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Pewdiepie Uses Fiverr to Unveil a Contraversial Sign


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Yah, I know, Vevo is owned by Sony and I think few other labels.

PDP is only the highest subscriber in terms of an individual.

Just had a look at what socialblade had to tell over one of my channels. They are quite accurate. Their guess work on the earnings is within the range, but they keep the range very large.

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Just had a look at what socialblade had to tell over one of my channels. They are quite accurate. Their guess work on the earnings is within the range, but they keep the range very large.

they keep the range very large

Yes, but I think socialblade is the most accurate yt metrics provider.

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You know, it just occured to me that a few other big YT channels might now be trolling Fiverr.

H3H3 comes to mind… as does iDubbz… and all those kinda channels.

My question remains the same: never mind the original controversy: how will it handle the sudden rush of real free publicity?

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You know, it just occured to me that a few other big YT channels might now be trolling Fiverr.

H3H3 comes to mind… as does iDubbz… and all those kinda channels.

My question remains the same: never mind the original controversy: how will it handle the sudden rush of real free publicity?

Case in point: [link removed]

OK, so that’s a lame subreddit that nobody goes to, but… it’s going to come out soon. Let’s consider this: at some level, whatever our personal opinions about the Indian guys and whether or not they should be banned and the controversial message–not very many people are going to know why Mr. Jesus was banned.

Now, it doesn’t take a PR mastermind to realize that Fiverr needs to get to grips with this situation and fast. They’re in the sunshine of publicity right now. It’s a harsh glare.

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You can close the forum post, but it’s not going to change the simple math at work here.

The post isn’t closed, its just being closed a day after the last reply. I think you make some very good points that Fiverr needs to step and handle this like the company it portrays in their newest ad campaign. If they advertise one thing and practice another, its confusing and simply hypocritical.

The situations up in the air, I really have no clue whether this will end in an un-ban, a firm ban stance, or no word from Fiverr at all.

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The post isn’t closed, its just being closed a day after the last reply. I think you make some very good points that Fiverr needs to step and handle this like the company it portrays in their newest ad campaign. If they advertise one thing and practice another, its confusing and simply hypocritical.

The situations up in the air, I really have no clue whether this will end in an un-ban, a firm ban stance, or no word from Fiverr at all.

Time will tell. It’s probably the biggest blast of publicity that they’ve ever had, so I don’t blame them for being a bit headless chicken about it (and it is unfortunate that it comes after their own controversial campaign–this has completely shown it up: I did point this out on the relevant post!)

Mark my words, give it a few days and the copycat vids will be out (and the react vids, and all the other stuff that people hope will make them go viral). H3H3 and iDubbz, who I mention above, are two YTers who have a large reddit following. They’re also the kind of people who will come to rip this site apart. Who gets the blowback?


Fiverr needs to establish a strategy. Sacrificing its lambs–who will be in very good place to garnish “Fiverr is heartless!” sympathy"–is not that strategy. Killing an account that benefited–and got in extra revenue as a result–is not that strategy.

How will it deal with the numerous other sellers who may be unaware of this and go for it? It’s not going to deny the business immediately. Perhaps this will see the deny gig button finally introduced, who knows.

So Fiverr, it’s time to spend some money on some serious PR people, not a bunch of people who do an anodyne sex, drugs, rock ‘n’ roll campaign that didn’t even have as much reach as they guys you’ve banned. Put the suntan on, in other words.

EDIT: several posts above have been censored due to flagging. I find it strangely amusing that something that could affect your livelihoods being pointed out is a flagworthy event, yet boring CS about the 20% and when you get your money is a-OK. Priorities, people. In any case, mark my words: other big channels are likely to follow suite. Be careful with your orders.

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Well, it seems Pewdiepie is in a bit of hot water after using our platform to send out a very unsavory message. He then proceed to apologize of course, but personally I found it a little funny he went through with it. Thoughts?

Mod Note: A lot of this thread has been edited due to unsavory content, references to other users etc. The moderation team see this topic as worthy of discussion and so have decided to remove anything potentially offensive and allow the discussion to continue.

Please remember to respect the rules as the conversation continues and references to the video should not contain any of the offensive terms and language used.

