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Poll - Report-Button for 'Buyers Request'



1,396 members have voted

  1. 1. poll

    • We need a Report-Button for BR to report spamming sellers.
    • We need a Report-Button for BR to report illegal/against TOS/shady buyer requests.
    • We need a Report-Button for BR to report both of the above.

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Hi there, no, nothing concrete up to now. I guess they were/are more than busy with that Search Algorithm and sellers sending tickets in for that, too. I´ll send a follow up ticket when the poll reaches 100 votes. <.<

It´s really annoying, especially when at the same time while sellers post ads, some buyers can´t get their real requests approved. 😕

I´ll send a follow up ticket when the poll reaches 100 votes.

105 and counting - maybe it’s time 😉

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I´ll send a follow up ticket when the poll reaches 100 votes.

105 and counting - maybe it’s time 😉

Thank you, yes, I´ll go find the ticket I´d sent on this among them all and write a follow up. 🙂


And done.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@miiila - no response from Fiverr? Can they give us a number to hit 😛

Nothing concrete, they are aware and passed it on and such. If I hadn´t had to send 2 unrelated tickets already, I´d ask if the relabeling to hide it from certain people is the plan 😉

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  • 2 weeks later...

Response from CS regarding this thread.

Hi Zeeshan,

Thank you for your feedback and for letting us know about the community pool on forum. Your comments have been noted with our Product Developers.

To answer your question, our moderators are monitoring the buyer’s request and removing the sellers who advertise themselves there.

However, we heavily rely on direct report. If you noticed that some seller is offering their service, please send us username of the seller and screenshot of buyer’s request where you noticed the,

We are here if you need anything else.

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Response from CS regarding this thread.

Hi Zeeshan,

Thank you for your feedback and for letting us know about the community pool on forum. Your comments have been noted with our Product Developers.

To answer your question, our moderators are monitoring the buyer’s request and removing the sellers who advertise themselves there.

However, we heavily rely on direct report. If you noticed that some seller is offering their service, please send us username of the seller and screenshot of buyer’s request where you noticed the,

We are here if you need anything else.

However, we heavily rely on direct report. If you noticed that some seller is offering their service, please send us username of the seller and screenshot of buyer’s request where you noticed the,

Very funny. You can’t even find a poster’s name except you are sending your requests from mobile or after you have sent an offer (would you waste your offers on a spam request?). Their response says nothing of the inclusion of a report button for “direct reports” - the very purpose of the thread. Oh, well…

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  • 2 weeks later...

**Where is the option to vote on We don’t need any report button?

If you are going to make polls then have all options available to people to vote on,
not just options you agree with.

A report button will bog down lots of people from being able to post legitimate requests when it gets abused, not to mention the man hours for some poor fiverr employee to sit there looking at all the things that get reported.

I vote no to any report button. Everyone has to do their own reading to see if it is a real request. It’s not that hard.

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Ah, well, sorry, I’d change the poll for you to adapt it to your wishes, but I guess you know polls aren´t editable after someone voted on them already for obvious reasons.
If you’re not for a report button, you are free to not vote, though and, like you did, to comment on the thread, of course, or/and to make your own poll.

My apologies for the oversight.

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**Where is the option to vote on We don’t need any report button?

If you are going to make polls then have all options available to people to vote on,

not just options you agree with.

A report button will bog down lots of people from being able to post legitimate requests when it gets abused, not to mention the man hours for some poor fiverr employee to sit there looking at all the things that get reported.

I vote no to any report button. Everyone has to do their own reading to see if it is a real request. It’s not that hard.

Everyone has to do their own reading to see if it is a real request. It’s not that hard.

It could be a real request (someone really asking for work to be done) but it could still need to be reported because what the buyer might be asking to be done could break copyright law to actually do the work or otherwise be illegal to do (like people asking for viruses to be created to disrupt people’s computers etc.).

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Everyone has to do their own reading to see if it is a real request. It’s not that hard.

It could be a real request (someone really asking for work to be done) but it could still need to be reported because what the buyer might be asking to be done could break copyright law to actually do the work or otherwise be illegal to do (like people asking for viruses to be created to disrupt people’s computers etc.).

People on fiverr need to be aware of these things such as when something will break the law. We aren’t babies who need constant supervision hopefully.

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**Where is the option to vote on We don’t need any report button?

If you are going to make polls then have all options available to people to vote on,

not just options you agree with.

A report button will bog down lots of people from being able to post legitimate requests when it gets abused, not to mention the man hours for some poor fiverr employee to sit there looking at all the things that get reported.

I vote no to any report button. Everyone has to do their own reading to see if it is a real request. It’s not that hard.

