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Everything posted by melanielm

  1. Why don't you use all those amazing skills to build your business?
  2. This! I've been a freelancer for about 25 years, the majority of my adult life! I pay all my family bills with my work. I still have people who believe I can chat, go out, do something for them at any moment. Yes, there is a different level of flexibility with freelance work. That just means I have to control my own time and discipline... and often work 'overtime' at unexpected times. Another common misconception... anyone can be a successful freelancer. It takes a lot more than a technical, marketable skill to succeed.
  3. How does one learn anything? Find reputable, high-quality sources of information and study it. Learn how to operate a business as a freelancer. Study marketing. Recognize that there aren't any quick tips and tricks that will make you successful.
  4. Sharing your gigs in random groups -- and especially ones with the sole purpose of posting gigs -- is useless. They are full of people who only want to post their own gigs, not your target audience. Sharing gigs randomly elsewhere is just spam. If you want to use social media effectively for marketing, learn how to actually market your business/freelance brand effectively.
  5. Could you point me to a resource about how these people are chosen? Also, was the rule about identifying your posts/content as AI revoked? I think I missed something.
  6. Although super basic, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket" is the best advice for freelancers, I believe. The only way I've been successfully earning a living on my own for the past couple of decades was by always having multiple sources of income (not just multiple clients, but more than one type of income). Always dedicate a portion of your time and energy to growing the next source.
  7. It makes a LOT more sense to get information from Fiverr directly rather than some vague "google" search, doesn't it? It's 20% on everything.
  8. I want to learn leather-crafting and specifically how to make (primitive) shoes. Do I have time or energy to do this? No.
  9. This is your sister's account. You have to open your own account. Contact Customer Service with this question. Of course you can't simply take over your sister's account. That's fraudulent.
  10. @Kesha This might not be your area directly, but perhaps you can help this artist that some scammer on Fiverr stole from!
  11. This is the strangest thing ever. Messaging back and forth and copy-pasting the prepared feedback would take longer than just writing "Great work!" or whatever.
  12. At this point, I'd contact Customer Service. However, they may suggest you cancel the order since the buyer won't work with your to find a solution. Perhaps it's possible to deliver the content without posting it? That may constitute an incomplete delivery, which isn't allowed. Ugh! Buyers that toy with your business stink. Good luck!
  13. Cheese. Real, quality cheese is always worth it.
  14. These are all excellent, especially this: "their ABILITY to read and understand my gig offerings," to which I'll add their ability to read and understand my messages to them or my answers to their questions. Another red flag for me is buyers who don't know what they want. Lack of specificity increases the risk of disappointment or frustration because, while they can't explain it, they often seem to have expectations that don't conform to reality.
  15. There are many, many "How to Succeed in Business" books, courses, and whole university degree programs out there you can study. There's no way a single forum post can teach you everything you need to know about this.
  16. I usually just put "Send Order to (name)" on my calendar and do that when I come back or when they request to start. Making a very long delivery time is a good optiion!
  17. I never understand why people think "tips and tricks" are all it takes to build a successful business. People here are supposed to be professionals providing pro-level services to, usually, other businesses. There are no tricks for this.
  18. From my experience, it doesn't really apply to anything. You'll get briefs (maybe - some people say they don't get any) anywhere from the number you input and up. It could be for any amount of work. For example, I'm a writer and charge per word. I set my briefs to allow anything from the lowest I charge for a very short article. I get briefs asking for entire books for that dollar amount sometimes. I simply ignore them. I also get briefs with budgets above what I usually charge. I can choose to contact them and offer my services. Briefs don't create automatic orders at that price point. Your brief pricing settings don't have anything to do with what the person will ultimately pay if they decide to buy from you. It just cuts off the lower-budget briefs you would get otherwise.
  19. People sending you spam will not affect your conversion or response rates, as long as you respond to them. I have a quick response that just says "This is Spam and is against TOS." that I click before I report them. Unfortunately, you'll get a lot of spam messages here.
  20. It just means the lowest price you'll accept for a project, really. You'll get briefs (maybe) at all different price points and aren't locked into the number you chose.
  21. Are you allowed to access other people's video game accounts per the games TOS? If not, you're violating Fiverr's TOS, too. Just a guess.
  22. Is this a part of the 'communication' score thing we get? If we don't check in (i.e., if it's a simple revision that is done quickly and doesn't require updates) are we penalized somehow? Does "It's always a good idea" from Fiverr staff mean that we must do it?
  23. I just got a message from a supposed buyer that started. "Certainly! Here’s a message you can send to freelancers to find someone who can help you write a valuable and profitable book: Hello, I need your help to write a high-value book..." They left the AI response to them in the message to me. This type of AI use doesn't help anyone. Reviews too? Yikes!
  24. Well, I don't put my face online, and these horror stories about verifications are scary enough to avoid at all costs. I kinda wish there was a way I could stop Fiverr spamming me with the invitation and tell them why I can't participate, though.
  25. I'm a fan of open-world survival games with most of the zombies turned off. Not good with jump scares! Medieval Dynasty is one of my favorite super low-key games. I like building things and making up stories for my characters in my head. And I still log onto my old World of Warcraft account from time to time for nostalgia's sake.
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