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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. I would link but I think I would get flagged. It's just for return clients, and how much a client spends. What I was questioning above is that if a Pro seller makes $5000 and just has that one order during the month, and someone makes $5000 via many more orders, should the second person be punished just because they earned the same amount, but their niche doesn't offer the opportunity to charge $5000? Few to no writers can charge this much, then again they do a lot more volume work, whereas a programmar can charge this or way more for a very complex website. They spend the same amount of time, let's say a month for the sake of this conversation. So.. is this system mentioned above fair for the person that has more orders and earns the same? That's why I think maintaining the same fees is the normal thing to do. But we're just wasting time here, since Fiverr decides how they approach this and as far as we can see, there's no change in fees. We'll see. Of course everyone sees their best interests, however since platform has to cater to everyone's interests, I think they will keep this equal fee system for quite some time (it's been the same for more than a decade anyway). That doesn't mean it won't change, but since we are talking about a business, if anything they will go up, not down. Because the focus is on what buyers are spending here, and how much money the platform makes, since this is a for-profit company 🙂 We'll see, I won't argue anymore about this because we are all biased with our own views, I get that.
  2. Value is highly subjective so I won't comment on that. The thing is, this is not TopTal or a platform specialized solely on very expensive services. There are services for each budget, and fees shouldn't differ. There are server costs and so on, but at the same time the 20% they ask for covers all that marketing, support and server costs even for the cheapest gigs. Because let's face it, the more complex the order is, the more problems it can have. And that means more time spent by customer support, not to mention it takes more marketing money to acquire those high paying clients. I do agree there are many sellers without any orders that waste customer support's time.. but that's outside of our discussion here 😄 Plus, we also have to think about categories. Some projects like video ad creation and so on are very complex, and they take a huge amount of time, so they are more expensive obviously. Then again, a blog post you can't charge thousands for it, same with solving WordPress issues or anything like that. Having a fixed fee for everything is obviously the right way to go here, because you can't incline the balance one way or the other, it should all be fair and not extremely biased. I am sure Fiverr wants to increase fees, not lower them, no matter how much money you make here. There's already a discrepancy where if you order a $5 gig you have a payment fee that's half the order size, whereas this decreases exponentially the more you charge. Since we're talking about fairness 🙂 So clearly Fiverr encourages sellers to charge more, but as I said, the overall category will dictate prices and while some categories are very expensive, others have a much lower pricepoint due to the nature of the service. I checked what you said about the other platform, and the sliding scale comission is for return clients only. So you always pay the same fees, unless that person spends hundreds or thousands with you. But that's a specific use case and not the norm. Since it just pertains to return clients only. Even they don't charge people less based on a specific level. I would be fine if Fiverr starts adding lower fees if we have return clients, but that most likely won't happen for a long time, if at all. Who knows. Anyway I am not arguing here, I just think that having a fair, equal rate is the right thing to do here. Since this is an international platform, due to location and the nature of their service not everyone will have extremely high paying clients.
  3. The only issue here is that it would be very unfair towards people that don't charge high prices. Having the same rate for everyone is fair. If someone earns $5000 a month via $10 orders, that's still $1000 they give to Fiverr. Why would a higher priced seller have a fee that's under 20%? That means the lower priced sellers would pay fees for the higher priced ones, basically. And that's unfair. Keeping the same 20% fee for everyone is the fair thing to do. Expensive sellers can easily ask for more money to cover fees, I saw a lot of people do this. Everyone has control over their prices. But punishing people that charge less to actually pay more fees than those charging more.... it's just wrong. That's how I feel, no matter how much you charge, you shouldn't be punished because you chose a certain pricepoint.
  4. Vacation mode had problems when people got deranked. That tool I told you about it's the same thing, instead of pressing a single button to say Vacation it actually allows you to choose the exact return date, so it's pretty much the same thing. For a lot of people vacation mode was a nightmare because customers were still able to place orders sometimes, so that was not exactly great. Well you do realize there was a Pro seller which was selling their account for quite a bit of money, right? And just because people have the Pro accumen that doesn't mean they will always have it. I think pretty much any Pro seller has a manager to talk with, so they can ask for an invite to that Seller Plus program. That won't be an issue. As for your system, Fiverr won't do it because they want to make the buyer's process simple and seamless. As a buyer, when you initiate the order you are already paying for it, so you think Fiverr would just keep someone's money in escrow just to refund because you want to say no? That's why they added this Request to Order feature. It's a more humane solution where buyers can talk with the seller and if it's all good, they can send a custom offer. What you're saying has already been suggested by a lot of people, and it won't happen because Fiverr just does not work this way.