Mod Note: A lot of this thread has been edited due to unsavory content, references to other users etc. The moderation team see this topic as worthy of discussion and so have decided to remove anything potentially offensive and allow the discussion to continue.Please remember to respect the rules as the conversation continues and references to the video should not contain any of the offensive terms and language used.

This is a repeat of the Mod Note that Eoin added. The forum team got approval from staff to let this thread continue for discussion, but with close monitoring. I think most of the forum regulars know that Fiverr and the moderators aren’t against some meaningful controversial discussion, but the decision was made to be hands-on with this one. We havve been removing excessive references to some of the more “unsavory” content that this thread is about, and the original video itself was removed.

For the most part, everyone has been discussing this without repeating terms that don’t need to be here or pasting in links that require too much time to check. Please try to keep the discussion going without linking off-Fiverr, mentioning usernames or real names, or repeating inappropriate words or phrases unless you self-moderate for content. Sorry, I am sure some people think we are being over cautious, but if the thread is going to stay up, that’s how it will be handled. If it can be discussed under those restraints, the thread can stay up and will just be closed to new replies once it slows down.

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Mod Note: A lot of this thread has been edited due to unsavory content, references to other users etc. The moderation team see this topic as worthy of discussion and so have decided to remove anything potentially offensive and allow the discussion to continue.Please remember to respect the rules as the conversation continues and references to the video should not contain any of the offensive terms and language used.

This is a repeat of the Mod Note that Eoin added. The forum team got approval from staff to let this thread continue for discussion, but with close monitoring. I think most of the forum regulars know that Fiverr and the moderators aren’t against some meaningful controversial discussion, but the decision was made to be hands-on with this one. We havve been removing excessive references to some of the more “unsavory” content that this thread is about, and the original video itself was removed.

For the most part, everyone has been discussing this without repeating terms that don’t need to be here or pasting in links that require too much time to check. Please try to keep the discussion going without linking off-Fiverr, mentioning usernames or real names, or repeating inappropriate words or phrases unless you self-moderate for content. Sorry, I am sure some people think we are being over cautious, but if the thread is going to stay up, that’s how it will be handled. If it can be discussed under those restraints, the thread can stay up and will just be closed to new replies once it slows down.

. If it can be discussed under those restraints, the thread can stay up and will just be closed to new replies once it slows down.

Fair enough. I was posting them for illustrative reasons. Can I make indirect references like “over on xyz site…”? I could have found a lot worse! I’m just asking that Fiverr handle this a lot better, as there is a growing backlash. PDP can afford it… and besides, the old hokey rubbish about all pub is good pub. It’s important to note that the main demographic who will even be seeing this is the exact same one who (didn’t) see the original campaign.

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. If it can be discussed under those restraints, the thread can stay up and will just be closed to new replies once it slows down.

Fair enough. I was posting them for illustrative reasons. Can I make indirect references like “over on xyz site…”? I could have found a lot worse! I’m just asking that Fiverr handle this a lot better, as there is a growing backlash. PDP can afford it… and besides, the old hokey rubbish about all pub is good pub. It’s important to note that the main demographic who will even be seeing this is the exact same one who (didn’t) see the original campaign.

I think there are lots of good points being made including yours, we just can’t moderate well if there are too many links to check. You can tell people what you suggest they look for on other sites all you want, just try to avoid real names or usernames and give topics instead, and if something is “unsavory” as Eoin put it, try and utilize some stars or whatnot. Thanks!

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. If it can be discussed under those restraints, the thread can stay up and will just be closed to new replies once it slows down.

Fair enough. I was posting them for illustrative reasons. Can I make indirect references like “over on xyz site…”? I could have found a lot worse! I’m just asking that Fiverr handle this a lot better, as there is a growing backlash. PDP can afford it… and besides, the old hokey rubbish about all pub is good pub. It’s important to note that the main demographic who will even be seeing this is the exact same one who (didn’t) see the original campaign.

Maybe others will learn how to speak “Emmaki”. Or you can try emoji puzzles 😇


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wasp cool not bomb?

20 chars

Alright, last one tonight but one guy targeted low-hanging fruit. He only has 37 views so forget him, but he made valid points.

