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Gig Performance Curve is going flat


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Hi Guys,

I was going well on this great site but since last Tuesday something wrong is happening with my gigs.

My gig performance graph is showing zero views (all of my gigs) and the curve is going flat at the bottom in horizontal line.

I asked Customer Support for this and they told me that there are multiple users who are facing the same problem and our Tech Team is working on it.

So,I want to know is there anyone else who is going through the same problem …if yes than can you please tell me what I have to do for this.

Because I was going great on this awesome site.

Any help on this will be appreciated …thanks

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So CS tells you that there are multiple users have the problem and you ask now if multiple users have the problem? What part of their answer didn’t you understand?
Besides all this the graph is just a measurement and has no influence on your gig performance. It’s the same like if your 6 foot tall and you don’t have a measuring stick you are still 6 foot tall. Savvy?
Just wait until they fix it.

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I finally checked mine and mine has 0 views, nothing since Jan 5th, but I’ve had orders every day since from new buyers (DOES NOT COMPUTE). Just ignore it. FWIW, my orders have been down in the new year so far and with more than a fair share of crazy people, so I dunno. I wouldn’t worry about it, the tech team is looking into it.

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