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Everything posted by visualstudios

  1. Yeah, he seems clueless. It's a pretty simple thing to google. But there is a buyerland out there, for most businesses. It speaks english, it has a business centric society, it's not risk averse, it has a high average salary, and a lot of venture capital. Not a lot of countries have all those advantages.
  2. There are trends. I suppose it will depend on what you do, but personally 90% of my business comes from one country - and I strongly suspect that is the case for most of the sellers on the platform (specially if you want to sell higher ticket stuff). That country does have one predominant religion, and predominant holidays. Makes sense for me to target them.
  3. No, Fiverr makes that perfectly clear. Unless they are copyright free, you can't. I don't understand the need to ask that question, when it's literally spelled out for you. You don't own, and don't have a license or permission to use other people's youtube videos, do you?
  4. And it doesn't make any sense as a seller to be spending time on a call for a $5 order anyway. A $5 order must be a simple "click here, get it done, next to no communication", otherwise it makes absolutely no sense from a time management perspective. It barely pays for any work, to have to pay for time spending communicating on top...
  5. Depends on seller level (Pro sellers can't sell under a certain price) and vertical (certain categories have minimum pricing for gigs). The absolute minimum you can find on the site is $5. For Pro gigs it's generally $100.
  6. We can't know for sure, that's the issue. It may just be coincidence, it may just be that using out of office harms your positioning. That's the real problem with a lot of the systems in place - people can't know exactly how they work, so all we can do is speculate. If everything was clear and transparent ("do x, y will happen"), we could make much more informed decisions. Btw, as for clients ordering without contact, just use request to order.
  7. There's a phone app for that. I don't need this feature, because no matter what I'm doing I'll have my phone with me.
  8. Really? You'll hire someone and give them access to your Fiverr account? No way I would ever do that. I'm not even sure that's allowed according to TOS, but even if it is, nobody is getting my login.
  9. I'm not saying it's not possible. I'm saying they are not in the "right". It's not their "right". It's a freelancer's "right" to be paid for work done. That doesn't mean it will always happen - It's just that any system can be abused.
  10. That will depend on your vertical, the assets you have, the skills you have, how you want to position yourself, etc. There's no simple answer.
  11. this is the type of thing that makes users not trust the platform. Either it will be or it won't - this is a career for many people, so they need absolutes, not maybes. I never activated that feature, and I still won't, there's no reason to risk it. Even if they claimed "it won't", I don't know if it can be trusted or not. We need transparent systems, with transparent metrics, otherwise we can't know what affects us and what doesn't, regardless of what's said. When I want to take some time off, I just need to keep replying to messages once a day, with request to order on.
  12. It's a funnel, all the steps lead to a sale. The point is, I think, a good gig image is something that the seller has control over and can easily change to improve one step of the funnel, therefore increasing sales. Other things that increase sales (BSR, actually having marketable skills, etc.) can't be improved with a "tip" lol. Of course it won't work by itself, if all the other steps are not well implemented.
  13. Will depend on the profile of course, but can be one of the biggest (that a seller has any control over). Depending on the vertical, converting impressions into clicks can be the bottleneck. There is no "biggest factor", it will always depend. The greatest gig in the world with no impressions will get no sales, doesn't matter how good the seller is. A gig with a ton of impressions but no clicks, idem. A gig with clicks but that doesn't convert them, same. So the biggest factor for a certain gig/seller can be at different points, depending on what the issue is, on where he loses them. The gig image can help improve one of those points substantially.
  14. Focusing on gig appearance is far from bad advice. Gig images (and videos) are very important in converting impressions to clicks (probably the key factor actually), so yes, having attractive gig images is a major factor in getting orders (of course then the gig has to convert after it's clicked, but if you don't get clicks you won't get any sales either way). That user is far from qualified to be giving advice if they have no sales in over a year, but at least they're not giving wrong or harmful advice (like the online 24/7 crowd, spamming the forums, etc.).
  15. The founders and CEO / investors. No one became a billionaire for being a seller on Fiverr.
  16. It's worse than that. The private feedback has a field for "value for money". If you are working with someone that accepts your price but isn't happy with it, you're running a huge risk. I want my clients to be enthusiastic about the value for money, otherwise it's just harming my business. It shouldn't be this way, to be honest - negotiation has a place in business, and sometimes a client can feel like the value for money was just "ok", and that should be "ok", but the way the private feedback is implemented is extremely punishing, so you can't take risks. Client accepts the price but you feel they think it's too high? Better to refuse to work with them anyway - otherwise you're running the risk of lower BSR, and that will impact your future sales. This is particularly relevant if you're on the higher end in terms of pricing. Some people charge $10 per hour for the same thing others charge $20 or $100, and the final result can be very subjective in terms of the ever elusive "quality" - it's just that different people value their time differently. That's ok.
  17. .pages are legitimate documents, made with Apple Pages. I have the opposite issue (I'm on a Mac and use Pages, and while it can open word documents, they can be improperly formatted), so what I do (and request from my clients) is to always use .pdf for documents, as that's the proper way to exchange them and be system and application agnostic. The reason why there was a 3kb file included as well probably has to do with you seeing it under a different OS (I'm assuming you're on windows). There are files that are invisible in windows, and on Mac OS (they store information like icons, viewing preferences for the folder, etc.), and when you transfer a folder to the other OS they become visible. They are not harmful in any way, and can be deleted.
  18. Wow, worse than I thought. I can do so much better than this. And they're in video editing, just to rub salt in the wound.
  19. Who's that? Is there a link? I'm starting to think I should create an Udemy course on Fiverr myself. If those people can sell, I should be a millionaire.
  20. And where exactly did you read that? I report every single one of those messages as spam. Absolutely tired of people begging me for work. Newsflash - if I need to offload work, I'll look for sellers and contact them to hire them. I don't need beggars contacting me.
  21. If you're a serious seller, why would you work 10 hours for free? If you did what was agreed, it's the client's problem, not yours. You worked, you should get paid. Your "solution" is no solution - it's totally buyer centric and doesn't protect a serious seller in any way.
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