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Everything posted by katakatica

  1. That looks amazing! I've made chasu in a pan a couple of times before but it's just not THAT tender - when you go to the few authentic-ish ramen shops you have here, it's always melt-in-your-mouth! (well, in the good places, that is.) Last time when I was cooking it was ridiculously funny - I make a spicy miso base so I use Chinese (broad bean? red bean?) paste and miso, but couldn't get the jar open. Used gochujang instead, but... the funny thing is, it was the BEST ramen I've made so far! (however, me struggling with the jar was.. probably the actually ridiculous part of it ha.) It was rather humid here as well, but I think that also dropped when it got cold (it was an overnight, sudden thing, almost freaky!) here in Stockholm. I hope you get proper fall weather soon in Tokyo as well! (though I'm silently hoping that if we manage to go next year, which is the plan, the weather gods will bless us with smog-free days and a nice-enough heat to enjoy all the outdoor-ish stuff I'm hoping to do!)
  2. My take on this is simple. If there were only 25 sellers for each category (and not thousands) and 5 spots on the main page, being online could in theory help, because it COULD move you to the front (either in the online sellers category or just in general.) If only 6 out of those people were online 'all the time' as well, it'd make them more popular. Perhaps, that is. However, when there are thousands of people using the same tips and tricks for say, 30 spots on the front, the impact/chance is decreased, right? Nope, that doesn't help either. The forum and Fiverr are separate sites. As an answer to the actual question, Szia amúgy (trans.: hi, by the way in Hungarian)... It's a tricky one. Your gigs look OK to be honest, but... the niche is REALLY crowded. I'd honestly advise to try and niche down (if that's even possible.) Don't listen to blind rumours from people who have no sales, try and see what works for you (with tags, etc.) Fiverr is competitive and a lot of talent (and a bit of luck, admittedly) is needed at first to be noticed. (not getting loads of impressions/etc. also has to do with competition. Fiverr helps new sellers a bit at first, but.. you ARE going against decently big names in the industry, who, admittedly, earn a LOT for Fiverr. It's not easy, unfortunately.
  3. Five, yes! Though I also speak very basic Korean but I'm hoping to brush up on it. I think that and Swedish once learned properly would make me a hyperpolyglot which is insane! Honestly I think what I love about it is being able to engage with local people in a way otherwise I couldn't. As an expat you are always an outsider but language can help tremendously.
  4. This is likely going to hurt but.. I see nothing unique or new on your profiles/gigs. The art itself is OK but it doesn't seem any different than what one can make on free websites with some templates - though I'm no designer, nothing really 'speaks' to me. You also have some very glaring/awkard typos in your bio and titles, which can make buyers feel like work with you would be tedious due to possible communication issues. All in all, your gigs are just very... basic. If I were you, I'd try to reflect on actually what I'm doing. Graphic designers who design anything like this charge higher prices - and earn well (as far as I know) because of all the work that goes into designing stuff manually. If you do that yourself but somehow can't sell your art, maybe there's better ways to sell/design it?
  5. I bet! Honestly, I'm sort of glad the heat is over, even without kiddos it's been a struggle to sleep without AC. Good luck with all the crazy back-to-school stuff! I'm super looking forward to getting new cosy sweaters - with my hair blue I want something that matches. Found one that matched my hair exactly but didn't buy it - might go back for it soon!
  6. I admit, this post is - somewhat - late, but to be fair, leaves are just starting to yellow here, so... we're still on time! So... let's get down to business already! What are you looking forward to in this new season? Is there something you're not looking forward to? Just in general, how was your summer? (I know, lots of questions!) For me... I'm going away for a few days in a bit (not decided yet), just doing a little solo-trip somewhere. I sometimes get a bit antsy and travelling helps me re-set. I also finally got an electric kettle, so I'm really looking forward to true cosy-sweater weather when I can just sip tea and watch/ play something! Ah, AND finally I'll have access to an airfryer, so next time I make ramen it will be with actually tasty super-tender porkbelly...hopefully, that is! What I'm NOT looking forward to is (hopefully soon) saying goodbye to my wisdom teeth. I'm worried this will make me less smart 😞 Jokes aside, it's something I've wanted to do for a bit but I'm not looking forward to the recovery/etc. pain! The good thing is, I get to take some time off...maybe! September is looking somewhat busy so far (?) but I'll see better in a week or so I think. Definitely lots of fun stuff to work on, though! And as my summer... it was interesting! Didn't get to travel as much as last year as I didn't volunteer this year (I taught English to teens last year.) but it was still great! Still did a lot of stuff, though! In true Kata-fashion, I was also sick quite often, but hopefully next year I'll be more used to the country/weather. But yeah, that's me for now! I'd love to see what you guys are up to / have been up to, and just chat a bit as we often do! (also, we have... an embarrassing amount of ice-cream still piled up in the freezer from the heat wave, so I'm somewhat looking forward to finishing that as well, I guess!)