Everyone has to do their own reading to see if it is a real request. It’s not that hard.

For me it’s not so much about distinguishing spam from real requests, it’s more about the time I spend filtering through it. Today I opened up Send Quotes section and it had 56 new requests, out of which 1/3 was spam. I’m not going to bid on those, but I still need to read them. I’m getting pretty good at it so usually I can tell from the first 3-4 words if it’s spam or not, but it still adds up.

Regarding abuse, several platforms have a pretty decent system in place that works just fine. It’s not rocket science and if it’s done right it will actually reduce CS workload. Even if they do need to hire additional staff for it then so be it. Buyer requests section brings in money as well.

I get that Fiverr’s biggest advantage is that you post a gig and buyers come to you, but unless you’re at top of the search results you’ll have to find your own buyers. I find most of my clients from buyer requests because I like to pick my own clients based on their request. So if I can help Fiverr reduce some of that spam by clicking on a report button then I’m all for it.

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Bad idea 😦 Then all Sellers report true Byers if they heat any buyers.

A report doesn’t erase anything automatically, this is the work for the CS. Missusing of the report button may imply a punish , too.

So this is not a real point to be marked.

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Bad idea 😦 Then all Sellers report true Byers if they heat any buyers.

Bad idea 😦 Then all Sellers report true Byers if they heat any buyers.

I agree with @iloboavd. There are multiple options to control fake reports.

Several other platforms relying on buyer requests have successfully implemented these. The problem is that for Fiverr buyer requests is just a small feature so they don’t give it enough attention. We think they should invest a bit more in it and this is why we are offering our help through the reporting option.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you for voting, everyone who did, and to those who link this suggestion/poll to people who ask about the BR spam. Apart from CS saying they’ll pass it on, I didn´t get a reaction yet for the two times I linked them this thread, but I hope they can see here how many sellers aren´t happy with the way it is and are working on a solution.

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Guest jacobruch01

I was shocked when I saw someone publish a request for porn sites backlinks, they should add a report button for “Buyers Request”

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest james_polamz_k

I believe this has been covered in the forum in the past and I’ve always supported it! The ‘Buyers Request’ section needs a simple ‘flag’ or ‘report’ button below each and with enough flags it should be removed momentarily for review by Fiverr’s Team.

I see too many people (Sellers) offering their services or or misusing the platform to promote things that are in violation of Fiverr’s TOS and/or Third-Parties.

Absolutely! The spams are overwhelmingly annoying.✌️

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks once more to everyone who voted and referred people who post about this ongoing issue to this poll! 🙂

As we´re at 200+ voters now, and the posts about BR getting worse, regarding the seller spam, instead of better, seem to be on the rise again, I sent another ticket to Customer Support with a link to this thread/poll and the plea to forward it to the relevant people in the hope that it´s possible to find a better solution than the current one, to make them aware of that this issue still is there and stealing sellers’ time, even keeping some of them from using BR at all.

I´ll update, when/if I get a reply.

Wishing you all a relaxed weekend and some real BRs!


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Updating to share the feedback I got from Customer Service (Thank you to the CS person for the quick reply and forwarding it.) No direct quote but extracting the main points :

They are sorry to hear about our unpleasant experience, my comments have been noted with the product developers, we´re right and buyer requests is not a section for sellers and that is a clear violation of their Terms of Service.
Fiverr is constantly working on solving the issue, the request will be forwarded to the Trust&Safety team.
Due to the Privacy Policy they aren´t able to share any further details.

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Updating to share the feedback I got from Customer Service (Thank you to the CS person for the quick reply and forwarding it.) No direct quote but extracting the main points :

They are sorry to hear about our unpleasant experience, my comments have been noted with the product developers, we´re right and buyer requests is not a section for sellers and that is a clear violation of their Terms of Service.

Fiverr is constantly working on solving the issue, the request will be forwarded to the Trust&Safety team.

Due to the Privacy Policy they aren´t able to share any further details.

Thanks Mila for not giving up on this issue! 🍹

It’s the same rhetoric as usual, but maybe… just maybe one day BR will get a thorough cleansing it deserves.

Mr. Clean


Keep those votes coming!!! 😎

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I remember one time i needed something done that was not in my area of expertise so i posted a request. Since i am a seller as well and i wrote “i started my new blog and need a logo” my request was rejected saying "You can not promote your own services through buyer’s Request. It was only when i removed “I started my new” from the title then my request was accept.

It was ridiculous that when you actually want something done it got rejected and there are over 35% of the request are actually sellers promoting themselves and they do not get flagged.

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