I was faced this Situtations Last 3 Month Ago. This Is harmful situtions for every seller . You need More Research your Gig nishse . You reachout your Target aduience. You Can go Anyway. Now I am telling How Can I OverCome this Situions.
Firsty .
I was Changing My Gig Descriiption And Images with Seo Freinedly .
I am Trying to 24 hours Out 12 Hours Active without Auto refressh . This SItuion Helping my Sister.
I am reaching out Target Audience .
I am Ruuing paid Social media ads .
You have To create engagement content For Target audience
After Completing 5+ project In One Month . My Gig Impressin Daily Increase , always . minium 3 Gigs Share Daily 3 TImes with Targetget Key Word.