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Getting Level 1 in 1 week


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Are you new to Fiverr? Have you just started your Freelancing Career? Or even you are at mid-career. This Post is for you only.

I am going to tell you how to get level 1 on Fiverr within 1 week not first week.

Yes, I am new to fiverr.com but I am not new to freelancing. I have joined Fiverr recently when I was lead trainer at a Freelancing workshop. My junior who is a Fiverr expert created an account on Fiverr to teach Fiverr and teach students: “How to start earning on Fiverr?” Since then I am using Fiverr and quite loving it because of prior my experience as freelancing.

I am not going to waste your time tell my 6 years long story of my freelancing career. I am going to tell you few key points which play a vital role in my success. If you are interested in know my story follow me.

Today I have a team of 4 people working for me. This wasn’t easy for a guy who has only completed his matriculation and who wasn’t able to buy a bicycle until the age of 16 which was the only vehicle at home at that time.

To be successful in your life you should try to achieve the perfect blend. As per my experience, the best blend of a professional life is Passion, Talent and Career. The reason I am successful is my passion, my talent and my career all are aligned in one single direction. I love what I do. I can keep doing this for ages and I can do it for 2-3 days at least without a break.

So Tell me, how well you are aligned in a perfect blend of career?

The more you closer to perfection the more chances you have to succeed.

Now let’s get back to point on how to achieve level 1 in one week.

Before you start creating gigs, you need to find your talent niche. Once you have found your niche create 6 subdivisions on that. Make sure you divide them by keep interest of your protentional client in mind. Once you have completed this step you are very close to achieving level 1 in 1 week. Now you need to create 6 gigs in your account.

1 gig for 1 division.

Future Posts that I will post soon.

1- Creating attractive gig images.
2- Forcing client to click on your gig by having a killer heading.
3- writing a gig description to contact you.
4- setting up profile and profile image.

Do let me know about you experience.


I really appreciated your effort but there is no any way to get level 1 in 1 week.
Here are the standard rules to achieve level one at fiverr:

  1. 30 days active on Fiverr
  2. Completed at least 10 individual orders
  3. Maintain a 4 star rating and above
  4. Have a low cancellation rate

Source fiverr official site


@pk_designs I appreciate your concerns and valuable content sharing. But looks like you didn’t pay attention to details. I didn’t say achieve level 1 in the first week. I said get it in 1 week. This can be your 5th week or might be 10. but you can complete 10 orders in 1 week with 4-star plus ratings.


Buddy, you’re back-pedaling on your claim, and you are, as @pk_designs pointed out, most definitely wrong. You cannot achieve level 1 in one week.

And yes, you did write: “Once you have completed this step you are very close to achieving level 1 in 1 week.” NOTE: yes, you did write, “achieving”.

Please do not try to present yourself as a pro on the topic, when you are clearly sharing inaccurate information. The back-pedaling to make others who correct you look bad is also bad form.


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