  7. The last kitten looks like one of my boys from a long time ago! I miss having a cat but my current lifestyle won't let me have pets (small apartment close to the center, out a lot, etc.) This post might have finally convinced me to try and find a shelter where I could volunteer at though! It's a bit hard abroad but I'd love to help brighten some pups' and cats' day a bit!
  8. Your account was restricted due to LOW quality work, not high quality work (that would be odd.) I feel like the message tells you all you have to know: the system flagged you as someone who wasn't delivering good enough orders. It does seem like this might be tied to delivering non-original work (as Fiverr is cracking down on that as well) but it could also be that they've just deemed you not good enough. While this is sad, I'm not sure if anything can be done about it... Is there perhaps anything that you might have done to be flagged? Knowing it might not change much on Fiverr, but if you intend to try freelancing on other platforms, knowing what happened might be good for you.
  9. I'm Hungarian, so not a native speaker, but had to learn English from a very young age (I have relatives in Australia, so it was a 'must' I suppose.) I can't really remember a time when I was monolingual, but I THINK it was around 4/5 that I really started learning/actively studying.) I had no issues with English and was always the best in class (which isn't as good as it sounds because some of my teachers had higher standards for me. The cat was out of the bag when I was competing in something and my teacher told me she thought my parents were teachers! As for other languages, I'd say I'm a decently quick learner. I'm conversationally fluent (can speak but not write perfectly) in French and Italian, and can chit-chat in Mandarin fairly well! My Hungarian is..bleh, but it's expected when you live abroad for so long (or so I tell myself.) What helped me I think was actually living in France/Italy/etc. I was forced to speak which made it way easier! That being said, I'll be in Sweden for almost a year in October and my Swedish is very...basic for now. Normally at this point I'd be fluent but the fact that I'm more of an expat now than ever before (I was more of a student in the past I guess) probably 'helps'. I'm hoping to take some classes when I have the time as it seems like I'll be here for a while so....
  10. I'm often listening to this kind of music when actually trying to focus! I've had to spend a good amount of time playing games (as research) these days as well, so sometimes end up humming along to game-y songs, but yeah! It's actually nice to have different walking and working playlists because I don't get so antsy while working when listening to something more chill! With how the weather changed here, it's somewhat cosy working from home (not too hot anymore!) especially with some music and all the free tea/drinks 😄
  11. I love how he looks relatively unimpressed. Like "just another day floating in space. Nothing new." You definitely made my lazy Sunday a bit better 😄
  12. This should be the bare minimum (even if it's not in some people's cases.) It seems like Fiverr is starting to filter out new sellers in certain categories. Looks like for some reason you don't make the cut. I think we've had a couple of theories before (plagiarized gigs might not get approved, someone might need x experience, maybe they just arent accepting people for x niches at the moment...) Whatever it is, looks like for now you won't be able to sell on here.
  13. So, even now, I have a very (unfortunate) trait of sometimes not following my own rules. I offer one revision, not a full rewrite (just tweaks) and anything over that (especially if the buyer comes up with new information as I'm writing...) would be charged extra. Now that is... in theory. Lately, I've had a couple of buyers who changed their mind after approving the intiial concept several times (which is... not fun.) I set my foot down with them finally, but still have to write a lot of extra as damage control. The past month was rough - we bought got COVID with my partner, and THEN I got even sicker than before (not COVID, lasted less, but I could barely stay upright because I was coughing so heavily!) Living abroad has been a bit frustrating as well while my family at home are moving, but going home right now would be a huge waste of time/money. Keeping up work with all this stuff hasn't been simple, so I can relate to just wanting to be done with work and have some rest for sure! I'm honestly curious (you don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable) what do you mean when you say you're a slow typist? I've never really compared myself with others, so I've been wondering if I'm a snail - or perhaps a tiger 😛
  14. Were you maybe due to pay for Fiverr Plus or promoted gigs maybe?
  15. I treated myself to a new game so I'll likely be gaming for the parts of the weekend I'll be at home. I tend to work an hour or two if absolutely needed but prefer taking the time to go out (or stay in and game/relax.) I also have a board game night coming up so that will be fun as well.
  16. A sea fairy, obviously, hence the blue hair. But now that you know... I'm gonna have to make your memories of it disappear 😛 (jokes aside, I had no idea how to reply that message but I think it was the typical telegram scam thing - same in @zeus777's case, likely. They are just... getting weirder?) - Seriously speaking though, I consider myself a narrative designer / game writer, WHICH is why I'm not sure why people keep thinking I do copy lol
  17. I woke up to 'we are looking for a good copywriter' I told them that unfortunately I don't do copy so the response was: So what are you? And then I got blocked / the person was banned lol
  18. So, not necessarily. As long as your buyer didn't ask for a revision/cancellation, the order is completed by Fiverr (and obviously, that is NOT your fault.) Now that being said... You could still get reported by the buyer (and I think they might stilll be able to cancel.) Will they do either of those? Hard to say. However, I'm not sure if I fully understand what happened - did your buyer threathen you while the order was open? Or did they write to you after it was completed? (basically, what is the reason of them getting mad at you?) An honest and personal note to you would be trying to brush up on your English communication - it's hard, but it does wonders when having issues like this. Unlimited revisions are not a good look - it makes me think that you're not good enough at what you do to get it right within a few tries.
