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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Are these people joking??? Staying online will just waste your time. Improve your knowledge, create a variety of gigs and test out different images, descriptions, etc. Staying online is a severe waste of time.
  2. I will chime in with some things, don't take them personally 🙂 - You have no reviews, but your prices are much higher than other people that have been doing this for years. - You try to cover many things at once with these gigs, you are doing keyword research, article writing and SEO optimization. - A turnoff for some people will be that despite being a digital marketing expert, you didn't generate any sales, so they are worried you won't be generating anything for them either. That does tend to push buyers away. Lastly, these niches are extremely packed, so it's very hard to stand out these days. It was hard pre-pandemic, let alone today. Before other regulars comment here, in general buyers stay away from digital marketing experts that can't promote themselves successfully. So yeah, if you can't generate results for yourself. I recommend you also add less skills, those that you are exceptional at. You have a LOT of skills listed, I for one as a buyer would focus more on someone that just does one or a couple of things, but does them right. These are some ideas, based on what I saw on your profile. As I said, don't take any personal offense, I just tried to see things objectively as a buyer. Good luck.
  3. Well if their private reviews are great, then Fiverr is obviously going to push them since they do a good job. Since you're a Pro seller, you do have your own section to shine, which those $10 people don't. So there are benefits too. And due to your higher pricing, you can imagine there's less demand and impressions can vary quite a lot. That being said, I am a higher volume seller myself and the fact that they focus a lot more on first time buyer reviews is definitely a downside. I am already experience a massive reduction in sales, few to no messages, etc. And even my seller manager confirmed my issue is not with the buyer satisfaction rate, instead a couple of first time buyer review ended up pushing me far behind in search. It is what it is.. but yeah.. this fluctuation is far from encouraging.
  4. I have almost 10 years here and the reply would be the same. That's because it has to do with your performance. If you had bad reviews especially from first time customers, be it private or public reviews, that does have an impact. As I said, first time customers in particular seem to be extremely important these days. It doesn't matter how many years of activity you have on the site, the algorithm just takes into account your last 2 months and if your performance was not ideal during this time... you can understand why there will be issues.
  5. So what I said, the accounts can't sell the same service (similar). Sharing a withdrawal provider and buying from each other is obviously not allowed.
  6. Actually they can. I had someone that insulted me, said racist things and blocked me. I wanted to block them first but they beat me to it. So just like sellers are able to block others, buyers can do that too.
  7. You are not allowed to have more than one personal PayPal account. So by having more than one, you are violating their terms. The same thing if you're using other people's accounts to withdraw funds. Just so you know, in case you don't.
  8. You can't have more than one account on the same Wi-Fi connection. Even if it's for different people, obviously it's seen as a single person trying to create 2 accounts. The fact that you both sell logos also doesn't help. When you had your cousin create his account, you had to ask customer support for permission. And I think it would have been denied anyway since you can't have 2 people selling the same thing within the same Wi-Fi anyway. You can't do anything other than wait for the results of that review, but considering what you said and the fact you sold the same thing.. chances are very slim unfortunately.
  9. Fiverr tracks the past 2 months for metrics, so it will be a bit difficult to receive more traction. But that would be the same for a new account, even worse maybe.
  10. Fiverr is reviewing your account and that can take up to 90 DAYS. That means it might take up to 3 months until you are allowed to withdraw your money. That is, if they will allow it, depending on what happened and why your account was flagged. So at this point you just have to wait.
  11. I'm not talking about that. On the main page of the app, when you click on canceled orders, it should show you the canceled orders directly, that's how it worked until they changed the interface a bit. Now even if you tap on that, it just brings you to Analytics. What you say is within the orders menu, I guess it's serviceable but I wanted from the main menu directly. But I guess that works too.