  • why would I pay someone to throw pie in my face?
  • why would I pay someone to be my virtual girlfriend (the profile pic of the buyer was Guy Fieri)
  • mocking psychics (this one was pretty bad though)
  • why would I pay someone to mock me when I can get that done for free (true dat, m8)

You get the idea. PDP set the focus on that section. Where is Fiverr’s policy going now? CONSPIRACY

We can all go home now, I’ve cracked the case.

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Alright, last one tonight but one guy targeted low-hanging fruit. He only has 37 views so forget him, but he made valid points.

  • why would I pay someone to throw pie in my face?
  • why would I pay someone to be my virtual girlfriend (the profile pic of the buyer was Guy Fieri)
  • mocking psychics (this one was pretty bad though)
  • why would I pay someone to mock me when I can get that done for free (true dat, m8)

You get the idea. PDP set the focus on that section. Where is Fiverr’s policy going now? CONSPIRACY

We can all go home now, I’ve cracked the case.

@emmaki People have paid YOU to mock them. So, that one is out.

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Time will tell. It’s probably the biggest blast of publicity that they’ve ever had, so I don’t blame them for being a bit headless chicken about it (and it is unfortunate that it comes after their own controversial campaign–this has completely shown it up: I did point this out on the relevant post!)

Mark my words, give it a few days and the copycat vids will be out (and the react vids, and all the other stuff that people hope will make them go viral). H3H3 and iDubbz, who I mention above, are two YTers who have a large reddit following. They’re also the kind of people who will come to rip this site apart. Who gets the blowback?


Fiverr needs to establish a strategy. Sacrificing its lambs–who will be in very good place to garnish “Fiverr is heartless!” sympathy"–is not that strategy. Killing an account that benefited–and got in extra revenue as a result–is not that strategy.

How will it deal with the numerous other sellers who may be unaware of this and go for it? It’s not going to deny the business immediately. Perhaps this will see the deny gig button finally introduced, who knows.

So Fiverr, it’s time to spend some money on some serious PR people, not a bunch of people who do an anodyne sex, drugs, rock ‘n’ roll campaign that didn’t even have as much reach as they guys you’ve banned. Put the suntan on, in other words.

EDIT: several posts above have been censored due to flagging. I find it strangely amusing that something that could affect your livelihoods being pointed out is a flagworthy event, yet boring CS about the 20% and when you get your money is a-OK. Priorities, people. In any case, mark my words: other big channels are likely to follow suite. Be careful with your orders.

Yours is a very valid comment that touches on the very pressing issues here.

Copycats are likely to make this drag out longer than it could normally if it was TV or Print Media that did an “undercover expose” of Fiverr. The Amazon drama died down in literally a day or two but PDP’s following is made up of people who want to be him and will copy everything he does to try and get there. This will mean a ton of follow ups and attempts to get sellers to do something that breaks the rules or can be edited to make it look that way.

A “victim” (in this case, the seller) to social media is like Red Bull to an 8 year old. Or perhaps a lot of Red Bull because any new response or news on the “victim” starts it all over again. Any new mention by PDP keeps it all going - that’s why he spaces out his posts about it, it keeps it ticking over and keeps him in the public view.

I think Fiverr should post something containing:

  1. The relevant section of the ToS
  2. Expressing regret that ToS cannot be adjusted because some celebrity took advantage/messed around/went too far/made a mistake (delete whatever you think appropriate).
  3. Stating that buyers and sellers should neither request nor produce things that are offensive and/or break the ToS.

At the moment their silence is deafening. Doing the above would put the blame where it lies IMO - primarily with PDP and also with the seller involved who also broke the ToS whether knowingly or not (I don’t think they knew, they are either truthful or exceptionally good actors in their video).

There is the possibility for Fiverr to come out of this positively with some good publicity in how they handle the situation. Let’s not forget that the relevant action they have taken is to remove an account that broke ToS. That’s it! Everything else being posted and tweeted about it is just for drama and popularity sake.

You can flick a coin on these kind of situations because you will get people complaining either way. What if they had taken no action? Aside from the million or so sales it would have generated for the sellers (and resultant fees for Fiverr) - there would have been outrage and accusations that Fiverr condones hate speech etc.