  19. I'm almost certain that might be it. I've noticed before that the gigs aren't always even related to what I do exactly so it's quite possibly that there's something that just cuts bits and pieces together. Like a... Fiverr gig generator.
  20. Thank you! I feel like 99% of the times it's just completely incompetence (sorry, but true.) Especially when selling your writing / art. It's just... weird to me that people genuinely think it'll work in the long run. However, it seems to. Both sellers I found yesterday who copied my content (which is what inspired this post had several reviews! It's just... Why, you know? I was one of the first people to have a visual novel gig up - and saw several appear later. I see nothing wrong with people seeing gigs and going 'oh, this looks fun' and trying it out for themselves - it's normal (and fun!) but... stealing is just not OK. I do hope this gets sorted out eventually - I mean, sure, copying is 'normal' to some extent, and expected, but it's certainly not OK.
  21. If the question brought you here, the short answer is (drumroll please) NEVER. Directly copying someone else's gig (or work), including the descriptions, images, packages, FAQs is NEVER okay. Copying art as an artist, writing as a writer (and so on) is even worse and shows that you have no idea what you're doing. Yes, I've said it. Now you might be wondering - 'but what if I edit the description/picture/etc. a bit? What if I add stuff or take things away?' The answer is: it's still not cool. Technically, it might not count as a direct copy anymore (if it's not 100% the same) but you're still using plagarised content. Yes, even if someone on the internet told you that it's totally fine - it isn't. Say, if I write : Hey, I sell bears. They are $10-$20 each. I like bears. Do you? Buy my bears, Please. And you write: Hey, I sell bears. They are $10-$20 each. All bears are cute. Buy my bears, Please. Most of the content is still the same, right? Now, of course, there are rules on what's truly an issue and what isn't in the academic/etc. world, but that isn't what sellers will care about if they notice you snatching their writing/art. They will likely report you, and with how Fiverr is getting more and more strict... that might end up very poorly for you. Now, you might be wondering... if I can't copypaste stuff, then what is okay? Gaining inspiration is perfectly fine. See, if you look at my profile and see that I have a gig that's doing well - no one's going to stop you from making a gig in the same category. (now, if you do the same for all of my gigs, even the flops, that's a bit creepy, but...) However, you still have to come up with your own content and images. Think of it as... window-shopping and thinking 'oh, that's fun, I want to do that, too' instead of 'oh, that looks great, let's copy it and I'll have customers'. No matter what the person on the internet that recommended Fiverr to you (if that was the case) is saying, COPYING someone else's work is not okay. Getting inspired by looking at it, however, is fine. (note: it is also not nice to take 5-6 gigs together and use a paragraph each or something similar. By the time you're done with that, you might as well, you know, actually write you own description.) (this post is mostly unedited, it's 8:00 and I haven't had caffeine yet.)
  22. My understanding is that you've asked for an - official - revision (on the order page.) As said before, you can't just remove the watermark and use the logo. The seller might be sleeping/busy. It sometimes takes me a day or two to finish up a revision (though I always communicate it to the buyers, some people might not.) Wait a bit and if there's no respond, remind the seller.
  23. So here's what little I know! I've heard this and I even know people who've tried omitting shampoo (or at least using it super rarely.) I actually try to wash my hair once a week or so (more in the summer) because of the colour/texture of my hair (read: blue comes out quick if you wash it too much) and if it's not dirty, I use conditioner and not much shampoo but it IS because I paid for this expensive as heck set of like, 6 products for this kind of hair I'm firmly intent on getting the curls I had as a kid back (was stupid as a teen and fried my hair) so yeah. Trying to fix it now! As for the actual question, I do think it actually could be true but I'd do in-depth research (and still condition/etc.) if needed!
  24. I actually started filming last week (not saying what my plan is yet but I'd love to make it public if it works out) and promptly got sick so there goes my 'headstart' (though I'm sure many others also saw the fb post! )
  25. Honestly, I'm super curious about the type of dishes that would offer! I just picked up some Japanese curry cubes (I know, not necessarily healthy!) but would love to make something yum with them soon. I made beef soup from scratch for the first time on Monday (I was sick, so I thought like it'd help) - messed up the spicing but there's definitely lots of potential to the dish! Thanks for the compliment on the hair! Finally getting it redyed on Friday - same-ish colours but maybe some extra...silver, actually 😛 I think sometimes when we get really into something, we forget about everything else - and that's terrifying. I remember two summers ago I basically worked 24/7 (as in, was on call during the night even when sleeping, if something happened to the kids, I was in charge, etc.) and at the time I thought that was totally fine. I did tackle freelancing exactly the same as well - which probably didn't help in the long run, but... I think what matters is that we realize what's going on, right? It takes time to heal but that's fine (though being hospitalized sounds terrifying in any circumstance!) I'm glad - and honestly, I learn a lot from you as well!
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