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About dipmagura

  • Birthday 10/24/2000


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  1. I am not getting any order for last 5 months, what should I do now?
  2. Then I mention some things again Optimize Your Gig Title and Keywords Create a unique Eye-Catching service related to Thumbnail Promote your Service Outside the Platform
  3. Congratulations on achieving "TOP RATED FREELANCER IN FIVERR " Please Share your journey and how to become Top Rated freelancer. It will Be Great for the newbiwe
  4. Can You explain How to promote Gig On Social Media
  5. Facebook and pinterest
  6. I was faced this Situtations Last 3 Month Ago. This Is harmful situtions for every seller . You need More Research your Gig nishse . You reachout your Target aduience. You Can go Anyway. Now I am telling How Can I OverCome this Situions. Firsty . I was Changing My Gig Descriiption And Images with Seo Freinedly . I am Trying to 24 hours Out 12 Hours Active without Auto refressh . This SItuion Helping my Sister. I am reaching out Target Audience . I am Ruuing paid Social media ads . You have To create engagement content For Target audience After Completing 5+ project In One Month . My Gig Impressin Daily Increase , always . minium 3 Gigs Share Daily 3 TImes with Targetget Key Word.
  7. Fiverr Has Set Miniu price for Web Design and Development category . Mos of the seller for thier Compettion They less Price for this another Seller Are going to price problem With Buyer . So Fiverr has set Basic Price every category
  8. Firstly. You have to make user friendly seo baesd and gig and title & Images. Share your gig any Social MEDIA. There you can generate your customers. Sell your service. Stay active on fiverr.
  9. Always I am Active arounding 15- 18 hours using Phone without Any Extention. But I can't Get order . My gig is Increasee impression . Can You Explain How Does Fiverr Work
  10. I am on the same posttion . This is a frustating Situations for Seller . I need better Solution
  11. I am trying many time In Social Media Share My gig . But I can't My actual result
  12. Kindly Give me The Smart Solution . How Can I Active 24 hours In Fiverr Account.
  13. Most Of the people said , share your Gig Social Media . But I Want know Where ,
  14. Promote Fiverr Gig You can Use free and paid Method . 1. Social Media Marketing 2. QUara 3. Cold Mailing 4. paids Ads 5. Google Ads 6. Google Seo etc
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