar, but I was actually thinking of launching a podcast. Want to be my first guest?
  5. I went to their webinars a couple times. Not any longer. I'll only go to places where I can talk back and listened to, I'm not gonna be lectured to, specially by people who know much less than me. They can keep their worthless webinars full of meksells or do them to no audience at all for all I care.
  6. Yes, and I'm also a buyer select on top of all that! Anyone with more meaningless badges? This is a challenge!
  7. You are safe from that with RTO. Why would anyone accept clients placing orders out of the blue is beyond me at this point.
  8. Well, that ain't good. That's a ~20% cancelation rate, which is pretty horrible. That wouldn't qualify you to level up in the old system either, regardless of "success scores", so in your case it makes sense it counts as strong negative impact.
  9. It does matter, because there's a 4.7 cut off for TRS. With a 4 value for money, the max review you can get is 4.7, so any single review lower than that will instantly drop you.
  10. Buyer ratings are meaningless. 1 - Buyers have nothing to lose. Get a low rated buyer account? Close it, open a new one. 2 - Buyers are never under pressure by sellers. They aren't on display. They don't lose their living over bad reviews. It doesn't matter how sellers rate buyers, whatsoever. Just get rid of reviews on buyers altogether.
  11. Here 4 seems to be the most common, which is curious because it's the cutoff to be no level. at 5 you already get level 1. Seems suspiciously convenient.
  12. So that isn't the same as the SM's I've been having, they are Fiverr employees, on a salary, 100%. Must have been some other program.
  13. Which means there's a 50% chance of it being accurate or true lol
  14. That contradicts what was said by Kesha here. Pausing a gig doesn't affect the overall success score. Allegedly. Impossible to know what to trust anymore. Nobody knows anything, or everybody lies. Proof:
  15. Yes, but baiting and switching isn't a very viable business plan long term. They can sell a subscription once, for one month, but that's it. Then what?
  16. That's not a solution. Having a SM won't help you in any way with this system. They don't have any extra information on this topic, it's basically equivalent to talking with CS. Not to mention that Fiverr doesn't have enough to handle the current users, much less if there's a ton of new applicants. If that happens, you can expect to hear from SM's by e-mail once a month, and get a call per year, if you're lucky.
  17. I already posted this elsewhere, but it bears repeating. The new system is designed, on purpose, to be dishonest. This is not how you ask for feedback. This is not opinion, it's science. Screenshot for emphasis. The new scale fiverr uses is not linear. https://www.questionpro.com/blog/what-is-likert-scale/
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