The focus needs to be drawn to the fact that they actually did the right thing (as much as I do feel sorry for the seller) as well as the fact that the video only showed the categories which are to be perceived as the lighter side of the site.

Hopefully Fiverr will see sense and formulate a response to minimize the negativity and highlight the value of the site.

PS: Socialbakers, the social media expert’s expert has a 5 point Crisis Management System. Fiverr is on step 2 of the 5, they need to speed up.

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@emmaki People have paid YOU to mock them. So, that one is out.

@fonthaunt There’s an idea. I will garner my own publicity by contacting PDP’s biz account and offering him an out with mega crit of his website. Er, channel, whatever. Since that gig allows for profanity and I have a CS email covering me, I’m cool. Just so long as I don’t mumble.

Also, I get to hobnob with rich and famous people. While jumpin’ up my prices due to the ‘as seen on…’ effect.

@eoinfinnegan aye aye. Social Bakers sounds interesting but it seems to be locked behind a paywall (if I want to get much more than a glimpse under the hood). Got a link or a C&P?

The son of God walks among us! What happened?!?!

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SoCal Christ here. I was featured in the PewDiePie video as well. My account was suddenly blocked. All I got was an automated e-mail that offered zero explination as to why. At the time (this was this morning) I had hundreds of pending orders waiting to be delivered. I have tried contracting Fiverr numerous times without any success. I complete rely on the income I receive from Fiverr. This has been VERY upsetting to say the least. 😦

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Hello… SoCal Christ here. I was also featured in PewDiePies video… as a result, my account is also blocked 😦

So you must have a temporary ban if you can post here, right? Were you aware of the pewdiepie vid? I mean, you must have been surprised by the sudden uptake in orders.

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SoCal Christ here. I was featured in the PewDiePie video as well. My account was suddenly blocked. All I got was an automated e-mail that offered zero explination as to why. At the time (this was this morning) I had hundreds of pending orders waiting to be delivered. I have tried contracting Fiverr numerous times without any success. I complete rely on the income I receive from Fiverr. This has been VERY upsetting to say the least. 😦

Shit, dude. You were like the best feature on that video (and I did spot that PDP mispelled jackwhatever’s name so although that was a lol…). Can you believe it? You get 6m views from a platform that you pay 20% of all income to market you, only when it works–kind of–you get somethinged without explanation because Fiverr’s… IDK?

Fiverr is well aware of the video. They banned the other guys way before you. Did you get that it was PDP at first? I mean, his request was kinda weird. But maybe you get weird requests all the time.

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Shit, dude. You were like the best feature on that video (and I did spot that PDP mispelled jackwhatever’s name so although that was a lol…). Can you believe it? You get 6m views from a platform that you pay 20% of all income to market you, only when it works–kind of–you get somethinged without explanation because Fiverr’s… IDK?

Fiverr is well aware of the video. They banned the other guys way before you. Did you get that it was PDP at first? I mean, his request was kinda weird. But maybe you get weird requests all the time.

Yeah, i had a suspicion it was him… or someone pretending to be him. His order was odd… and for the record, I did pronounce it both ways and gave him the option… he obviously choose the incorrect pronunciation for comedic effect.

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SoCal Christ here. I was featured in the PewDiePie video as well. My account was suddenly blocked. All I got was an automated e-mail that offered zero explination as to why. At the time (this was this morning) I had hundreds of pending orders waiting to be delivered. I have tried contracting Fiverr numerous times without any success. I complete rely on the income I receive from Fiverr. This has been VERY upsetting to say the least. 😦

Just to say, all I know about your situation is just based on Forum chat so I have not referred to it directly or indirectly in my comments.

It is a horrible situation for all sellers involved IMO and I have heard very good things from other sellers about your service and you personally. I truly hope things get sorted out for you.

True story - Jacksepticeye lives 15 minutes away from me, its a small world

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Yeah, i had a suspicion it was him… or someone pretending to be him. His order was odd… and for the record, I did pronounce it both ways and gave him the option… he obviously choose the incorrect pronunciation for comedic effect.

he obviously choose the incorrect pronunciation for comedic effect.

Man, if you want PR, go for it right now. Hit up all those blogs and whatever. You’ll get hits galore. You’re stuck in the middle of all of this.

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