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Why Fiverr Client rate is getting low?


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I am level 2 seller and have done 225 projects in 8 months.
2 month before the people messages rate is too high I received 20-60 messages daily and now I am receiving 5-10 messages. I am getting the revenues but not much as It will be after 225 reviews.

and also buyer request are more than 20000 but now they are squeezed to just 9000.

is this working with me or with all of you?

Thank you,

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BR is flawed for me too, when I started, I saw quite a lot, then almost none, and the old ones were staying all the time, then it went a bit up again, I see like 10 BRs right now, though among those some rather old ones too. I don´t think that can be quite right, but I have enough to do atm, so I don´t worry.
About BR - you tried clearing your browser cache? That helped me when I wasn´t able to send any offers at all in BR for a few days, and I do see a few more BRs since, though 9000 sounds like a very distant dream, not to talk about 20K.

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Suggest reading and partaking here:
favicon.icoFiverr Forum http://forum.fiverr.com//images/default-apple-touch-icon.png

Fiverr is using an ALGORITHM!

(@fonthaunt please relocate if this thread is in the wrong place) I believe and think that Fiverr might be using a data algorithm to distribute the "Buyer Requests" to sellers. The reason I have come to this conclusion is the random variance in...

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Guest mikkywrites

I noticed a reduction in the level of activity here too. Also, these days, BR is flooded with sellers advertising their gigs. I don’t know what to make of this.

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There is one thing to keep in mind since BR seems to be a big focus here. To my understanding, Buyer Requests was a bit of an afterthought or add-on to Fiverr. There are other sites out there where the primary goal for a seller is to go and bid on things that buyers want. That wasn’t Fiverr’s original purpose. The idea here was to have a place for a buyer to come and find services to buy that started out cheap (and go up with quality) and were usually done quickly.

Buyer Requests was put in place as an option for things that were hard to find on the main page. It was also helpful for newbies to get established. Otherwise, it wasn’t intended to be any kind of primary answer to sales. It is now a mess with so many sellers mis-using it and I do think it’s flawed. Really, though, while even leveled sellers can find use in BR, Fiverr strongly encourages sellers to build ready-to-buy packages and get out and market them. To succeed strongly, I think you’d have to go this route because there are also too many sellers to all be near the top of the main page.

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