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  1. I got a cancellation about 3 months ago , but I have contacted CS , they said this is not the problem that my impressions and clicks went down. I have do plenty of research, most of them saying is because bad private reviews or just one cancellation , perhaps I have to wait another 3 months to get my gigs back on search.
  2. the same problem happened to me, I'm a level 2 seller too, and all my gigs are down on search and not promotable either, what happened, can someone explain to me, thank you.
  3. the same problem happened to me, I'm a level 2 seller too, and all my gigs are down on search and not promotable either, what happened, can someone explain to me, thank you.
  4. the same problem happened to me, I'm a level 2 seller too, and all my gigs are down on search and not promotable either, what happened, can someone explain to me, thank you.
  5. No I dont , the buyer just canceled th order without obvious reason.
  6. How about a cancelation that led to a de-rank ? I have waited for 3 months now,no good news for me.
  7. Same here, what happened before your gigs went down ?
  8. Done all of that, that's why I got around 500 order for my one gigs
  9. Just let you know , my impression dropped from 3 months ago, not 5 months
  10. So all the hard work will be nothing if somebody comments " Work was great, but didn't get exactly what I wanted/needed. " and leaves a 3.7 review?
  11. Tried, and nothing worked out, I tried every week, to every month. IT's been 3 months and nothing happened.
  12. Hi ! @milos_siena I have also faced the same problem for 3 months, but no warning, it's possible for you to check my account?
  13. I don't think changing gig gallery is going to do anything, I have changed my gallery every week when my account is de-ranked, but nothing happened
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