  5. Wasn't there a former seller that got banned because they edited a legal document? I think I remember correctly. Totally agreeing with you here, what adult doesn't know this? Just because it's online doesn't mean it's not real.
  6. donnovan86


    Did you enable the Brief system for your account? You can find it within the My Business/Gigs menu.
  7. I mean, most of this stuff is either in Seller Plus or it's made in such a way to prevent cheating. How else do you expect Fiverr to provide people with someone that replies quickly, if that's what they want? You can search the Fiverr Forum, a lot of sellers agree that promoting your portfolio online would cost you way, way more and and that's before any transaction fees. If you become a top rated seller, it's reduced to 7 days. Or if you become a seller plus member, you get the same benefit. However, they don't take 1% extra unless you want instant withdrawals.. A lot of unlawful sellers are already not caring about deadlines and they make buyers made, what you want here would make Fiverr a true No Man's Land 🙂 They added this to Seller Plus where you can have a Request to Order, buyers can't order unless they talk with you first. This is prone to so much abuse.... There's a reason why they shifted to sellers being penalized for cancellations, because a lot of people would just cancel the order to avoid any bad review or stuff like that. So instead if the buyer did something wrong, you can go to customer support and they remove the cancellation penalty. I understand why they did it, because they want more control. I think you are better off just extending the deadline for your gigs while you are away. Or you can go to your profile page and choose unavailability dates... So there is a feature for this.
  8. I hope that's sarcasm. It doesn't bring him joy. He just thinks this brings him orders. Anyway, I dislike serial likers and I just stopped the notifications for likes, now I am much happier and less annoyed by these people. If they want to waste their time/life, go ahead.
  9. Who said freelancing is easy? You started your profile when there are thousands and thousands of competitors. It was hard pre-pandemic to gain orders. Let alone now when many categories have 4x or 6x the number of gigs pre-pandemic. There's no such thing as "thing" to rank and gain orders. It all comes down to the way you present yourself, some people also care about your previous experience, etc. But here's a tip, writing the entire profile description using Caps Lock will be off-putting for some people.
  10. Yep, and one of the things that are not solved at all. Hopefully it will!!
  11. Yep, extending is always a great idea, as long as the buyer is not in a rush it definitely doesn't hurt anyone.
  12. Yes. But many times they just dump the order and don't reply. In which case I cancel.
  13. As @theratypistsaid, you can't send multiple requests and not expect any type of punishment from Fiverr. You are wasting their time, and that's time they could use to help others. That's why they enforced that rule.
  14. Why would you listen to anyone? Just choose and try for yourself. I will say as a rather old seller on the platform, if you want to know something you have to do it yourself. No one can guarantee any result because every seller has their own gig and stats. Some will do better than others, while there will also be people that don't see any difference. If you want success, go through trial and error and see what works for you!
  15. This means you are delivering incomplete work. And that makes you prone to a Fiverr warning.
  16. I am a writer and not a proofreader. That being said, the process is pretty much similar. And while the editable field changes prices, the overall deadline is still the same. That's the main issue for me too, either this or people using up to 20x the word count without my consent and the deadline obviously remains the 1x package deadline. I've been lobbying about this problem for years, but still no changes, although people at Fiverr know this. They could easily remove gig multiples or allow us to stop/start them. Simply put, there's no way to stop this, unless you increase prices and thus people will not order massive word counts without contacting you first.
  17. You will sell eventually. You can always start with a lower price and go up from there. I recommend adding samples of your previous work, so you can stand out 🙂
  18. I highly recommend to just spend your time wisely, learn new things and improve your skills. Staying online on Fiverr doesn't help at all. Instead, make the most out of your time and become the best seller that you can, enhance your skillset and surpass others.
  19. Well there's nothing to fix because nothing is broken. Fiverr just deranked you because the customer experience was not the best. These things will be taken into account for the next 2-3 months. The only thing you can do is to gain more orders and complete them with great reviews.
  20. Spoken the truth here. The reality is that people will just try and sell anything just to make money without the skills to back it up. And the so-called gurus on YouTube make it seem that it's possible to make thousands on Fiverr every month without any experience. Same with AI and other things.
  21. You had a negative review a few days ago and also a 4 star review recently as well. Those people might have rated you negatively when it comes to their private reviews, and that can have a very bad impact on your Fiverr visibility. So it's what most likely happened in your case.
  22. It's not, but Fiverr stands out by NOT having any bidding, so why change that?
  23. Well at least in my case I always had 95-99. Last week I had 94 for the first time, today it shifted to 95. I am not sure if this matters in any way to a buyer or Fiverr in general, but it definitely acts as a confidence booster!
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