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If this goes well, we will have lots of work for you


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Absolutely true, great article. Got exactly one of those promises after an interesting proposal to a buyer’s request. Luckily no order was placed. I have a feeling that they are sort of middleman… Also had a “buyer” who contacted me and wanted to know if I had homepage where he could see my work experience.

I told him I don’t have a website and then he wanted s***e contacts because “Fiverr is not a safe place”, 😳

Why should someone join Fiverr in the first place if he knows it’s a dangerous place?.

He basically sent a word document via Dropbox, containing his email, s***e name & phone number.

I was wondering if just missed a big business deal!, but better safe than sorry!

You didn’t just miss a big business deal. You just missed out on running round in circles for $5 for a penny-pinching egotist who thinks they are going to be the next Donald Trump. You are free. celebrate!

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A buyer sent me a message asking for SEO reports on 100 websites but wanted a discount.
I asked if 20% discount would be enough and he said yes with a big long winded message.
I then told him that after the orders for the first 80 websites were completed that the last 20 would be free.


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I had that happen to me on Upwork. The customer said there would be lots of work, and everything would be fine, but then suddenly changed the requirements to be extremely strict right after I sent in the first article. I immediately cancelled the order. Not getting swindled for pennies.

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A buyer sent me a message asking for SEO reports on 100 websites but wanted a discount.

I asked if 20% discount would be enough and he said yes with a big long winded message.

I then told him that after the orders for the first 80 websites were completed that the last 20 would be free.


I need to remember this tactic.

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A buyer sent me a message asking for SEO reports on 100 websites but wanted a discount.

I asked if 20% discount would be enough and he said yes with a big long winded message.

I then told him that after the orders for the first 80 websites were completed that the last 20 would be free.


I suppose you never got those orders.

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Pretty simple rule of thumb - no buyer (who has a degree of intelligence and/or cunning) will float the idea of long-term work mostly because the seller is an unknown quantity. In addition; the sort of people who want that don’t even start negotiating until after there is a good rapport there and examples of work.

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A buyer sent me a message asking for SEO reports on 100 websites but wanted a discount.

I asked if 20% discount would be enough and he said yes with a big long winded message.

I then told him that after the orders for the first 80 websites were completed that the last 20 would be free.


Can’t decide if I am upset or relieved when I see those responses (or lack thereof), and no it’s not due to missing out on the order (as it was most likely going to be either incredibly time-consuming or a flat-out scam, or better yet never happen at all) it’s more to the point that people STILL pull this sort of thing and they still expect it to work, it’s the negotiation equivalent of Kodak’s marketing strategy in today’s world or BlackBerry’s offering in the wake of the iPhone and Galaxy.

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