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About kakoliaktar5659

  • Birthday 06/15/2000


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Rising Star

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  1. Gig videos are definitely much better than gig images and attract clients much more,,
  2. Thank you so much. Really good information will help us a lot. Thank you so much.
  3. Share more portfolio,, create gig and share atleast 4 gigs,,,and always try to be active,,,and of course you have to wait with hard work then surely you will get work ,,,,
  4. You share your gig on various social media,,,,active social media,,,like Linkedin,,,Facebook,,Instagram,,Twitter,,,Freelancer also share on various social media and hopefully create the gig in a nice attractive way. Get good results.
  5. Welcome Fiverr Community And best wishes for your Future life,,,
  6. Contact fiber support and email them and they will figure out a solution.
  7. Congratulations ,,,,and best wishes for your further life...
  8. Fiverr form is not a platform to find clients,,,,if you have any problem here in case of fiber related then you can post here people here will give you a good solution,,,,,,finding clients here is almost impossible you others Do marketing in market places, inshallah you can get good results,,,,,
  9. Welcome to fiverr forums and best wishes for your life
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