  12. Nope. It just shows the analytics page with no way to access any canceled orders.
  13. Simple. I had few to no clicks as well, then there was a boost, sometimes it comes back. You most likely had a bad private review or few orders/reviews and other people surpassed you with better performance. Fiverr tracks performance within the past 2 months, and as time passes if you're not consistent and barely have any work, Fiverr will obviously bring others to the front and push you back. So yeah, it happens to everyone, even successful sellers that always have work. It's even more prevalent now that Fiverr gives more weight to first time buyers. Even if a buyer shared a private review by mistake and it was negative, that can really affect your placement in search results. I have to check. I didn't log out for a long time 🙂 Didn't see the need to. But the app is up to date though.
  14. For a long time you could see a history of the canceled orders. Now it just brings you to the general analytics page. I have the same complaint, you can't see that on mobile anymore and you have to go to the computer to do it. Not a huge deal, but maybe I just want to check from mobile, and this was available in the past. Just because you passed that doesn't mean you will ever be a top rated seller. Fiverr's team chooses that manually and maybe they think you don't fit what a TRS is in their eyes. This happens because you either have lower stats than competitors or you received a bad private review, which pushes you back in search. And now reviews from any first time buyer hurt even more. This is within the terms of service man, you agreed to that when signing up to the website. It doesn't matter what reviews you have. If you want funds to clear faster, you can become a part of the Seller Plus program. Most sellers on the website are level 2 so everyone would have the same perk if they would offer any.
  15. And that happens when buyers stop coming in. There will always be seller willing to make money. But if Fiverr fails to impress buyers with their talent, that will bleed money in the long run. However, I don't see why a seller would leave the platform, staying on Fiverr doesn't cost you a dime and people would come to you. Plus, you only pay any fees if you complete the project.. That's why I dislike bid-focused platforms, you can spend quite a lot of money on bids and not earn any money in return.
  16. Well most likely they want the accounts to not lead to them. Even with VPN there might be some way to track them. But if they make someone else create the account and that account scams someone, it doesn't point to them. I like that everyone says it's a scam without saying why 🙂 It's easy to say scam, but explain why.
  17. It's how they show in that section. It shows that you didn't have a perfect, 5.0 score. It means nothing, just a way for you to track what kind of review people left to your orders. It's in the Orders section after all.
  18. True, unless that section was purposefully built just to show 0s and 5s. Who knows. Anyway I don't look into that, everywhere else it's fine and rarely enter that section anyway.
  19. I think this is more for us, the algorithm most likely doesn't track that but who knows at this point.
  20. There's already an option to sort based on best selling, online, etc. Plus Fiverr already knows a lot of people fake they are online with those automatic refresher extensions, so I am sure that won't be happening. But as always, never say never lol.
  21. I wouldn't read that much into that. They can make algorithm updates without shutting the entire site down. I think it mostly has to do with regular maintenance, server optimization, etc. They do this every couple of month. But who knows, you might be right and they might be cooking something delicious.
  22. It means conversion fees. You have to pay those if you want to withdraw your money in a currency other than USD.
  23. It's not a bug. In the orders section anything that's rated as .3 or .7 is seen as .5. They just round things up to the nearest multiple of 5. I saw that a few years ago, but it doesn't matter because it shows things properly on our profile. So don't worry, it's just how they do it in that section. I had the same thing today, a person rated me 4.7 and there it appears 4.5...
  24. I will tell you about the negative impact within a month or two. I had another first time buyer cancel on me a few minutes ago, via customer support. A $5 order, saying that it's not about the money. Then why cancel.. Yeah, I think this is the last straw for me, I always tried to keep prices low to help people with a small budget, but between scammers and first time buyers that don't know what they want.. this is very disheartening and certainly demotivating. We end up penalized because a first time buyer is moody and doesn't know what they want, they can go behind your back and cancel, thus putting you in the doghouse for 2-3 months. I understand it's important to have your first buyers happy (not Fiverr first timers only), but putting a lot of weight on that means a lot of sellers will have to deal with abuse and a lot of problems just to "please" those buyers. Which we all know it can end up with either a cancellation or no orders for a couple of months. I am pretty sure a lot of sellers will either rethink their prices (like me) or just stop working with new buyers completely.
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